Class InternalResultSummary

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InternalResultSummary extends Object implements ResultSummary
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • query

      public Query query()
      Specified by:
      query in interface ResultSummary
      query that has been executed
    • counters

      public SummaryCounters counters()
      Specified by:
      counters in interface ResultSummary
      counters for operations the query triggered
    • queryType

      public QueryType queryType()
      Specified by:
      queryType in interface ResultSummary
      type of query that has been executed
    • hasPlan

      public boolean hasPlan()
      Specified by:
      hasPlan in interface ResultSummary
      true if the result contained a query plan, i.e. is the summary of a Cypher "PROFILE" or "EXPLAIN" query
    • hasProfile

      public boolean hasProfile()
      Specified by:
      hasProfile in interface ResultSummary
      true if the result contained profiling information, i.e. is the summary of a Cypher "PROFILE" query
    • plan

      public Plan plan()
      Description copied from interface: ResultSummary
      This describes how the database will execute your query.
      Specified by:
      plan in interface ResultSummary
      query plan for the executed query if available, otherwise null
    • profile

      public ProfiledPlan profile()
      Description copied from interface: ResultSummary
      This describes how the database did execute your query.

      If the query you executed was profiled, the query plan will contain detailed information about what each step of the plan did. That more in-depth version of the query plan becomes available here.

      Specified by:
      profile in interface ResultSummary
      profiled query plan for the executed query if available, otherwise null
    • notifications

      public List<Notification> notifications()
      Description copied from interface: ResultSummary
      A list of notifications that might arise when executing the query. Notifications can be warnings about problematic queries or other valuable information that can be presented in a client.

      Unlike failures or errors, notifications do not affect the execution of a query.

      Since Notification is a subtype of GqlStatusObject, the list of notifications is a subset of all GQL-status objects that are of Notification type. However, the order might be different.

      Specified by:
      notifications in interface ResultSummary
      a list of notifications produced while executing the query. The list will be empty if no notifications produced while executing the query.
      See Also:
    • gqlStatusObjects

      public Set<GqlStatusObject> gqlStatusObjects()
      Description copied from interface: ResultSummary
      Returns a sequenced set of GQL-status objects resulting from the request execution.
      Specified by:
      gqlStatusObjects in interface ResultSummary
      the sequenced set of GQL-status objects
    • resultAvailableAfter

      public long resultAvailableAfter(TimeUnit unit)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSummary
      The time it took the server to make the result available for consumption.
      Specified by:
      resultAvailableAfter in interface ResultSummary
      unit - The unit of the duration.
      The time it took for the server to have the result available in the provided time unit.
    • resultConsumedAfter

      public long resultConsumedAfter(TimeUnit unit)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSummary
      The time it took the server to consume the result.
      Specified by:
      resultConsumedAfter in interface ResultSummary
      unit - The unit of the duration.
      The time it took for the server to consume the result in the provided time unit.
    • server

      public ServerInfo server()
      Description copied from interface: ResultSummary
      The basic information of the server where the result is obtained from
      Specified by:
      server in interface ResultSummary
      basic information of the server where the result is obtained from
    • database

      public DatabaseInfo database()
      Description copied from interface: ResultSummary
      The basic information of the database where the result is obtained from
      Specified by:
      database in interface ResultSummary
      the basic information of the database where the result is obtained from
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object