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Executing Neo4j ETL from an RDBMS database running on Docker

Following provides some examples of importing a test csv data into Neo4j, using the Neo4j ETL tool’s command line interface with the source RDBMS database running on docker. Examples herein are specific to tests conducted on a MAC OSX host machine, but processes for other OS’s will be similar.

Step 1: Setup

Get the ETL CLI Tool as a zip or tar.gz. The command-line tool is available at If using ETL as a Neo4j Desktop application, add the ETL license key available from dev-rel, to the Neo4j Desktop Application.

Get the latest mssqljdbc driver version:,relevant to the source rdbms database. Sql-jdbc versions 6.0, 6.2 and 6.4 were successfully used for this testing.

Step 2: Setup a test RDBC database.

In this case, MSSQL Server is used. Others are very similar.

Either run MSSQL server as a docker container, or as a standalone application. This document’s scope is limited to docker. Server appliacation UIs present a much straightforward process, however, availability and installation of these may not always be desired.

  • Install docker. Here’s the installation process:

  • Pull the mssql server container image: sudo docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-latest

  • Run the mssql server container:

$ sudo docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=Neo4j1234' \
   -p 1433:1433 --name sql1 \
   -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-latest

This should create and initialize a mssql server container called sql1 on localhost:1433. The password should follow MSSQL Server default password policy, (unless a different policy is specified) otherwise the container won’t start.

  • Check that the container is up and running: sudo docker ps -a. Logs can be viewed by docker logs sql1

  • Connect to the mssql server within the sql1 container created above: sudo docker exec -it sql1 "bash" you’ll have to enter your bash password.

  • Launch the sqlcmd utility to execute TSQL queries within the container: /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P Neo4j1234

  • Once within sqlcmd, issue tsql to create a database, a schema and a temp table using the schema.

-- created
SELECT Name from sys.Databases;
  • Verify that TestDB created above is in the list of dbs

CREATE SCHEMA testschema;
  • Confirm that schema has been created:

SELECT * FROM sys.schemas;
  • Create a temporary table using the testschema created above. Columns within the table will be determined by what data is to be imported within this table before it eventually gets exported to Neo4j using the ETL tool. In this case, a csv with random weather data was uploaded to the following table (this article later explains how to do that).

(ID int,
StationCode nvarchar(50),
Date date,
StationName nvarchar(50),
Tmax float,
Tmin float,
Tobs float,
Latitude float,
Longitude float,
Fy int);
  • Some test data (or your actual data) now needs to be imported to the weather table (or your desired table) created above. To do this in docker, from outside of the sqlcmd prompt, (perhaps from a separate terminal window), execute: docker cp /Users/user/Desktop/weather.txt sql1:/ where weather.txt in this case is the file name of the csv to be imported, /Users/user/Desktop/ is the directory path of that file and sql1 is the name of the docker container. This should copy over the weather.txt file from the host OS into the docker container.

  • SQL’s Bulk Insert procedure can then be used to map and import the csv to the weather table in our TestDB. To do so, execute the following from the sqlcmd prompt within the sql1 container:

BULK INSERT from '/weather.txt' with (FIRSTROW=2, fieldterminator = ',', rowterminator = '0x0a');

Step 3: Export the relational data to Neo4j using the Neo4j ETL cli

Use Neo4j ETL to import contents of the sql table into the Neo4j graph.db. The correct version of the jdbc driver will additionally be required for this step. Following was tested using mssql-jdbc versions 6.0, 6.2 and 6.4. The ETL process essentially requires the jdbc jar file (mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar in this case) and its path to be specified.

  • Using the Neo4j ETL CLI tool, first, a mapping file needs to be generated. In this case, its named mssql_TestDB_mapping and chosen to be located at /$NEO4j_HOME/import. Additional options e.g. "Multiline support" can be specified for the import, just so neo4j-import can deal with csv lines with newlines in fields. The path to that options file must be specified in the import command. Here’s an example command used to generate the import mapping file:

$ ./neo4j-etl generate-metadata-mapping \
--rdbms:url "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=TestDB" \
--rdbms:schema "TestDB.testschema" \
--rdbms:user sa \
--rdbms:password Neo4j1234 \
--output-mapping-file "/$NEO4j_HOME/import/mssql_TestDB_mapping.json" \
--debug \
--force \
--using "bulk:neo4j-import" \
--options-file "/$NEO4j_HOME/import/import-tool-options.json" \
--driver "/$NEO4j_HOME/import/jdbc drivers/6.2/sqljdbc_6.2/enu/mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar" \
--mapping-file "/$NEO4j_HOME/import/mssql_TestDB_mapping"
  • This is followed by executing the actual import, based on the mapping file generated in the previous step:

$ ./neo4j-etl export \
--rdbms:url "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=TestDB" \
--rdbms:user "sa" \
--rdbms:password "Neo4j1234" \
--destination "/$NEO4j_HOME/data/databases/graph.db" \
--import-tool "/$NEO4j_HOME/bin" \
--csv-directory "/$NEO4j_HOME/import/csv-008" \
--debug \
--force \
--using "bulk:neo4j-import" \
--options-file "/$NEO4j_HOME/import/import-tool-options.json" \
--driver "/$NEO4j_HOME/drivers/jdbc drivers/6.2/sqljdbc_6.2/enu/mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar"\
--mapping-file "/$NEO4j_HOME/import/mssql_TestDB_mapping.json" \
--rdbms:schema "TestDB.testschema"

That should be it!

Additional resources are below:
