IDC InfoBrief

The Power of Graph Data Science

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Graph data science (GDS) is a scientific approach to gain knowledge from graphs, using the structures of connected data to power predictions, answer questions, and explain outcomes.

Neo4j Graph Data Science is a connected data analytics and machine learning platform that helps you understand the connections in big data to answer critical questions and improve predictions.

This IDC InfoBrief covers:

  • What Is Graph Data Science?
  • The 3 Pillars of Graph Data Science
  • Graph Analytics Algorithms and the Range of Problems They Solve
  • Diving Deeper: Graph Algorithms and Their Uses
  • Versatility for Data Scientists
  • The Predictive Power of In-graph Machine Learning
  • Opportunities with Graph-powered Machine Learning
  • Organizations Innovating with Graph Data Science
  • Neo4j Graph Data Science: Connecting the Dots in Complex Data for Predictive Insights

Download your free copy of The Power of Graph Data Science to learn more about the exploding world of connected data.

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