
AuraDB Professional AuraDB Virtual Dedicated Cloud AuraDB Business Critical

You can monitor the following metrics of an AuraDB instance from the Metrics tab:

  • CPU Usage (%) - The amount of CPU used by the instance as a percentage.

  • Storage Used (%) - The amount of disk storage space used by the instance as a percentage.

  • AuraDB Virtual Dedicated Cloud Heap Usage (%) - The amount of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) memory used by the instance as a percentage.

  • Out of Memory Errors - The number of Out of Memory (OOM) errors encountered by the instance.

  • Garbage Collection Time (%) - The amount of time the instance spends reclaiming heap space as a percentage.

  • Page Cache Evictions - The number of times the instance has replaced data in memory.

More information on each metric, as well as suggestions for managing them, can be found within the Metrics tab itself.

When viewing metrics, you can select from the following time intervals:

  • 6 hours

  • 24 hours

  • 3 days

  • 7 days

  • 30 days

To access the Metrics tab:

  1. Navigate to the Neo4j Aura Console in your browser.

  2. Select the instance you want to access.

  3. Select the Metrics tab.