.. _async-api-documentation: ####################### Async API Documentation ####################### .. versionadded:: 5.0 .. warning:: There are known issue with Python 3.8 and the async driver where it gradually slows down. Generally, it's recommended to use the latest supported version of Python for best performance, stability, and security. ****************** AsyncGraphDatabase ****************** Async Driver Construction ========================= The :class:`neo4j.AsyncDriver` construction is done via a ``classmethod`` on the :class:`neo4j.AsyncGraphDatabase` class. .. autoclass:: neo4j.AsyncGraphDatabase :members: bookmark_manager .. automethod:: driver Driver creation example: .. code-block:: python import asyncio from neo4j import AsyncGraphDatabase async def main(): uri = "neo4j://example.com:7687" driver = AsyncGraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=("neo4j", "password")) await driver.close() # close the driver object asyncio.run(main()) For basic authentication, ``auth`` can be a simple tuple, for example: .. code-block:: python auth = ("neo4j", "password") This will implicitly create a :class:`neo4j.Auth` with a ``scheme="basic"``. Other authentication methods are described under :ref:`auth-ref`. ``with`` block context example: .. code-block:: python import asyncio from neo4j import AsyncGraphDatabase async def main(): uri = "neo4j://example.com:7687" auth = ("neo4j", "password") async with AsyncGraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=auth) as driver: ... # use the driver asyncio.run(main()) .. _async-uri-ref: URI === On construction, the ``scheme`` of the URI determines the type of :class:`neo4j.AsyncDriver` object created. Available valid URIs: + ``bolt://host[:port]`` + ``bolt+ssc://host[:port]`` + ``bolt+s://host[:port]`` + ``neo4j://host[:port][?routing_context]`` + ``neo4j+ssc://host[:port][?routing_context]`` + ``neo4j+s://host[:port][?routing_context]`` .. code-block:: python uri = "bolt://example.com:7687" .. code-block:: python uri = "neo4j://example.com:7687" Each supported scheme maps to a particular :class:`neo4j.AsyncDriver` subclass that implements a specific behaviour. +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | URI Scheme | Driver Object and Setting | +========================+=============================================================================================================================================+ | bolt | :ref:`async-bolt-driver-ref` with no encryption. | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | bolt+ssc | :ref:`async-bolt-driver-ref` with encryption (accepts self signed certificates). | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | bolt+s | :ref:`async-bolt-driver-ref` with encryption (accepts only certificates signed by a certificate authority), full certificate checks. | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | neo4j | :ref:`async-neo4j-driver-ref` with no encryption. | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | neo4j+ssc | :ref:`async-neo4j-driver-ref` with encryption (accepts self signed certificates). | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | neo4j+s | :ref:`async-neo4j-driver-ref` with encryption (accepts only certificates signed by a certificate authority), full certificate checks. | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: See https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/configuration/ports/ for Neo4j ports. .. _async-auth-ref: Async Auth ========== Authentication works the same as in the synchronous driver. With the exception that when using AuthManagers, their asynchronous equivalents have to be used. .. autoclass:: neo4j.auth_management.AsyncAuthManager :members: .. autoclass:: neo4j.auth_management.AsyncAuthManagers :members: *********** AsyncDriver *********** Every Neo4j-backed application will require a driver object. This object holds the details required to establish connections with a Neo4j database, including server URIs, credentials and other configuration. :class:`neo4j.AsyncDriver` objects hold a connection pool from which :class:`neo4j.AsyncSession` objects can borrow connections. Closing a driver will immediately shut down all connections in the pool. .. note:: Driver objects only open connections and pool them as needed. To verify that the driver is able to communicate with the database without executing any query, use :meth:`neo4j.AsyncDriver.verify_connectivity`. .. autoclass:: neo4j.AsyncDriver() :members: session, execute_query_bookmark_manager, encrypted, close, verify_connectivity, get_server_info, verify_authentication, supports_session_auth, supports_multi_db .. method:: execute_query(query, parameters_=None, routing_=neo4j.RoutingControl.WRITE, database_=None, impersonated_user_=None, bookmark_manager_=self.execute_query_bookmark_manager, auth_=None, result_transformer_=AsyncResult.to_eager_result, **kwargs) :async: Execute a query in a transaction function and return all results. This method is a handy wrapper for lower-level driver APIs like sessions, transactions, and transaction functions. It is intended for simple use cases where there is no need for managing all possible options. The internal usage of transaction functions provides a retry-mechanism for appropriate errors. Furthermore, this means that queries using ``CALL {} IN TRANSACTIONS`` or the older ``USING PERIODIC COMMIT`` will not work (use :meth:`AsyncSession.run` for these). The method is roughly equivalent to:: async def execute_query( query_, parameters_, routing_, database_, impersonated_user_, bookmark_manager_, auth_, result_transformer_, **kwargs ): @unit_of_work(query_.metadata, query_.timeout) async def work(tx): result = await tx.run(query_.text, parameters_, **kwargs) return await result_transformer_(result) async with driver.session( database=database_, impersonated_user=impersonated_user_, bookmark_manager=bookmark_manager_, auth=auth_, ) as session: if routing_ == RoutingControl.WRITE: return await session.execute_write(work) elif routing_ == RoutingControl.READ: return await session.execute_read(work) Usage example:: from typing import List import neo4j async def example(driver: neo4j.AsyncDriver) -> List[str]: """Get the name of all 42 year-olds.""" records, summary, keys = await driver.execute_query( "MATCH (p:Person {age: $age}) RETURN p.name", {"age": 42}, routing_=neo4j.RoutingControl.READ, # or just "r" database_="neo4j", ) assert keys == ["p.name"] # not needed, just for illustration # log_summary(summary) # log some metadata return [str(record["p.name"]) for record in records] # or: return [str(record[0]) for record in records] # or even: return list(map(lambda r: str(r[0]), records)) Another example:: import neo4j async def example(driver: neo4j.AsyncDriver) -> int: """Call all young people "My dear" and get their count.""" record = await driver.execute_query( "MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.age <= $age " "SET p.nickname = 'My dear' " "RETURN count(*)", # optional routing parameter, as write is default # routing_=neo4j.RoutingControl.WRITE, # or just "w", database_="neo4j", result_transformer_=neo4j.AsyncResult.single, age=15, ) assert record is not None # for typechecking and illustration count = record[0] assert isinstance(count, int) return count :param query_: Cypher query to execute. Use a :class:`.Query` object to pass a query with additional transaction configuration. :type query_: typing.LiteralString | Query :param parameters_: parameters to use in the query :type parameters_: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] | None :param routing_: Whether to route the query to a reader (follower/read replica) or a writer (leader) in the cluster. Default is to route to a writer. :type routing_: RoutingControl :param database_: Database to execute the query against. None (default) uses the database configured on the server side. .. Note:: It is recommended to always specify the database explicitly when possible. This allows the driver to work more efficiently, as it will not have to resolve the default database first. See also the Session config :ref:`database-ref`. :type database_: str | None :param impersonated_user_: Name of the user to impersonate. This means that all query will be executed in the security context of the impersonated user. For this, the user for which the :class:`Driver` has been created needs to have the appropriate permissions. See also the Session config :ref:`impersonated-user-ref`. :type impersonated_user_: str | None :param auth_: Authentication information to use for this query. By default, the driver configuration is used. See also the Session config :ref:`session-auth-ref`. :type auth_: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any] | Auth | None :param result_transformer_: A function that gets passed the :class:`neo4j.AsyncResult` object resulting from the query and converts it to a different type. The result of the transformer function is returned by this method. .. warning:: The transformer function must **not** return the :class:`neo4j.AsyncResult` itself. .. warning:: N.B. the driver might retry the underlying transaction so the transformer might get invoked more than once (with different :class:`neo4j.AsyncResult` objects). Therefore, it needs to be idempotent (i.e., have the same effect, regardless if called once or many times). Example transformer that checks that exactly one record is in the result stream, then returns the record and the result summary:: from typing import Tuple import neo4j async def transformer( result: neo4j.AsyncResult ) -> Tuple[neo4j.Record, neo4j.ResultSummary]: record = await result.single(strict=True) summary = await result.consume() return record, summary Note that methods of :class:`neo4j.AsyncResult` that don't take mandatory arguments can be used directly as transformer functions. For example:: import neo4j async def example(driver: neo4j.AsyncDriver) -> neo4j.Record:: record = await driver.execute_query( "SOME QUERY", result_transformer_=neo4j.AsyncResult.single ) # is equivalent to: async def transformer(result: neo4j.AsyncResult) -> neo4j.Record: return await result.single() async def example(driver: neo4j.AsyncDriver) -> neo4j.Record:: record = await driver.execute_query( "SOME QUERY", result_transformer_=transformer ) :type result_transformer_: typing.Callable[[AsyncResult], typing.Awaitable[T]] :param bookmark_manager_: Specify a bookmark manager to use. If present, the bookmark manager is used to keep the query causally consistent with all work executed using the same bookmark manager. Defaults to the driver's :attr:`.execute_query_bookmark_manager`. Pass :data:`None` to disable causal consistency. :type bookmark_manager_: AsyncBookmarkManager | BookmarkManager | None :param kwargs: additional keyword parameters. None of these can end with a single underscore. This is to avoid collisions with the keyword configuration parameters of this method. If you need to pass such a parameter, use the ``parameters_`` parameter instead. Parameters passed as kwargs take precedence over those passed in ``parameters_``. :type kwargs: typing.Any :returns: the result of the ``result_transformer_`` :rtype: T .. versionadded:: 5.5 .. versionchanged:: 5.8 * Added ``auth_`` parameter in preview. * Stabilized from experimental. .. versionchanged:: 5.14 Stabilized ``auth_`` parameter from preview. .. versionchanged:: 5.15 The ``query_`` parameter now also accepts a :class:`.Query` object instead of only :class:`str`. .. _async-driver-configuration-ref: Async Driver Configuration ========================== :class:`neo4j.AsyncDriver` is configured exactly like :class:`neo4j.Driver` (see :ref:`driver-configuration-ref`). The only differences are that the async driver accepts * a sync as well as an async custom resolver function (see :ref:`async-resolver-ref`) * a sync as well as an async auth token manager (see :class:`.AsyncAuthManager`). * an async client certificate provider (see :ref:`async-client-certificate-ref`). .. _async-resolver-ref: ``resolver`` ------------ A custom resolver function to resolve any addresses the driver receives ahead of DNS resolution. This function is called with an :class:`.Address` and should return an iterable of :class:`.Address` objects or values that can be used to construct :class:`.Address` objects. If no custom resolver function is supplied, the internal resolver moves straight to regular DNS resolution. The custom resolver function can but does not have to be a coroutine. For example: .. code-block:: python import neo4j async def custom_resolver(socket_address): # assert isinstance(socket_address, neo4j.Address) if socket_address != ("example.com", 9999): raise OSError(f"Unexpected socket address {socket_address!r}") # You can return any neo4j.Address object yield neo4j.Address(("localhost", 7687)) # IPv4 yield neo4j.Address(("::1", 7687, 0, 0)) # IPv6 yield neo4j.Address.parse("localhost:7687") yield neo4j.Address.parse("[::1]:7687") # or any tuple that can be passed to neo4j.Address(...). # Initially, this will be interpreted as IPv4, but DNS resolution # will turn it into IPv6 if appropriate. yield "::1", 7687 # This will be interpreted as IPv6 directly, but DNS resolution will # still happen. yield "::1", 7687, 0, 0 yield "", 7687 # alternatively def custom_resolver(socket_address): ... driver = neo4j.GraphDatabase.driver("neo4j://example.com:9999", auth=("neo4j", "password"), resolver=custom_resolver) :Default: :data:`None` .. _async-client-certificate-ref: ``client_certificate`` ---------------------- Specify a client certificate or certificate provider for mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication. This setting does not have any effect if ``encrypted`` is set to ``False`` (and the URI scheme is ``bolt://`` or ``neo4j://``) or a custom ``ssl_context`` is configured. **This is a preview** (see :ref:`filter-warnings-ref`). It might be changed without following the deprecation policy. See also https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-python-driver/wiki/preview-features :Type: :class:`.ClientCertificate`, :class:`.AsyncClientCertificateProvider` or :data:`None`. :Default: :data:`None` .. versionadded:: 5.19 .. autoclass:: neo4j.auth_management.AsyncClientCertificateProvider Driver Object Lifetime ====================== For general applications, it is recommended to create one top-level :class:`neo4j.AsyncDriver` object that lives for the lifetime of the application. For example: .. code-block:: python from neo4j import AsyncGraphDatabase class Application: def __init__(self, uri, user, password) self.driver = AsyncGraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password)) async def close(self): await self.driver.close() Connection details held by the :class:`neo4j.AsyncDriver` are immutable. Therefore if, for example, a password is changed, a replacement :class:`neo4j.AsyncDriver` object must be created. More than one :class:`.AsyncDriver` may be required if connections to multiple remotes, or connections as multiple users, are required, unless when using impersonation (:ref:`impersonated-user-ref`). :class:`neo4j.AsyncDriver` objects are safe to be used in concurrent coroutines. They are not thread-safe. .. _async-bolt-driver-ref: AsyncBoltDriver =============== URI schemes: ``bolt``, ``bolt+ssc``, ``bolt+s`` Will result in: .. autoclass:: neo4j.AsyncBoltDriver .. _async-neo4j-driver-ref: AsyncNeo4jDriver ================ URI schemes: ``neo4j``, ``neo4j+ssc``, ``neo4j+s`` Will result in: .. autoclass:: neo4j.AsyncNeo4jDriver ********************************* AsyncSessions & AsyncTransactions ********************************* All database activity is co-ordinated through two mechanisms: **sessions** (:class:`neo4j.AsyncSession`) and **transactions** (:class:`neo4j.AsyncTransaction`, :class:`neo4j.AsyncManagedTransaction`). A **session** is a logical container for any number of causally-related transactional units of work. Sessions automatically provide guarantees of causal consistency within a clustered environment but multiple sessions can also be causally chained if required. Sessions provide the top level of containment for database activity. Session creation is a lightweight operation and *sessions are not thread safe*. Connections are drawn from the :class:`neo4j.AsyncDriver` connection pool as required. A **transaction** is a unit of work that is either committed in its entirety or is rolled back on failure. .. _async-session-construction-ref: ************************* AsyncSession Construction ************************* To construct a :class:`neo4j.AsyncSession` use the :meth:`neo4j.AsyncDriver.session` method. .. code-block:: python import asyncio from neo4j import AsyncGraphDatabase async def main(): async with AsyncGraphDatabase(uri, auth=(user, password)) as driver: session = driver.session() try: result = await session.run("MATCH (a:Person) RETURN a.name AS name") names = [record["name"] async for record in result] except asyncio.CancelledError: session.cancel() raise finally: await session.close() asyncio.run(main()) Sessions will often be created and destroyed using a *with block context*. This is the recommended approach as it takes care of closing the session properly even when an exception is raised. .. code-block:: python async with driver.session() as session: result = await session.run("MATCH (a:Person) RETURN a.name AS name") ... # do something with the result Sessions will often be created with some configuration settings, see :ref:`async-session-configuration-ref`. .. code-block:: python async with driver.session(database="example_database", fetch_size=100) as session: result = await session.run("MATCH (a:Person) RETURN a.name AS name") ... # do something with the result ************ AsyncSession ************ .. autoclass:: neo4j.AsyncSession() .. note:: Some asyncio utility functions (e.g., :func:`asyncio.wait_for` and :func:`asyncio.shield`) will wrap work in a :class:`asyncio.Task`. This introduces concurrency and can lead to undefined behavior as :class:`AsyncSession` is not concurrency-safe. Consider this **wrong** example .. code-block:: python async def dont_do_this(driver): async with driver.session() as session: await asyncio.shield(session.run("RETURN 1")) If ``dont_do_this`` gets cancelled while waiting for ``session.run``, ``session.run`` itself won't get cancelled (it's shielded) so it will continue to use the session in another Task. Concurrently, will the async context manager (``async with driver.session()``) on exit clean up the session. That's two Tasks handling the session concurrently. Therefore, this yields undefined behavior. In this particular example, the problem could be solved by shielding the whole coroutine ``dont_do_this`` instead of only the ``session.run``. Like so .. code-block:: python async def thats_better(driver): async def inner() async with driver.session() as session: await session.run("RETURN 1") await asyncio.shield(inner()) .. automethod:: close .. automethod:: cancel .. automethod:: closed .. automethod:: run .. automethod:: last_bookmarks .. automethod:: last_bookmark .. automethod:: begin_transaction .. automethod:: read_transaction .. automethod:: execute_read .. automethod:: write_transaction .. automethod:: execute_write .. _async-session-configuration-ref: Session Configuration ===================== :class:`neo4j.AsyncSession` is configured exactly like :class:`neo4j.Session` (see :ref:`session-configuration-ref`). The only difference is the async session accepts either a :class:`neo4j.api.BookmarkManager` object or a :class:`neo4j.api.AsyncBookmarkManager` as bookmark manager: .. _async-bookmark-manager-ref: ``bookmark_manager`` -------------------- Specify a bookmark manager for the driver to use. If present, the bookmark manager is used to keep all work on the driver causally consistent. See :class:`.BookmarkManager` for more information. .. warning:: Enabling the BookmarkManager can have a negative impact on performance since all queries will wait for the latest changes to be propagated across the cluster. For simpler use-cases, sessions (:class:`.AsyncSession`) can be used to group a series of queries together that will be causally chained automatically. :Type: :data:`None`, :class:`.BookmarkManager`, or :class:`.AsyncBookmarkManager` :Default: :data:`None` .. versionchanged:: 5.8 Stabilized from experimental. **************** AsyncTransaction **************** Neo4j supports three kinds of async transaction: + :ref:`async-auto-commit-transactions-ref` + :ref:`async-explicit-transactions-ref` + :ref:`async-managed-transactions-ref` Each has pros and cons but if in doubt, use a managed transaction with a *transaction function*. .. _async-auto-commit-transactions-ref: Auto-commit Transactions ======================== Auto-commit transactions are the simplest form of transaction, available via :meth:`neo4j.Session.run`. These are easy to use but support only one statement per transaction and are not automatically retried on failure. Auto-commit transactions are also the only way to run ``PERIODIC COMMIT`` (only Neo4j 4.4 and earlier) or ``CALL {...} IN TRANSACTIONS`` (Neo4j 4.4 and newer) statements, since those Cypher clauses manage their own transactions internally. Write example: .. code-block:: python import neo4j async def create_person(driver, name): # default_access_mode defaults to WRITE_ACCESS async with driver.session(database="neo4j") as session: query = "CREATE (a:Person { name: $name }) RETURN id(a) AS node_id" result = await session.run(query, name=name) record = await result.single() return record["node_id"] Read example: .. code-block:: python import neo4j async def get_numbers(driver): numbers = [] async with driver.session( database="neo4j", default_access_mode=neo4j.READ_ACCESS ) as session: result = await session.run("UNWIND [1, 2, 3] AS x RETURN x") async for record in result: numbers.append(record["x"]) return numbers .. _async-explicit-transactions-ref: Explicit Transactions (Unmanaged Transactions) ============================================== Explicit transactions support multiple statements and must be created with an explicit :meth:`neo4j.AsyncSession.begin_transaction` call. This creates a new :class:`neo4j.AsyncTransaction` object that can be used to run Cypher. It also gives applications the ability to directly control ``commit`` and ``rollback`` activity. .. autoclass:: neo4j.AsyncTransaction() .. automethod:: run .. automethod:: commit .. automethod:: rollback .. automethod:: close .. automethod:: cancel .. automethod:: closed Closing an explicit transaction can either happen automatically at the end of a ``async with`` block, or can be explicitly controlled through the :meth:`neo4j.AsyncTransaction.commit`, :meth:`neo4j.AsyncTransaction.rollback`, :meth:`neo4j.AsyncTransaction.close` or :meth:`neo4j.AsyncTransaction.cancel` methods. Explicit transactions are most useful for applications that need to distribute Cypher execution across multiple functions for the same transaction or that need to run multiple queries within a single transaction but without the retries provided by managed transactions. Example: .. code-block:: python import asyncio import neo4j async def transfer_to_other_bank(driver, customer_id, other_bank_id, amount): async with driver.session( database="neo4j", # optional, defaults to WRITE_ACCESS default_access_mode=neo4j.WRITE_ACCESS ) as session: tx = await session.begin_transaction() # or just use a `with` context instead of try/excpet/finally try: if not await customer_balance_check(tx, customer_id, amount): # give up return await other_bank_transfer_api(customer_id, other_bank_id, amount) # Now the money has been transferred # => we can't retry or rollback anymore try: await decrease_customer_balance(tx, customer_id, amount) await tx.commit() except Exception as e: request_inspection(customer_id, other_bank_id, amount, e) raise except asyncio.CancelledError: tx.cancel() raise finally: await tx.close() # rolls back if not yet committed async def customer_balance_check(tx, customer_id, amount): query = ("MATCH (c:Customer {id: $id}) " "RETURN c.balance >= $amount AS sufficient") result = await tx.run(query, id=customer_id, amount=amount) record = await result.single(strict=True) return record["sufficient"] async def other_bank_transfer_api(customer_id, other_bank_id, amount): ... # make some API call to other bank async def decrease_customer_balance(tx, customer_id, amount): query = ("MATCH (c:Customer {id: $id}) " "SET c.balance = c.balance - $amount") await tx.run(query, id=customer_id, amount=amount) def request_inspection(customer_id, other_bank_id, amount, e): # manual cleanup required; log this or similar print("WARNING: transaction rolled back due to exception:", repr(e)) print("customer_id:", customer_id, "other_bank_id:", other_bank_id, "amount:", amount) .. _async-managed-transactions-ref: Managed Transactions (`transaction functions`) ============================================== Transaction functions are the most powerful form of transaction, providing access mode override and retry capabilities. + :meth:`neo4j.AsyncSession.execute_write` + :meth:`neo4j.AsyncSession.execute_read` These allow a function object representing the transactional unit of work to be passed as a parameter. This function is called one or more times, within a configurable time limit, until it succeeds. Results should be fully consumed within the function and only aggregate or status values should be returned. Returning a live result object would prevent the driver from correctly managing connections and would break retry guarantees. This function will receive a :class:`neo4j.AsyncManagedTransaction` object as its first parameter. For more details see :meth:`neo4j.AsyncSession.execute_write` and :meth:`neo4j.AsyncSession.execute_read`. .. autoclass:: neo4j.AsyncManagedTransaction() .. automethod:: run Example: .. code-block:: python async def create_person(driver, name) async with driver.session() as session: node_id = await session.execute_write(create_person_tx, name) async def create_person_tx(tx, name): query = ("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name, id: randomUUID()}) " "RETURN a.id AS node_id") result = await tx.run(query, name=name) record = await result.single() return record["node_id"] To exert more control over how a transaction function is carried out, the :func:`neo4j.unit_of_work` decorator can be used. *********** AsyncResult *********** Every time a query is executed, a :class:`neo4j.AsyncResult` is returned. This provides a handle to the result of the query, giving access to the records within it as well as the result metadata. Results also contain a buffer that automatically stores unconsumed records when results are consumed out of order. A :class:`neo4j.AsyncResult` is attached to an active connection, through a :class:`neo4j.AsyncSession`, until all its content has been buffered or consumed. .. autoclass:: neo4j.AsyncResult() .. automethod:: __aiter__() .. automethod:: __anext__() .. automethod:: keys .. automethod:: consume .. automethod:: single .. automethod:: fetch .. automethod:: peek .. automethod:: graph .. automethod:: value .. automethod:: values .. automethod:: data .. automethod:: to_df .. automethod:: to_eager_result .. automethod:: closed See https://neo4j.com/docs/python-manual/current/cypher-workflow/#python-driver-type-mapping for more about type mapping. ******************** AsyncBookmarkManager ******************** .. autoclass:: neo4j.api.AsyncBookmarkManager :members: ****************** Async Cancellation ****************** Async Python provides a mechanism for cancelling futures (:meth:`asyncio.Future.cancel`). The driver and its components can handle this. However, generally, it's not advised to rely on cancellation as it forces the driver to close affected connections to avoid leaving them in an undefined state. This makes the driver less efficient. The easiest way to make sure your application code's interaction with the driver is playing nicely with cancellation is to always use the async context manager provided by :class:`neo4j.AsyncSession` like so: :: async with driver.session() as session: ... # do what you need to do with the session If, for whatever reason, you need handle the session manually, you can it like so: :: session = await with driver.session() try: ... # do what you need to do with the session except asyncio.CancelledError: session.cancel() raise finally: # this becomes a no-op if the session has been cancelled before await session.close() As mentioned above, any cancellation of I/O work will cause the driver to close the affected connection. This will kill any :class:`neo4j.AsyncTransaction` and :class:`neo4j.AsyncResult` objects that are attached to that connection. Hence, after catching a :class:`asyncio.CancelledError`, you should not try to use transactions or results created earlier. They are likely to not be valid anymore. Furthermore, there is no guarantee as to whether a piece of ongoing work got successfully executed on the server side or not, when a cancellation happens: ``await transaction.commit()`` and other methods can throw :exc:`asyncio.CancelledError` but still have managed to complete from the server's perspective. .. _async-logging-ref: ************* Async Logging ************* For the most parts, logging works the same way as in the synchronous driver. See :ref:`logging-ref` for more information. However, when following the manual approach to logging, it is recommended to include information about the current async task in the log record. Like so: .. code-block:: python import asyncio import logging import sys class TaskIdFilter(logging.Filter): """Injecting async task id into log records.""" def filter(self, record): try: record.taskId = id(asyncio.current_task()) except RuntimeError: record.taskId = None return True # create a handler, e.g. to log to stdout handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) # configure the handler to your liking handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter( "[%(levelname)-8s] [Task %(taskId)-15s] %(asctime)s %(message)s" # or when using threading AND asyncio # "[%(levelname)-8s] [Thread %(thread)d] [Task %(taskId)-15s] " # "%(asctime)s %(message)s" )) # attache the filter injecting the task id to the handler handler.addFilter(TaskIdFilter()) # add the handler to the driver's logger logging.getLogger("neo4j").addHandler(handler) # make sure the logger logs on the desired log level logging.getLogger("neo4j").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # from now on, DEBUG logging to stdout is enabled in the driver