Source code for neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.kg_builder

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#  Neo4j Sweden AB []
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from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import neo4j
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field

from neo4j_graphrag.embeddings import Embedder
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.embedder import TextChunkEmbedder
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.entity_relation_extractor import (
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.kg_writer import Neo4jWriter
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.pdf_loader import PdfLoader
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.resolver import (
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.schema import (
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.text_splitters.fixed_size_splitter import (
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.types import LexicalGraphConfig
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.exceptions import PipelineDefinitionError
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.pipeline import Pipeline, PipelineResult
from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.types import (
from neo4j_graphrag.generation.prompts import ERExtractionTemplate
from neo4j_graphrag.llm.base import LLMInterface

class SimpleKGPipelineConfig(BaseModel):
    llm: LLMInterface
    driver: neo4j.Driver
    from_pdf: bool
    embedder: Embedder
    entities: list[SchemaEntity] = Field(default_factory=list)
    relations: list[SchemaRelation] = Field(default_factory=list)
    potential_schema: list[tuple[str, str, str]] = Field(default_factory=list)
    pdf_loader: Any = None
    kg_writer: Any = None
    text_splitter: Any = None
    on_error: OnError = OnError.RAISE
    prompt_template: Union[ERExtractionTemplate, str] = ERExtractionTemplate()
    perform_entity_resolution: bool = True
    lexical_graph_config: Optional[LexicalGraphConfig] = None
    neo4j_database: Optional[str] = None

    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)

[docs] class SimpleKGPipeline: """ A class to simplify the process of building a knowledge graph from text documents. It abstracts away the complexity of setting up the pipeline and its components. Args: llm (LLMInterface): An instance of an LLM to use for entity and relation extraction. driver (neo4j.Driver): A Neo4j driver instance for database connection. embedder (Embedder): An instance of an embedder used to generate chunk embeddings from text chunks. entities (Optional[List[Union[str, dict[str, str], SchemaEntity]]]): A list of either: - str: entity labels - dict: following the SchemaEntity schema, ie with label, description and properties keys relations (Optional[List[Union[str, dict[str, str], SchemaRelation]]]): A list of either: - str: relation label - dict: following the SchemaRelation schema, ie with label, description and properties keys potential_schema (Optional[List[tuple]]): A list of potential schema relationships. from_pdf (bool): Determines whether to include the PdfLoader in the pipeline. If True, expects `file_path` input in `run` methods. If False, expects `text` input in `run` methods. text_splitter (Optional[Any]): A text splitter component. Defaults to FixedSizeSplitter(). pdf_loader (Optional[Any]): A PDF loader component. Defaults to PdfLoader(). kg_writer (Optional[Any]): A knowledge graph writer component. Defaults to Neo4jWriter(). on_error (str): Error handling strategy for the Entity and relation extractor. Defaults to "IGNORE", where chunk will be ignored if extraction fails. Possible values: "RAISE" or "IGNORE". perform_entity_resolution (bool): Merge entities with same label and name. Default: True prompt_template (str): A custom prompt template to use for extraction. lexical_graph_config (Optional[LexicalGraphConfig], optional): Lexical graph configuration to customize node labels and relationship types in the lexical graph. """ def __init__( self, llm: LLMInterface, driver: neo4j.Driver, embedder: Embedder, entities: Optional[Sequence[EntityInputType]] = None, relations: Optional[Sequence[RelationInputType]] = None, potential_schema: Optional[List[tuple[str, str, str]]] = None, from_pdf: bool = True, text_splitter: Optional[Any] = None, pdf_loader: Optional[Any] = None, kg_writer: Optional[Any] = None, on_error: str = "IGNORE", prompt_template: Union[ERExtractionTemplate, str] = ERExtractionTemplate(), perform_entity_resolution: bool = True, lexical_graph_config: Optional[LexicalGraphConfig] = None, neo4j_database: Optional[str] = None, ): self.potential_schema = potential_schema or [] self.entities = [self.to_schema_entity(e) for e in entities or []] self.relations = [self.to_schema_relation(r) for r in relations or []] try: on_error_enum = OnError(on_error) except ValueError: raise PipelineDefinitionError( f"Invalid value for on_error: {on_error}. Expected one of {OnError.possible_values()}." ) config = SimpleKGPipelineConfig( llm=llm, driver=driver, entities=self.entities, relations=self.relations, potential_schema=self.potential_schema, from_pdf=from_pdf, pdf_loader=pdf_loader, kg_writer=kg_writer, text_splitter=text_splitter, on_error=on_error_enum, prompt_template=prompt_template, embedder=embedder, perform_entity_resolution=perform_entity_resolution, lexical_graph_config=lexical_graph_config, neo4j_database=neo4j_database, ) self.from_pdf = config.from_pdf self.llm = config.llm self.driver = config.driver self.embedder = config.embedder self.text_splitter = config.text_splitter or FixedSizeSplitter() self.on_error = config.on_error self.pdf_loader = config.pdf_loader if pdf_loader is not None else PdfLoader() self.kg_writer = ( config.kg_writer if kg_writer is not None else Neo4jWriter(driver, neo4j_database=config.neo4j_database) ) self.prompt_template = config.prompt_template self.perform_entity_resolution = config.perform_entity_resolution self.lexical_graph_config = config.lexical_graph_config self.neo4j_database = config.neo4j_database self.pipeline = self._build_pipeline() @staticmethod def to_schema_entity(entity: EntityInputType) -> SchemaEntity: if isinstance(entity, dict): return SchemaEntity.model_validate(entity) return SchemaEntity(label=entity) @staticmethod def to_schema_relation(relation: RelationInputType) -> SchemaRelation: if isinstance(relation, dict): return SchemaRelation.model_validate(relation) return SchemaRelation(label=relation) def _build_pipeline(self) -> Pipeline: pipe = Pipeline() pipe.add_component(self.text_splitter, "splitter") pipe.add_component(SchemaBuilder(), "schema") pipe.add_component( LLMEntityRelationExtractor( llm=self.llm, on_error=self.on_error, prompt_template=self.prompt_template, ), "extractor", ) pipe.add_component(TextChunkEmbedder(embedder=self.embedder), "chunk_embedder") pipe.add_component(self.kg_writer, "writer") if self.from_pdf: pipe.add_component(self.pdf_loader, "pdf_loader") pipe.connect( "pdf_loader", "splitter", input_config={"text": "pdf_loader.text"}, ) pipe.connect( "schema", "extractor", input_config={ "schema": "schema", "document_info": "pdf_loader.document_info", }, ) else: pipe.connect( "schema", "extractor", input_config={ "schema": "schema", }, ) pipe.connect( "splitter", "chunk_embedder", input_config={"text_chunks": "splitter"} ) pipe.connect( "chunk_embedder", "extractor", input_config={"chunks": "chunk_embedder"} ) # Connect extractor to writer pipe.connect( "extractor", "writer", input_config={"graph": "extractor"}, ) if self.perform_entity_resolution: pipe.add_component( SinglePropertyExactMatchResolver( self.driver, neo4j_database=self.neo4j_database ), "resolver", ) pipe.connect("writer", "resolver", {}) return pipe
[docs] async def run_async( self, file_path: Optional[str] = None, text: Optional[str] = None ) -> PipelineResult: """ Asynchronously runs the knowledge graph building process. Args: file_path (Optional[str]): The path to the PDF file to process. Required if `from_pdf` is True. text (Optional[str]): The text content to process. Required if `from_pdf` is False. Returns: PipelineResult: The result of the pipeline execution. """ pipe_inputs = self._prepare_inputs(file_path=file_path, text=text) return await
def _prepare_inputs( self, file_path: Optional[str], text: Optional[str] ) -> dict[str, Any]: if self.from_pdf: if file_path is None or text is not None: raise PipelineDefinitionError( "Expected 'file_path' argument when 'from_pdf' is True." ) else: if text is None or file_path is not None: raise PipelineDefinitionError( "Expected 'text' argument when 'from_pdf' is False." ) pipe_inputs: dict[str, Any] = { "schema": { "entities": self.entities, "relations": self.relations, "potential_schema": self.potential_schema, }, } if self.from_pdf: pipe_inputs["pdf_loader"] = {"filepath": file_path} else: pipe_inputs["splitter"] = {"text": text} if self.lexical_graph_config: pipe_inputs["extractor"] = { "lexical_graph_config": self.lexical_graph_config } return pipe_inputs