Interface Rediscovery

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Rediscovery
Provides cluster composition lookup capabilities and initial router address resolution.
  • Method Details

    • lookupClusterComposition

      CompletionStage<ClusterCompositionLookupResult> lookupClusterComposition(RoutingTable routingTable, ConnectionPool connectionPool, Set<Bookmark> bookmarks, String impersonatedUser, AuthToken overrideAuthToken)
      Fetches cluster composition using the provided routing table.

      Implementation must be thread safe to be called with distinct routing tables concurrently. The routing table instance may be modified.

      routingTable - the routing table for cluster composition lookup
      connectionPool - the connection pool for connection acquisition
      bookmarks - the bookmarks that are presented to the server
      impersonatedUser - the impersonated user for cluster composition lookup, should be null for non-impersonated requests
      overrideAuthToken - the override auth token
      cluster composition lookup result
    • resolve

      List<org.neo4j.driver.internal.BoltServerAddress> resolve() throws UnknownHostException