Types of deployment

As seen previously, there are three components which make up the architecture for NOM. These may be deployed in a number of ways depending on the platform and technologies used.

Initially, NOM will be made available for customers deploying in self-managed environments, including in their own data centers (on-premises), private cloud or on one of the Neo4j supported public clouds.

Currently, support is available for Linux and Windows using tarball or zip file installations.

The NOM server can be deployed as a Docker container with newly published images.

Currently, support for Kubernetes deployments is available only for NOM server with Helm Charts.

Support for package managers will be added in a later release.

Support for Aura instances and the ability to run NOM as a Service will be provided at a later date.

The agent should be deployed as a service on the host operating system of each Neo4j DBMS instance to be managed by NOM. Where more than one instance is hosted on the same host, only a single agent is required.

The NOM server can be installed on a dedicated server, or on a shared application server.

The NOM persistence database should be created on a Neo4j instance. Ideally this would be a dedicated single instance for NOM with only the NOM persistence database deployed (in which case a license is supplied). It is also possible to use an existing, licensed Neo4j instance or cluster and create a database for NOM to use exclusively. In this case, the DBMS should be licensed separately. It is also possible to use an Aura Instance (Professional or Enterprise) for NOM persistence.