Inherited Summary
From class Config | ||
public |
clientCertificate: ClientCertificate | ClientCertificateProvider | undefined Client Certificate used for mutual TLS. |
since 5.27 |
public |
connectionAcquisitionTimeout: number | undefined The maximum amount of time to wait to acquire a connection from the pool (to either create a new connection or borrow an existing one). |
public |
connectionLivenessCheckTimeout: number | undefined Specify the maximum time in milliseconds the connection can be idle without needing to perform a liveness check on acquire from the pool. |
public |
connectionTimeout: number | undefined Specify socket connection timeout in milliseconds. |
public |
disableLosslessIntegers: boolean | undefined Make this driver always return native JavaScript numbers for integer values, instead of the dedicated Integer class. |
public |
encrypted: 'ENCRYPTION_ON' | 'ENCRYPTION_OFF' | undefined Encryption level |
public |
logging: LoggingConfig | undefined Specify the logging configuration for the driver. |
public |
maxConnectionLifetime: number | undefined The maximum allowed lifetime for a pooled connection in milliseconds. |
public |
maxConnectionPoolSize: number | undefined The maximum total number of connections allowed to be managed by the connection pool, per host. |
public |
maxTransactionRetryTime: number | undefined Specify the maximum time in milliseconds transactions are allowed to retry via Session#executeRead and Session#executeWrite functions. |
public |
notificationFilter: NotificationFilter | undefined Configure filter for Notification objects returned in ResultSummary#notifications. |
public |
resolver: function(address: string) Specify a custom server address resolver function used by the routing driver to resolve the initial address used to create the driver. |
public |
telemetryDisabled: boolean Specify if telemetry collection is disabled. |
public |
trust: 'TRUST_SYSTEM_CA_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES' | 'TRUST_CUSTOM_CA_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES' | 'TRUST_ALL_CERTIFICATES' | undefined Trust strategy to use if encryption is enabled. |
public |
trustedCertificates: string[] List of one or more paths to trusted encryption certificates. |
public |
useBigInt: boolean | undefined Make this driver always return native Javascript |
public |
userAgent: string | undefined Optionally override the default user agent name. |