
The Aura API uses OAuth 2.0 for API authentication.

Creating credentials

AuraDB Virtual Dedicated Cloud users, and AuraDS Enterprise users have unrestricted access to creating API credentials. However, users with Free and Professional instances must have entered billing information or be a member of a marketplace project before they can create API credentials. API credentials are linked to the user account, inheriting its capabilities and roles. The API credentials never expire unless you delete them.

To create credentials:

  1. Navigate to the Neo4j Aura Console Account Details page in your browser.

  2. Select the Create button in the Aura API Credentials section.

  3. Enter a Client name, and select Create.

  4. Securely save the Client ID and Client Secret you are given in the resulting modal; you will need these for the next step.

You cannot retrieve your secret after you close the modal, so save it securely.

Authenticating API requests

To authenticate API requests to the Aura API, you must provide a Bearer Token in the Authorization header of each request as shown below:

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

You can use the Authorize button on the Aura API page to authenticate and test endpoints directly using your client ID and client secret. The UI sets the Authorization header for you.

Token endpoint

You can use the following /oauth/token endpoint to obtain a Bearer Token for authenticating API requests.

Authentication to the token endpoint uses HTTP Basic Authentication, where the client ID and client secret are provided as the username and password, respectively.

Request parameters

  • Method: POST

  • Token URL:

Request header

Parameter Value

Authorization [1]

Basic <credentials> [2]



1. This header is set for you when providing your client ID as the username and client secret as the password.

2. Where <credentials> is the base64-encoded string of your client ID and client secret, joined by a colon (:).

Request body

Parameter Value



Both the request and response contain sensitive information and must be kept secure.

You are responsible for keeping the client credentials and access tokens confidential, whether in transit (by specifying HTTPS), if stored at rest, in log files, etc.

Request examples

curl --request POST '' \
     --user '<client_id>:<client_secret>' \ (1)
     --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
     --data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'
1 The --user option sets the Authorization header for you, handling the base64 encoding of the client ID and client secret.
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

# Make the request to the Aura API Auth endpoint
response = requests.request(
    headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
    data={"grant_type": "client_credentials"},
    auth=HTTPBasicAuth(client_id, client_secret) (1)

1 client_id and client_secret must be set to the values obtained from the Aura Console.

Response body example

  "access_token": "<token>", (1)
  "expires_in": 3600, (2)
  "token_type": "bearer"
1 The access_token returned here is what you will provide as the Bearer Token in the Authorization header of Aura API requests.
2 The value of expires_in is the token expiration time in seconds. Once the token expires, the application must request a new one.

HTTP response codes

Code Message Description



Access token requested successfully.


Bad Request

Request is invalid.



The provided credentials are invalid, expired, or revoked.



The request body is invalid.


Not Found

The request body is missing.

Excessive token requests

Excessive token requests may cause inefficiencies or rate-limiting. You can optimize your API usage by following these steps:

  • Retrieve the token once per hour: As tokens remain valid for an hour, reduce the frequency of token requests and reuse the same token for multiple API calls.

  • Implement token caching: Store the token securely within your system to reuse it for subsequent requests during its validity period, minimizing unnecessary calls to the endpoint.

Token expiration

Access tokens are temporary and expire after one hour. If you send a request to the Aura API using an expired token, you will receive a 403 Forbidden response. To continue using the API, you must obtain a new token using the Aura API credentials.