Home Reference Source
import ClientCertificate from 'neo4j-driver-core/lib/client-certificate.js'
public interface | since 5.27 | source


Holds the Client TLS certificate information.

Browser instances of the driver should configure the certificate in the system.

Files defined in the ClientCertificate#certfile and ClientCertificate#keyfile will read and loaded to memory to fill the fields cert and key in security context.


Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

Member Summary

Public Members

certfile: string | string[]

The path to client certificate file.


keyfile: string | string[] | KeyFileObject | KeyFileObject[]

The path to the key file.


password: string | undefined

The key's password.

Public Constructors

public constructor() source

Public Members

public certfile: string | string[] source

The path to client certificate file.

public keyfile: string | string[] | KeyFileObject | KeyFileObject[] source

The path to the key file.

public password: string | undefined source

The key's password.