Constant Field Values
org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.AuthorizationExpiredExceptionModifier and TypeConstant FieldValue
public static final String
"Authorization information kept on the server has expired, this connection is no longer valid."
org.neo4j.driver.internal.async.UnmanagedTransactionModifier and TypeConstant FieldValue
protected static final String
"Can\'t commit, transaction has been committed"
protected static final String
"Can\'t commit, transaction has been rolled back"
protected static final String
"Can\'t commit, transaction has been requested to be rolled back"
protected static final String
"Can\'t rollback, transaction has been committed"
protected static final String
"Can\'t rollback, transaction has been requested to be committed"
protected static final String
"Can\'t rollback, transaction has been rolled back"
public static final String
"The transaction has been explicitly terminated by the driver"