NOM Server and Persistence Docker compose
Docker compose can be used to provision a set of related containers as services to experiment with or to run in test environments.
But Docker doesn’t recommend using compose for production.
Following is a set of steps to create a two container compose setup to experiment with NOM server container and an Enterprise Neo4j persistence container as storage.
Please refer to Docker first look guide for a complete example of a Docker compose environment with NOM persistence, NOM server and a managed Neo4j instance. |
Define a storage service that uses an Enterprise Neo4j image. Follow the below template and replace appropriate user defined values.
storage: hostname: <user defined> image: neo4j:<Neo4j version>-enterprise networks: - <user defined> ports: - <map http and bolt ports> environment: NEO4J_ACCEPT_LICENSE_AGREEMENT: "yes" NEO4J_AUTH: <user defined username>/<user defined password> NEO4J_server_default__advertised__address: <user defined> NEO4J_server_http_listen__address: <user defined> NEO4J_server_bolt_listen__address: <user defined to be used in the NOM server> healthcheck: test: [ "CMD-SHELL", "echo RETURN 1 | cypher-shell -a bolt://<value of NEO4J_server_bolt_listen__address> -u <user defined username> -p <user defined password> || exit 1" ]
Define a server service that uses NOM server image. Follow the below template and replace appropriate user defined values.
server: hostname: server image: neo4j/neo4j-ops-manager-server:latest networks: - <user defined but should be the same as storage service> ports: - "<user defined>:8080" - "<user defined>:9090" environment: SPRING_NEO4J_URI: <bolt address from the storage service defined before> SPRING_NEO4J_AUTHENTICATION_USERNAME: <username from the storage service defined before> SPRING_NEO4J_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD: <password from the storage service defined before> SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE: PKCS12 SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE: <path to a self-signed cert file with pfx extension mounted into this container> SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD: <user defined for mounted certs> GRPC_SERVER_SECURITY_KEY_STORE_TYPE: PKCS12 GRPC_SERVER_SECURITY_KEY_STORE: <path to a self-signed cert file with pfx extension mounted into this container> GRPC_SERVER_SECURITY_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD: <user defined for mounted certs> CORS_ALLOWEDHEADERS: "*" CORS_ALLOWEDORIGINS: "http://localhost:[*],https://localhost:[*]" volumes: - <path to certs self-signed certs>:<mounted path to certs self-signed certs>
Once the services are defined and saved to a compose file, run the following command:
docker compose -f <compose file> up