Source code for neo4j_graphrag.indexes

#  Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
#  Neo4j Sweden AB []
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#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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#  #
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Literal, Optional

import neo4j
from pydantic import ValidationError

from neo4j_graphrag.neo4j_queries import (

from .exceptions import Neo4jIndexError, Neo4jInsertionError
from .types import FulltextIndexModel, VectorIndexModel

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def create_vector_index( driver: neo4j.Driver, name: str, label: str, embedding_property: str, dimensions: int, similarity_fn: Literal["euclidean", "cosine"], neo4j_database: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ This method constructs a Cypher query and executes it to create a new vector index in Neo4j. See Cypher manual on `creating vector indexes <>`_. Important: This operation will fail if an index with the same name already exists. Ensure that the index name provided is unique within the database context. Example: .. code-block:: python from neo4j import GraphDatabase from neo4j_graphrag.indexes import create_vector_index URI = "neo4j://localhost:7687" AUTH = ("neo4j", "password") INDEX_NAME = "vector-index-name" # Connect to Neo4j database driver = GraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH) # Creating the index create_vector_index( driver, INDEX_NAME, label="Document", embedding_property="vectorProperty", dimensions=1536, similarity_fn="euclidean", ) Args: driver (neo4j.Driver): Neo4j Python driver instance. name (str): The unique name of the index. label (str): The node label to be indexed. embedding_property (str): The property key of a node which contains embedding values. dimensions (int): Vector embedding dimension similarity_fn (str): case-insensitive values for the vector similarity function: ``euclidean`` or ``cosine``. neo4j_database (Optional[str]): The name of the Neo4j database. If not provided, this defaults to "neo4j" in the database (`see reference to documentation <>`_). Raises: ValueError: If validation of the input arguments fail. neo4j.exceptions.ClientError: If creation of vector index fails. """ try: VectorIndexModel( driver=driver, name=name, label=label, embedding_property=embedding_property, dimensions=dimensions, similarity_fn=similarity_fn, ) except ValidationError as e: raise Neo4jIndexError( f"Error for inputs to create_vector_index {e.errors()}" ) from e try: query = ( f"CREATE VECTOR INDEX $name FOR (n:{label}) ON n.{embedding_property} OPTIONS " "{ indexConfig: { `vector.dimensions`: toInteger($dimensions), `vector.similarity_function`: $similarity_fn } }" )"Creating vector index named '{name}'") driver.execute_query( query, {"name": name, "dimensions": dimensions, "similarity_fn": similarity_fn}, database_=neo4j_database, ) except neo4j.exceptions.ClientError as e: raise Neo4jIndexError(f"Neo4j vector index creation failed: {e.message}") from e
[docs] def create_fulltext_index( driver: neo4j.Driver, name: str, label: str, node_properties: list[str], neo4j_database: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ This method constructs a Cypher query and executes it to create a new fulltext index in Neo4j. See Cypher manual on `creating fulltext indexes <>`_. Important: This operation will fail if an index with the same name already exists. Ensure that the index name provided is unique within the database context. Example: .. code-block:: python from neo4j import GraphDatabase from neo4j_graphrag.indexes import create_fulltext_index URI = "neo4j://localhost:7687" AUTH = ("neo4j", "password") INDEX_NAME = "fulltext-index-name" # Connect to Neo4j database driver = GraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH) # Creating the index create_fulltext_index( driver, INDEX_NAME, label="Document", node_properties=["vectorProperty"], ) Args: driver (neo4j.Driver): Neo4j Python driver instance. name (str): The unique name of the index. label (str): The node label to be indexed. node_properties (list[str]): The node properties to create the fulltext index on. neo4j_database (Optional[str]): The name of the Neo4j database. If not provided, this defaults to "neo4j" in the database (`see reference to documentation <>`_). Raises: ValueError: If validation of the input arguments fail. neo4j.exceptions.ClientError: If creation of fulltext index fails. """ try: FulltextIndexModel( driver=driver, name=name, label=label, node_properties=node_properties ) except ValidationError as e: raise Neo4jIndexError( f"Error for inputs to create_fulltext_index: {e.errors()}" ) from e try: query = ( "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX $name " f"FOR (n:`{label}`) ON EACH " f"[{', '.join(['n.`' + prop + '`' for prop in node_properties])}]" )"Creating fulltext index named '{name}'") driver.execute_query(query, {"name": name}, database_=neo4j_database) except neo4j.exceptions.ClientError as e: raise Neo4jIndexError( f"Neo4j fulltext index creation failed {e.message}" ) from e
[docs] def drop_index_if_exists( driver: neo4j.Driver, name: str, neo4j_database: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ This method constructs a Cypher query and executes it to drop an index in Neo4j, if the index exists. See Cypher manual on `dropping vector indexes <>`_. Example: .. code-block:: python from neo4j import GraphDatabase from neo4j_graphrag.indexes import drop_index_if_exists URI = "neo4j://localhost:7687" AUTH = ("neo4j", "password") INDEX_NAME = "fulltext-index-name" # Connect to Neo4j database driver = GraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH) # Dropping the index if it exists drop_index_if_exists( driver, INDEX_NAME, ) Args: driver (neo4j.Driver): Neo4j Python driver instance. name (str): The name of the index to delete. neo4j_database (Optional[str]): The name of the Neo4j database. If not provided, this defaults to "neo4j" in the database (`see reference to documentation <>`_). Raises: neo4j.exceptions.ClientError: If dropping of index fails. """ try: query = "DROP INDEX $name IF EXISTS" parameters = { "name": name, }"Dropping index named '{name}'") driver.execute_query(query, parameters, database_=neo4j_database) except neo4j.exceptions.ClientError as e: raise Neo4jIndexError(f"Dropping Neo4j index failed: {e.message}") from e
[docs] def upsert_vector( driver: neo4j.Driver, node_id: int, embedding_property: str, vector: list[float], neo4j_database: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ This method constructs a Cypher query and executes it to upsert (insert or update) a vector property on a specific node. Example: .. code-block:: python from neo4j import GraphDatabase from neo4j_graphrag.indexes import upsert_vector URI = "neo4j://localhost:7687" AUTH = ("neo4j", "password") # Connect to Neo4j database driver = GraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH) # Upsert the vector data upsert_vector( driver, node_id="nodeId", embedding_property="vectorProperty", vector=..., ) Args: driver (neo4j.Driver): Neo4j Python driver instance. node_id (int): The id of the node. embedding_property (str): The name of the property to store the vector in. vector (list[float]): The vector to store. neo4j_database (Optional[str]): The name of the Neo4j database. If not provided, this defaults to "neo4j" in the database (`see reference to documentation <>`_). Raises: Neo4jInsertionError: If upserting of the vector fails. """ try: parameters = { "id": node_id, "embedding_property": embedding_property, "vector": vector, } driver.execute_query( UPSERT_VECTOR_ON_NODE_QUERY, parameters, database_=neo4j_database ) except neo4j.exceptions.ClientError as e: raise Neo4jInsertionError( f"Upserting vector to Neo4j failed: {e.message}" ) from e
[docs] def upsert_vector_on_relationship( driver: neo4j.Driver, rel_id: int, embedding_property: str, vector: list[float], neo4j_database: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ This method constructs a Cypher query and executes it to upsert (insert or update) a vector property on a specific relationship. Example: .. code-block:: python from neo4j import GraphDatabase from neo4j_graphrag.indexes import upsert_vector_on_relationship URI = "neo4j://localhost:7687" AUTH = ("neo4j", "password") # Connect to Neo4j database driver = GraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH) # Upsert the vector data upsert_vector_on_relationship( driver, node_id="nodeId", embedding_property="vectorProperty", vector=..., ) Args: driver (neo4j.Driver): Neo4j Python driver instance. rel_id (int): The id of the relationship. embedding_property (str): The name of the property to store the vector in. vector (list[float]): The vector to store. neo4j_database (Optional[str]): The name of the Neo4j database. If not provided, this defaults to "neo4j" in the database (`see reference to documentation <>`_). Raises: Neo4jInsertionError: If upserting of the vector fails. """ try: parameters = { "id": rel_id, "embedding_property": embedding_property, "vector": vector, } driver.execute_query( UPSERT_VECTOR_ON_RELATIONSHIP_QUERY, parameters, database_=neo4j_database ) except neo4j.exceptions.ClientError as e: raise Neo4jInsertionError( f"Upserting vector to Neo4j failed: {e.message}" ) from e
[docs] async def async_upsert_vector( driver: neo4j.AsyncDriver, node_id: int, embedding_property: str, vector: list[float], neo4j_database: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ This method constructs a Cypher query and asynchronously executes it to upsert (insert or update) a vector property on a specific node. Example: .. code-block:: python from neo4j import AsyncGraphDatabase from neo4j_graphrag.indexes import upsert_vector URI = "neo4j://localhost:7687" AUTH = ("neo4j", "password") # Connect to Neo4j database driver = AsyncGraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH) # Upsert the vector data async_upsert_vector( driver, node_id="nodeId", embedding_property="vectorProperty", vector=..., ) Args: driver (neo4j.AsyncDriver): Neo4j Python asynchronous driver instance. node_id (int): The id of the node. embedding_property (str): The name of the property to store the vector in. vector (list[float]): The vector to store. neo4j_database (Optional[str]): The name of the Neo4j database. If not provided, this defaults to "neo4j" in the database (`see reference to documentation <>`_). Raises: Neo4jInsertionError: If upserting of the vector fails. """ try: parameters = { "id": node_id, "embedding_property": embedding_property, "vector": vector, } await driver.execute_query( UPSERT_VECTOR_ON_NODE_QUERY, parameters, database_=neo4j_database ) except neo4j.exceptions.ClientError as e: raise Neo4jInsertionError( f"Upserting vector to Neo4j failed: {e.message}" ) from e
[docs] async def async_upsert_vector_on_relationship( driver: neo4j.AsyncDriver, rel_id: int, embedding_property: str, vector: list[float], neo4j_database: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ This method constructs a Cypher query and asynchronously executes it to upsert (insert or update) a vector property on a specific relationship. Example: .. code-block:: python from neo4j import AsyncGraphDatabase from neo4j_graphrag.indexes import upsert_vector_on_relationship URI = "neo4j://localhost:7687" AUTH = ("neo4j", "password") # Connect to Neo4j database driver = AsyncGraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH) # Upsert the vector data async_upsert_vector_on_relationship( driver, node_id="nodeId", embedding_property="vectorProperty", vector=..., ) Args: driver (neo4j.AsyncDriver): Neo4j Python asynchronous driver instance. rel_id (int): The id of the relationship. embedding_property (str): The name of the property to store the vector in. vector (list[float]): The vector to store. neo4j_database (Optional[str]): The name of the Neo4j database. If not provided, this defaults to "neo4j" in the database (`see reference to documentation <>`_). Raises: Neo4jInsertionError: If upserting of the vector fails. """ try: parameters = { "id": rel_id, "embedding_property": embedding_property, "vector": vector, } await driver.execute_query( UPSERT_VECTOR_ON_RELATIONSHIP_QUERY, parameters, database_=neo4j_database ) except neo4j.exceptions.ClientError as e: raise Neo4jInsertionError( f"Upserting vector to Neo4j failed: {e.message}" ) from e