Neo4j Vector Index and Search

The Neo4j Vector index implements HNSW (Hierarchical Navigatable Small World) for creating layers of k-nearest neighbors to enable efficient and robust approximate nearest neighbor search. The index is designed to work with embeddings, such as those generated by machine learning models, and can be used to find similar nodes in a graph based on their embeddings.
Functionality Includes
Create a vector index with a specified number of dimensions and similarity function (euclidean, cosine) for both nodes and relationships
Query vector index with embedding and top-k, returning nodes and similarity score
Procedures to compute text vector embeddings with (Azure) OpenAI, AWS Bedrock, Google Vertex AI, and other ML platforms
Vector similarity functions to compute cosine angle and euclidean distance between vectors
// create vector index
CREATE VECTOR INDEX `abstract-embeddings`
FOR (n: Abstract) ON (n.embedding)
OPTIONS {indexConfig: {
`vector.dimensions`: 1536,
`vector.similarity_function`: 'cosine'
// set embedding as parameter
MATCH (a:Abstract {id: $id})
CALL db.create.setNodeVectorProperty(a, 'embedding', $embedding);
// use a genai function to compute the embedding
MATCH (a:Abstract {id: $id})
WITH a, genai.vector.encode(a.text, "OpenAI", { token: $token }) AS embedding
CALL db.create.setNodeVectorProperty(n, 'embedding', embedding);
// query vector index for similar abstracts
MATCH (title:Title)<--(:Paper)-->(abstract:Abstract)
WHERE title.text CONTAINS = 'hierarchical navigable small world graph'
CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('abstract-embeddings', 10, abstract.embedding)
YIELD node AS similarAbstract, score
MATCH (similarAbstract)<--(:Paper)-->(similarTitle:Title)
RETURN similarTitle.text AS title, score;
// use cosine similarity for exact nearest neighbor search
// pre-filter vector search
MATCH (venue:Venue)<--(:Paper)-->(abstract:Abstract)
WITH abstract, paper,
vector.similarity.cosine(abstract.embedding, $embedding) AS score
WHERE score > 0.9
RETURN paper.title AS title, abstract.text, score