Table of Contents

Interface IAsyncSession


A live session with a Neo4j instance. Sessions serve a role in transaction isolation and ordering semantics. Within a session, transactions run sequentially one after another. Session objects are not thread safe, if you want to run concurrent operations against the database, simply create multiple session objects.

public interface IAsyncSession : IAsyncQueryRunner, IAsyncDisposable, IDisposable
Inherited Members
Extension Methods



Gets the bookmark received following the last successfully completed IAsyncTransaction. If no bookmark was received or if this transaction was rolled back, the bookmark value will not be changed.


Gets the bookmark received following the last successfully completed IAsyncTransaction. If no bookmark was received or if this transaction was rolled back, the bookmark value will not be changed.


Gets the session configurations back



Asynchronously begin a new transaction in this session using server default transaction configurations. A session can have at most one transaction running at a time, if you want to run multiple concurrent transactions, you should use multiple concurrent sessions. All data operations in Neo4j are transactional. However, for convenience we provide a RunAsync(Query) method directly on this session interface as well. When you use that method, your query automatically gets wrapped in a transaction. If you want to run multiple queries in the same transaction, you should wrap them in a transaction using this method.


Asynchronously begin a new transaction with a specific TransactionConfig in this session. A session can have at most one transaction running at a time, if you want to run multiple concurrent transactions, you should use multiple concurrent sessions. All data operations in Neo4j are transactional. However, for convenience we provide a RunAsync(Query) method directly on this session interface as well. When you use that method, your query automatically gets wrapped in a transaction. If you want to run multiple queries in the same transaction, you should wrap them in a transaction using this method.


Close all resources used in this Session. If any transaction is left open in this session without commit or rollback, then this method will rollback the transaction.

ExecuteReadAsync(Func<IAsyncQueryRunner, Task>, Action<TransactionConfigBuilder>)

Asynchronously execute given unit of work as a transaction with a specific TransactionConfig.

ExecuteReadAsync<TResult>(Func<IAsyncQueryRunner, Task<TResult>>, Action<TransactionConfigBuilder>)

Asynchronously execute given unit of work as a transaction with a specific TransactionConfig.

ExecuteWriteAsync(Func<IAsyncQueryRunner, Task>, Action<TransactionConfigBuilder>)

Asynchronously execute given unit of work as a transaction with a specific TransactionConfig.

ExecuteWriteAsync<TResult>(Func<IAsyncQueryRunner, Task<TResult>>, Action<TransactionConfigBuilder>)

Asynchronously execute given unit of work as a transaction with a specific TransactionConfig.

ReadTransactionAsync(Func<IAsyncTransaction, Task>, Action<TransactionConfigBuilder>)

Asynchronously execute given unit of work in a Read transaction with a specific TransactionConfig.

ReadTransactionAsync<T>(Func<IAsyncTransaction, Task<T>>, Action<TransactionConfigBuilder>)

Asynchronously execute given unit of work in a Read transaction with a specific TransactionConfig.

RunAsync(Query, Action<TransactionConfigBuilder>)

Asynchronously execute a query with the specific TransactionConfig and return a task of result stream.

RunAsync(string, Action<TransactionConfigBuilder>)

Asynchronously run a query with the specific TransactionConfig and return a task of result stream. This method accepts a String representing a Cypher query which will be compiled into a query object that can be used to efficiently execute this query multiple times. This method optionally accepts a set of parameters which will be injected into the query object query by Neo4j.

RunAsync(string, IDictionary<string, object>, Action<TransactionConfigBuilder>)

Asynchronously run a query with the customized TransactionConfig and return a task of result stream. This method accepts a String representing a Cypher query which will be compiled into a query object that can be used to efficiently execute this query multiple times. This method optionally accepts a set of parameters which will be injected into the query object query by Neo4j.

WriteTransactionAsync(Func<IAsyncTransaction, Task>, Action<TransactionConfigBuilder>)

Asynchronously execute given unit of work in a Write transaction with a specific TransactionConfig.

WriteTransactionAsync<T>(Func<IAsyncTransaction, Task<T>>, Action<TransactionConfigBuilder>)

Asynchronously execute given unit of work in a Write transaction with a specific TransactionConfig.