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First install Liquibase.


  1. Locate the Liquibase installation folder (subsequently called LIQUIBASE_HOME)
  2. Download the extension JAR (from GitHub)
  3. Place the JAR in the lib folder of LIQUIBASE_HOME
  4. Run liquibase --version, the Neo4j extension should be listed

Make sure to add the liquibase-neo4j dependency as follows, alongside your other dependencies.



The Neo4j extension requires the org:liquibase:liquibase-core dependency to be included. If you are a Spring Framework or Spring Boot user for instance, liquibase-core is likely a transitive dependency and may not appear directly in your project file. Make sure liquibase-core is resolved in your dependency tree (run mvn dependency:tree to display the latter).

Make sure to add the liquibase-neo4j dependency to the plugin definition.


Make sure to add the liquibase-neo4j dependency as follows, alongside your other dependencies.

runtimeOnly 'org.liquibase.ext:liquibase-neo4j:4.31.1'


The Neo4j extension requires the org:liquibase:liquibase-core dependency to be included. If you are a Spring Framework or Spring Boot user for instance, liquibase-core is likely a transitive dependency and may not appear directly in your project file. Make sure liquibase-core is resolved in your dependency tree (run gradle -q dependencies to display the latter).

Make sure to add the liquibase-neo4j dependency as follows.

liquibaseRuntime 'org.liquibase.ext:liquibase-neo4j:4.31.1'

Unsupported versions#

The following versions of Liquibase core are not compatible with the Neo4j extension:

Version Workaround
4.23.0 [recommended] Upgrade both core and the extension to 4.23.1 (or later).
Alternatively, use Liquibase core 4.21.1 and the Neo4j extension at version