Define a schema
There are two alternatives to using schema inference:
Use the string
When you set the schema.strategy
option to string
, every DataFrame column is assigned the String
strategy exampleval df =
.option("schema.strategy", "string")
.option("query", "MATCH (n:Person) WITH n LIMIT 2 RETURN id(n) as id, n.age as age")
This strategy is useful when property types may differ, for example when a property accepts both number and string values.
Define a custom schema
If you need more control, you can provide your own schema using the .schema()
Custom schema example
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataTypes, StructType, StructField}
val userSchema = StructType(
StructField("id", DataTypes.StringType),
StructField("age", DataTypes.StringType)
.option("query", "MATCH (n:Person) WITH n LIMIT 2 RETURN id(n) as id, n.age as age")
The user-defined schema only works if all the values of a property can be converted to the desired type.
If you need to convert only some of the values, use the string
strategy and some custom Scala or Python code.
Type conversion example
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
val result = df.collectAsList()
for (row <- result.asScala) {
// if <some specific condition> then convert like below
println(s"""Age is: ${row.getString(0).toLong}""")