Neo4j GraphAcademy News for Q4 2022

Every quarter we share the exciting new courses, additions, and changes in GraphAcademy to keep you informed about new and better ways to learn all about making use of graphs in your work.

The last few months of 2022 were busy for us as we prepared for NODES 2022, but we’ve still got some exciting updates for you.

Sandbox Issues Resolved

We are aware that a number of users have experienced problems connecting to Neo4j Sandbox while attempting challenges in GraphAcademy.

We’re pleased to say that after some investigation, we have managed to identify and solve the problem.

If you are still experiencing problems with the integrated Sandbox window in GraphAcademy, you can also find the Sandbox credentials on the right hand side of the course overview page. Clicking on the Sandbox URL will take you to Neo4j Browser.

Sandbox Credentials Example

You can also access the Sandbox instance by logging into with your GraphAcademy user credentials.

If you are still experiencing problems, please feel free to reach out to us at

Lightning Quizzes

If you don’t have time to complete every challenge but would still like to earn your badge, you can now take a Lightning Quiz to test your understanding and pass the course.

Lightning Quizzes

If you enrolled more than seven days ago, you will be able to access the Lightning Quiz from the course overview page by clicking the Start Quiz button. If you get 100% of the answers correct, you will pass the course!

New GraphAcademy Course: Building Neo4j Applications with Typescript

We are pleased to announce our new Building Neo4j Applications with Typescript course.

Neo4j Typescript App Development Course

The course, estimated at two hours, is shorter than the other courses in the Developer learning path, featuring only three succinct code challenges designed to teach you everything you need to know without being overly repetitive.

The Creating a Driver lesson challenges you to write the code to create a Neo4j Driver instance and use that instance to find the director of a movie in the graph, while to pass the Writing Data to Neo4j lesson you must add yourself as an actor in The Matrix.

All code challenges take place using a service called Gitpod, allowing you to run and complete the tests in your browser without installing any code (Gitpod is a hosted cloud version of VS Code).

Gitpod VS Code instance for the GraphAcademy Typescript Course

In this course you will learn:

  • The lifecycle of the Neo4j Driver and how it relates to your application
  • How to install and instantiate the Neo4j JavaScript Driver to your TypeScript project
  • How to execute Read and Write Transactions
  • How to define TypeScript types and interfaces to add type checking to your TypeScript code

Enroll in Building Neo4j Applications with TypeScript

Updated GraphAcademy Course: Building Neo4j Applications with Node.js

As with the new TypeScript course, the Node.js course has been updated to run in Gitpod. This means that you don’t have to clone the repository in order to complete the course. Everything can be done online directly from your internet browser.

Check out the changes

Path Finding Algorithms with Neo4j Graph Data Science

The Path Finding with GDS course, released in October, teaches you the various methods available for finding the shortest paths between pairs of nodes in your Neo4j graph and includes examples for both weighted and unweighted relationships.

Take the Path Finding with GDS course with Neo4j GraphAcademy

The course is the first in a series of applied courses for data scientists interested in improving their machine learning algorithms using graph features.

In this one-hour course, you will learn:

  • The difference between weighted and unweighted relationships
  • How to use Cypher to find the shortest paths between a pair of nodes
  • How to use the Neo4j Graph Data Science library to find weighted shortest paths

Your Path to Neo4j Certification

If you have not done so already, consider becoming a Neo4j Certified Professional.

GraphAcademy Certification T-Shirt 2023

To become certified, you enroll in the Neo4j Certified Professional exam.

We recommend that you take these courses to prepare for certification:

GraphAcademy Learning Path
Note that we have a limit of one t-shirt per certification so if you certified prior to 2023 and already received a t-shirt, you cannot receive another one.

NODES 2022 Videos

We hope that you were able to attend our most recent online conference, NODES 2022.
This conference had over 100 speakers from all over the world.

Some of our favorites include:

You can view all videos from our conference here.

Nodes 2022

Thank you for enrolling in our GraphAcademy courses. We always appreciate your feedback so we can continue to improve our courses and educational content.

Feel free to share your thoughts with the Neo4j Community.

Happy learning,

Adam Cowley, Elaine Rosenberg, and the Neo4j Developer Relations Team

Neo4j GraphAcademy News for Q4 2022 was originally published in Neo4j Developer Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.