Adding Visualizations

You can extend NeoDash with your own visualizations without diving deep into the core application. Likewise, adding a new customization to an existing report requires minimal changes.

Add a Visualization

You can add a new chart to NeoDash in three steps:

  1. Make sure you have a local copy of NeoDash installed and running:

git clone
git checkout develop
yarn install
yarn run dev
  1. Create a new file src/charts/ABCChart.tsx. In here, add a new object that implements the ChartProps interface:

export interface ChartProps {
   records: Neo4jRecord[]; // Query output, Neo4j records as returned from the driver.
   selection?: Record<string, any>; // A dictionary with the selection made in the report footer.
   settings?: Record<string, any>; // A dictionary with the 'advanced settings' specified through the NeoDash interface.
   dimensions?: Number[]; // a 2D array with the dimensions of the report (likely not needed, charts automatically fill up space).
   fullscreen?: boolean; // flag indicating whether the report is rendered in a fullscreen view.
   queryCallback?: (query: string, parameters: Record<string, any>, records: Neo4jRecord[]) => null; // Optionally, a way for the report to read more data from Neo4j.
   setGlobalParameter?: (name: string, value: string) => void; // Allows a chart to update a global dashboard parameter to be used in Cypher queries for other reports.
   getGlobalParameter?: (name) => string; // Allows a chart to get a global dashboard parameter.

Note that the only mandatory property is records. This contains a list of records returned from the Cypher query specified by the user.

For inspiration, below is a basic example of a component that renders all returned data as a list:

import React from 'react';
import { ChartProps } from './Chart';
import { renderValueByType } from '../report/ReportRecordProcessing';

const NeoListReport = (props: ChartProps) => {
   const records = props.records;
   return => {
       return <div>{
           r["_fields"].map(value => {
               return <>{renderValueByType(value)},</>

export default NeoListReport;
  1. Make your component selectable. Now that you’ve created a new chart type, you need to tell the card settings window that it can be chosen by a user.

To accomplish this, open config/ReportConfig.tsx. Add a new entry to the REPORT_TYPES dictionary:

export const REPORT_TYPES = {
   "list": {
       label: "List",
       helperText: "I'm a list",
       component: NeoListReport,
       maxRecords: 10,
       settings: {}

Inspect the other entries for examples of the fields that each entry can have. Restart the application, and you should be able to select your new chart type. Finally, Cypress can be used to develop an end-to-end test for your component in a matter of minutes. See Testing for more on Cypress testing.

After you added a visualization or a new customization, consider contributing it to the NeoDash project by creating a Pull Request.