User Guide: Pipeline¶
This page provides information about how to create a pipeline.
Pipelines run asynchronously, see examples below.
Creating Components¶
Components are asynchronous units of work that perform simple tasks, such as chunking documents or saving results to Neo4j. This package includes a few default components, but developers can create their own by following these steps:
Create a subclass of the Pydantic neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.DataModel to represent the data being returned by the component
Create a subclass of neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.Component
Create a run_with_context method in this new class and specify the required inputs and output model using the just created DataModel
Implement the run method: it’s an async method, allowing tasks to be parallelized and awaited within this method.
An example is given below, where a ComponentAdd is created to add two numbers together and return the resulting sum:
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline import Component, DataModel
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.types.context import RunContext
class IntResultModel(DataModel):
result: int
class ComponentAdd(Component):
async def run_with_context(self, context_: RunContext, number1: int, number2: int = 1) -> IntResultModel:
return IntResultModel(result = number1 + number2)
Read more about Components in the API Documentation.
Connecting Components within a Pipeline¶
The ultimate aim of creating components is to assemble them into a complex pipeline for a specific purpose, such as building a Knowledge Graph from text data.
Here’s how to create a simple pipeline and propagate results from one component to another (detailed explanations follow):
import asyncio
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline import Pipeline
pipe = Pipeline()
pipe.add_component(ComponentAdd(), "a")
pipe.add_component(ComponentAdd(), "b")
pipe.connect("a", "b", input_config={"number2": "a.result"}){"a": {"number1": 10, "number2": 1}, "b": {"number1": 4}}))
# result: 10+1+4 = 15
First, a pipeline is created, and two components named “a” and “b” are added to it.
Next, the two components are connected so that “b” runs after “a”, with the “number2” parameter for component “b” being the result of component “a”.
Finally, the pipeline is run with 10 and 1 as input parameters for “a”. Component “b” will receive 11 (10 + 1, the result of “a”) as “number1” and 4 as “number2” (as specified in the parameters).
The data flow is illustrated in the diagram below:
10 ---\
Component "a" -> 11
1 ----/ \
Component "b" -> 15
4 -------------------------/
Cyclic graph
Cycles are not allowed in a Pipeline.
Ignored user inputs
If inputs are provided both by user in the method and as input_config in a connect method, the user input will be ignored. Take for instance the following pipeline, adapted from the previous one:
pipe.connect("a", "b", input_config={"number2": "a.result"}){"a": {"number1": 10, "number2": 1}, "b": {"number1": 4, "number2": 42}}))
The result will still be 15 because the user input “number2”: 42 is ignored.
Visualising a Pipeline¶
Pipelines can be visualized using the draw method:
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline import Pipeline
pipe = Pipeline()
# ... define components and connections
Here is an example pipeline rendering:

By default, output fields which are not mapped to any component are hidden. They can be added to the canvas by setting hide_unused_outputs to False:
pipe.draw("pipeline.png", hide_unused_outputs=False)
Here is an example of final result:

Adding an Event Callback¶
It is possible to add a callback to receive notification about pipeline progress:
PIPELINE_STARTED, when pipeline starts
PIPELINE_FINISHED, when pipeline ends
TASK_STARTED, when a task starts
TASK_PROGRESS, sent by each component (depends on component’s implementation, see below)
TASK_FINISHED, when a task ends
See PipelineEvent and TaskEvent to see what is sent in each event type.
import asyncio
import logging
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline import Pipeline
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.types import Event
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
async def event_handler(event: Event) -> None:
"""Function can do anything about the event,
here we're just logging it if it's a pipeline-level event.
if event.event_type.is_pipeline_event:
pipeline = Pipeline(
# ... add components, connect them as usual
Send Events from Components¶
Components can send progress notifications using the notify function from context_ by implementing the run_from_context method:
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline import Component, DataModel
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.types.context import RunContext
class IntResultModel(DataModel):
result: int
class ComponentAdd(Component):
async def run_with_context(self, context_: RunContext, number1: int, number2: int = 1) -> IntResultModel:
for fake_iteration in range(10):
await context_.notify(
message=f"Starting iteration {fake_iteration} out of 10",
data={"iteration": fake_iteration, "total": 10}
return IntResultModel(result = number1 + number2)
This will send an TASK_PROGRESS event to the pipeline callback.
In a future release, the context_ parameter will be added to the run method.