Home Reference Source
import NotificationFilter from 'neo4j-driver-core/lib/notification-filter.js'
public interface | source


The notification filter object which can be configured in the session and driver creation.

Values not defined are interpreted as default.

Member Summary

Public Members

Categories the user would like to opt-out of receiving.

this member is experimental.

Classifications the user would like to opt-out of receiving.


The minimum level of all notifications to receive.

Public Members

public disabledCategories: NotificationFilterDisabledCategory[] source

Categories the user would like to opt-out of receiving.

This property is equivalent to NotificationFilter#disabledClassifications and it must not be enabled at same time.

public disabledClassifications: NotificationFilterDisabledClassification[] source

this member is experimental.

Classifications the user would like to opt-out of receiving.

This property is equivalent to NotificationFilter#disabledCategories and it must not be enabled at same time.

public minimumSeverityLevel: NotificationFilterMinimumSeverityLevel source

The minimum level of all notifications to receive.