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import {QueryConfig} from 'neo4j-driver-core/lib/driver.js'
public interface | source


The query configuration

Member Summary

Public Members

auth: AuthToken | undefined

The AuthToken which will be used for executing the query.


bookmarkManager: BookmarkManager | undefined | null

Configure a BookmarkManager for the session to use


database: string | undefined

The database this session will operate on.


impersonatedUser: string | undefined

The username which the user wants to impersonate for the duration of the query.


Define the transformation will be applied to the Result before return from the query method.


Define the type of cluster member the query will be routed to.


signal: AbortSignal | undefined

this member is experimental.

The AbortSignal for aborting query execution.

since 5.22.0

Configuration for all transactions started to execute the query.

Public Members

public auth: AuthToken | undefined source

The AuthToken which will be used for executing the query.

By default, the query executor will use connections authenticated with the AuthToken configured on driver creation. This configuration allows switching user and/or authorization information for the underlying transaction's lifetime.

Warning: This option is only available when the driver is connected to Neo4j Database servers which support Bolt 5.1 or newer.


public bookmarkManager: BookmarkManager | undefined | null source

Configure a BookmarkManager for the session to use

A BookmarkManager is a piece of software responsible for keeping casual consistency between different pieces of work by sharing bookmarks between the them.

By default, it uses the driver's non mutable driver level bookmark manager. See, Driver.executeQueryBookmarkManager

Can be set to null to disable causal chaining.

public database: string | undefined source

The database this session will operate on.

public impersonatedUser: string | undefined source

The username which the user wants to impersonate for the duration of the query.

public resultTransformer: ResultTransformer source

Define the transformation will be applied to the Result before return from the query method.


public routing: RoutingControl source

Define the type of cluster member the query will be routed to.

public signal: AbortSignal | undefined since 5.22.0 source

this member is experimental.

The AbortSignal for aborting query execution.

When aborted, the signal triggers the result consumption cancelation and transactions are reset. However, due to race conditions, there is no guarantee the transaction will be rolled back. Equivalent to Session.close

Warning: This option is only available in runtime which supports AbortSignal.addEventListener.


public transactionConfig: TransactionConfig | undefined source

Configuration for all transactions started to execute the query.