User Guide: Knowledge Graph Builder

This page provides information about how to create a Knowledge Graph from unstructured data.


This feature is still experimental. API changes and bug fixes are expected.

It is not recommended to use it in production yet.

Pipeline Structure

A Knowledge Graph (KG) construction pipeline requires a few components:

  • Document parser: extract text from files (PDFs, …).

  • Document chunker: split the text into smaller pieces of text, manageable by the LLM context window (token limit).

  • Chunk embedder (optional): compute the chunk embeddings.

  • Schema builder: provide a schema to ground the LLM extracted entities and relations and obtain an easily navigable KG.

  • Entity and relation extractor: extract relevant entities and relations from the text.

  • Knowledge Graph writer: save the identified entities and relations.

KG Builder pipeline

This package contains the interface and implementations for each of these components, which are detailed in the following sections.

To see an end-to-end example of a Knowledge Graph construction pipeline, refer to this example.

Knowledge Graph Builder Components

Below is a list of the different components available in this package and how to use them.

Each of these components can be run individually:

import asyncio
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.pdf_loader import PdfLoader
my_component = PdfLoader()"my_file.pdf"))

They can also be used within a pipeline:

from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline import Pipeline
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.pdf_loader import PdfLoader
pipeline = Pipeline()
my_component = PdfLoader()
pipeline.add_component(my_component, "component_name")

Document Parser

Document parsers start from a file path and return the text extracted from this file.

This package currently supports text extraction from PDFs:

from pathlib import Path
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.pdf_loader import PdfLoader

loader = PdfLoader()"my_file.pdf"))

To implement your own loader, use the DataLoader interface:

from pathlib import Path
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.pdf_loader import DataLoader, PdfDocument

class MyDataLoader(DataLoader):
    async def run(self, path: Path) -> PdfDocument:
        # process file in `path`
        return PdfDocument(text="text")

Document Splitter

Document splitters, as the name indicate, split documents into smaller chunks that can be processed within the LLM token limits. Wrappers for LangChain and LlamaIndex text splitters are included in this package:

from langchain_text_splitters import CharacterTextSplitter
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.text_splitters.langchain import LangChainTextSplitterAdapter
splitter = LangChainTextSplitterAdapter(
    CharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=500, chunk_overlap=100, separator=".")
)"Hello World. Life is beautiful.")

Also see LangChainTextSplitterAdapter and LlamaIndexTextSplitterAdapter.

To implement a custom text splitter, the TextSplitter interface can be used:

from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.text_splitters.base import TextSplitter
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.types import TextChunks, TextChunk

class MyTextSplitter(TextSplitter):

    def __init__(self, separator: str = ".") -> None:
        self.separator = separator

    async def run(self, text: str) -> TextChunks:
         return TextChunks(
                 for text_chunk in text.split(self.separator)

Chunk Embedder

In order to embed the chunks’ texts (to be used in vector search RAG), one can use the TextChunkEmbedder component, which rely on the Embedder interface.

Example usage:

from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.embedder import TextChunkEmbedder
from neo4j_graphrag.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
text_chunk_embedder = TextChunkEmbedder(embedder=OpenAIEmbeddings())[TextChunk(text="my_text")]))


To use OpenAI (embedding or LLM), the OPENAI_API_KEY must be in the env vars, for instance using:

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "sk-..."

If OpenAI is not an option, see Embedders to learn how to use sentence-transformers or create your own embedder.

The embeddings are added to each chunk metadata, and will be saved as a Chunk node property in the graph if create_lexical_graph is enabled in the EntityRelationExtractor (keep reading).

Schema Builder

The schema is used to try and ground the LLM to a list of possible entities and relations of interest. So far, schema must be manually created by specifying:

  • Entities the LLM should look for in the text, including their properties (name and type).

  • Relations of interest between these entities, including the relation properties (name and type).

  • Triplets to define the start (source) and end (target) entity types for each relation.

Here is a code block illustrating these concepts:

from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.schema import (

schema_builder = SchemaBuilder()
                SchemaProperty(name="name", type="STRING"),
                SchemaProperty(name="place_of_birth", type="STRING"),
                SchemaProperty(name="date_of_birth", type="DATE"),
                SchemaProperty(name="name", type="STRING"),
                SchemaProperty(name="country", type="STRING"),
        ("Person", "WORKED_ON", "Field"),
        ("Person", "WORKED_FOR", "Organization"),

After validation, this schema is saved in a SchemaConfig object, whose dict representation is passed to the LLM.

Entity and Relation Extractor

This component is responsible for extracting the relevant entities and relationships from each text chunk, using the schema as guideline.

This package contains an LLM-based entity and relationships extractor: LLMEntityRelationExtractor. It can be used in this way:

from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.entity_relation_extractor import (
from neo4j_graphrag.llm import OpenAILLM

extractor = LLMEntityRelationExtractor(
            "max_tokens": 1000,
            "response_format": {"type": "json_object"},


The LLMEntityRelationExtractor works better if “response_format”: {“type”: “json_object”} is in the model parameters.

The LLM to use can be customized, the only constraint is that it obeys the LLMInterface.

Error Behaviour

By default, if the extraction fails for one chunk, it will be ignored and the non-failing chunks will be saved. This behaviour can be changed by using the on_error flag in the LLMEntityRelationExtractor constructor:

from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.entity_relation_extractor import (

extractor = LLMEntityRelationExtractor(
            "max_tokens": 1000,
            "response_format": {"type": "json_object"},

In this scenario, any failing chunk will make the whole pipeline fail (for all chunks), and no data will be saved to Neo4j.

Lexical Graph

By default, the LLMEntityRelationExtractor adds some extra nodes and relationships to the extracted graph:

  • Document node: represent the processed document and have a path property.

  • Chunk nodes: represent the text chunks. They have a text property and, if computed, an embedding property.

  • NEXT_CHUNK relationships between one chunk node and the next one in the document. It can be used to enhance the context in a RAG application.

  • FROM_CHUNK relationship between any extracted entity and the chunk it has been identified into.

  • FROM_DOCUMENT relationship between each chunk and the document it was built from.

If this ‘lexical graph’ is not desired, set the created_lexical_graph to False in the extractor constructor:

extractor = LLMEntityRelationExtractor(

Customizing the Prompt

The default prompt uses the ERExtractionTemplate. It is possible to provide a custom prompt as string:

extractor = LLMEntityRelationExtractor(
    prompt="this is my prompt",

The following variables can be used in the prompt:

  • text (str): the text to be analyzed.

  • schema (str): the graph schema to be used.

  • examples (str): examples for few-shot learning.

Subclassing the EntityRelationExtractor

If more customization is needed, it is possible to subclass the EntityRelationExtractor interface:

from pydantic import validate_call
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.entity_relation_extractor import EntityRelationExtractor
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.schema import SchemaConfig
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.types import (

class MyExtractor(EntityRelationExtractor):

async def run(self, chunks: TextChunks, **kwargs: Any) -> Neo4jGraph:
    return Neo4jGraph(
            Neo4jNode(id="0", label="Person", properties={"name": "A. Einstein"}),
            Neo4jNode(id="1", label="Concept", properties={"name": "Theory of relativity"}),
            Neo4jRelationship(type="PROPOSED_BY", start_node_id="1", end_node_id="0", properties={"year": 1915})

See EntityRelationExtractor.

Knowledge Graph Writer

KG writer are used to save the results of the EntityRelationExtractor. The main implementation is the Neo4jWriter that will write nodes and relationships to a Neo4j database:

import neo4j
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.kg_writer import Neo4jWriter
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.types import Neo4jGraph

with neo4j.GraphDatabase.driver(
    "bolt://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "password")
) as driver:
    writer = Neo4jWriter(driver)
    graph = Neo4jGraph(nodes=[], relationships=[])

See Neo4jGraph for the description of the input type.

It is possible to create a custom writer using the KGWriter interface:

import json
from pydantic import validate_call
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.kg_writer import KGWriter

class JsonWriter(KGWriter):

    def __init__(self, file_name: str) -> None:
        self.file_name = file_name

    async def run(self, graph: Neo4jGraph) -> KGWriterModel:
            with open(self.file_name, "w") as f:
                json.dump(graph.model_dump(), f, indent=2)
            return KGWriterModel(status="SUCCESS")
        except Exception:
            return KGWriterModel(status="FAILURE")


The validate_call decorator is required when the input parameter contain a pydantic model.

See KGWriterModel and KGWriter in API reference.