
This page contains a list of the endpoints that the HTTP API provides, plus pointers to other HTTP endpoints available on a Neo4j server.

Endpoint location Description


To submit queries (in an implicit transaction).
For more information, see Query the database.


To open a transaction.
For more information, see Run transactions.


To submit queries to an open transaction with ID <transactionID>.
A DELETE request results in a rollback.
For more information, see Run transactions → Execute queries.


To commit an open transaction with ID <transactionID>.
For more information, see Run transactions → Commit a transaction.


Status endpoint to assist with rolling upgrades.
For more information, see Clustering → Monitoring → Monitor cluster endpoints for status information.


Status endpoint to assist with rolling upgrades.
For more information, see Clustering → Monitoring → Monitor cluster endpoints for status information.

The overall flow of the API is illustrated below, with each box representing a separate HTTP request:

http cypher transaction api flow
Figure 1. HTTP API flow

Retrieve the endpoints list with the Discovery API

To obtain a list of available endpoints on your installation, together with some basic server information, you may send an un-authenticated GET request to the server root.

Example request

GET http://localhost:7474/
Accept: application/json

Example response

  "bolt_routing": "neo4j://localhost:7687",
  "dbms/cluster": "http://localhost:7474/dbms/cluster",
  "db/cluster": "http://localhost:7474/db/{databaseName}/cluster",
  "transaction": "http://localhost:7474/db/{databaseName}/tx",
  "bolt_direct": "bolt://localhost:7687",
  "neo4j_version": "5.12.0",
  "neo4j_edition": "enterprise",
  "auth_config": {
    "oidc_providers": []
Bolt routing is meant to be used with Neo4j’s client libraries (Drivers).