Source code for neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.kg_writer

#  Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
#  Neo4j Sweden AB []
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#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, Literal, Optional, Tuple

import neo4j
from pydantic import validate_call

from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.types import (
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.component import Component, DataModel
from neo4j_graphrag.indexes import (
from neo4j_graphrag.neo4j_queries import UPSERT_NODE_QUERY, UPSERT_RELATIONSHIP_QUERY

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class KGWriterModel(DataModel): """Data model for the output of the Knowledge Graph writer. Attributes: status (Literal["SUCCESS", "FAILURE"]): Whether or not the write operation was successful. """ status: Literal["SUCCESS", "FAILURE"]
[docs] class KGWriter(Component): """Abstract class used to write a knowledge graph to a data store."""
[docs] @abstractmethod @validate_call async def run(self, graph: Neo4jGraph) -> KGWriterModel: """ Writes the graph to a data store. Args: graph (Neo4jGraph): The knowledge graph to write to the data store. """ pass
[docs] class Neo4jWriter(KGWriter): """Writes a knowledge graph to a Neo4j database. Args: driver (neo4j.driver): The Neo4j driver to connect to the database. neo4j_database (Optional[str]): The name of the Neo4j database to write to. Defaults to 'neo4j' if not provided. max_concurrency (int): The maximum number of concurrent tasks which can be used to make requests to the LLM. Example: .. code-block:: python from neo4j import AsyncGraphDatabase from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.kg_writer import Neo4jWriter from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline import Pipeline URI = "neo4j://localhost:7687" AUTH = ("neo4j", "password") DATABASE = "neo4j" driver = AsyncGraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH, database=DATABASE) writer = Neo4jWriter(driver=driver, neo4j_database=DATABASE) pipeline = Pipeline() pipeline.add_component(writer, "writer") """ def __init__( self, driver: neo4j.driver, neo4j_database: Optional[str] = None, max_concurrency: int = 5, ): self.driver = driver self.neo4j_database = neo4j_database self.max_concurrency = max_concurrency def _get_node_query(self, node: Neo4jNode) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]: # Create the initial node parameters = {"id":} if parameters.update( properties = ( "{" + ", ".join(f"{key}: ${key}" for key in parameters.keys()) + "}" ) query = UPSERT_NODE_QUERY.format(label=node.label, properties=properties) return query, parameters def _upsert_node(self, node: Neo4jNode) -> None: """Upserts a single node into the Neo4j database." Args: node (Neo4jNode): The node to upsert into the database. """ query, parameters = self._get_node_query(node) result = self.driver.execute_query(query, parameters_=parameters) node_id = result.records[0]["elementID(n)"] # Add the embedding properties to the node if node.embedding_properties: for prop, vector in node.embedding_properties.items(): upsert_vector( driver=self.driver, node_id=node_id, embedding_property=prop, vector=vector, neo4j_database=self.neo4j_database, ) async def _async_upsert_node( self, node: Neo4jNode, sem: asyncio.Semaphore, ) -> None: """Asynchronously upserts a single node into the Neo4j database." Args: node (Neo4jNode): The node to upsert into the database. """ async with sem: query, parameters = self._get_node_query(node) result = await self.driver.execute_query(query, parameters_=parameters) node_id = result.records[0]["elementID(n)"] # Add the embedding properties to the node if node.embedding_properties: for prop, vector in node.embedding_properties.items(): await async_upsert_vector( driver=self.driver, node_id=node_id, embedding_property=prop, vector=vector, neo4j_database=self.neo4j_database, ) def _get_rel_query(self, rel: Neo4jRelationship) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]: # Create the initial relationship parameters = { "start_node_id": rel.start_node_id, "end_node_id": rel.end_node_id, } if properties = ( "{" + ", ".join(f"{key}: ${key}" for key in + "}" ) parameters.update( else: properties = "{}" query = UPSERT_RELATIONSHIP_QUERY.format( type=rel.type, properties=properties, ) return query, parameters def _upsert_relationship(self, rel: Neo4jRelationship) -> None: """Upserts a single relationship into the Neo4j database. Args: rel (Neo4jRelationship): The relationship to upsert into the database. """ query, parameters = self._get_rel_query(rel) result = self.driver.execute_query(query, parameters_=parameters) rel_id = result.records[0]["elementID(r)"] # Add the embedding properties to the relationship if rel.embedding_properties: for prop, vector in rel.embedding_properties.items(): upsert_vector_on_relationship( driver=self.driver, rel_id=rel_id, embedding_property=prop, vector=vector, neo4j_database=self.neo4j_database, ) async def _async_upsert_relationship( self, rel: Neo4jRelationship, sem: asyncio.Semaphore ) -> None: """Asynchronously upserts a single relationship into the Neo4j database. Args: rel (Neo4jRelationship): The relationship to upsert into the database. """ async with sem: query, parameters = self._get_rel_query(rel) result = await self.driver.execute_query(query, parameters_=parameters) rel_id = result.records[0]["elementID(r)"] # Add the embedding properties to the relationship if rel.embedding_properties: for prop, vector in rel.embedding_properties.items(): await async_upsert_vector_on_relationship( driver=self.driver, rel_id=rel_id, embedding_property=prop, vector=vector, neo4j_database=self.neo4j_database, )
[docs] @validate_call async def run(self, graph: Neo4jGraph) -> KGWriterModel: """Upserts a knowledge graph into a Neo4j database. Args: graph (Neo4jGraph): The knowledge graph to upsert into the database. """ try: if isinstance(self.driver, neo4j.AsyncDriver): sem = asyncio.Semaphore(self.max_concurrency) node_tasks = [ self._async_upsert_node(node, sem) for node in graph.nodes ] await asyncio.gather(*node_tasks) rel_tasks = [ self._async_upsert_relationship(rel, sem) for rel in graph.relationships ] await asyncio.gather(*rel_tasks) else: for node in graph.nodes: self._upsert_node(node) for rel in graph.relationships: self._upsert_relationship(rel) return KGWriterModel(status="SUCCESS") except neo4j.exceptions.ClientError as e: logger.exception(e) return KGWriterModel(status="FAILURE")