Path Finding Procedures
APOC exposes some built in path-finding functions that Neo4j brings along.
run dijkstra with relationship property name as cost function |
run dijkstra with relationship property name as cost function and a default weight if the property does not exist |
run A* with relationship property name as cost function |
apoc.algo.aStarConfig(startNode, endNode, 'KNOWS |
IS_MANAGER_OF>', {weight:'dist',default:10, x:'lon',y:'lat',pointPropName:'point'}) YIELD path, weight - run A* with relationship property name as cost function |
run allSimplePaths with relationships given and maxNodes |
compute degree distribution in parallel |
Example: find the weighted shortest path based on relationship property d
from A
to B
following just :ROAD
MATCH (from:Loc{name:'A'}), (to:Loc{name:'D'})
CALL apoc.algo.dijkstra(from, to, 'ROAD', 'd') yield path as path, weight as weight
RETURN path, weight
Given this dataset:
CREATE (b:City {name:'Berlin', coords: point({latitude:52.52464,longitude:13.40514}), lat:52.52464,lon:13.40514})
CREATE (m:City {name:'München', coords: point({latitude:48.1374,longitude:11.5755}), lat:48.1374,lon:11.5755})
CREATE (f:City {name:'Frankfurt',coords: point({latitude:50.1167,longitude:8.68333}), lat:50.1167,lon:8.68333})
CREATE (h:City {name:'Hamburg', coords: point({latitude:53.554423,longitude:9.994583}), lat:53.554423,lon:9.994583})
CREATE (b)-[:DIRECT {dist:255.64*1000}]->(h)
CREATE (b)-[:DIRECT {dist:504.47*1000}]->(m)
CREATE (b)-[:DIRECT {dist:424.12*1000}]->(f)
CREATE (f)-[:DIRECT {dist:304.28*1000}]->(m)
CREATE (f)-[:DIRECT {dist:393.15*1000}]->(h)
we can execute (leveraging on 'lat' and 'lon' node properties, which are Numbers, on 'dist' relationship property and with default cost 100):
MATCH (from:City {name:'München'}), (to:City {name:'Hamburg'})
CALL apoc.algo.aStarConfig(from, to, 'DIRECT', {weight:'dist',y:'lat', x:'lon',default:100})
YIELD weight, path
RETURN weight, path
weight | path |
697430.0 |
[source,json] ---- { "start": { "identity": 1520006, "labels": [ "City" ], "properties": { "name": "München", "lon": 11.5755, "lat": 48.1374, "coords": point({srid:4326, x:11.5755, y:48.1374}) } }, "end": { "identity": 1520008, "labels": [ "City" ], "properties": { "name": "Hamburg", "lon": 9.994583, "lat": 53.554423, "coords": point({srid:4326, x:9.994583, y:53.554423}) } }, "segments": [ { "start": { "identity": 1520006, "labels": [ "City" ], "properties": { "name": "München", "lon": 11.5755, "lat": 48.1374, "coords": point({srid:4326, x:11.5755, y:48.1374}) } }, "relationship": { "identity": 3, "start": 1520007, "end": 1520006, "type": "DIRECT", "properties": { "dist": 304280.0 } }, "end": { "identity": 1520007, "labels": [ "City" ], "properties": { "name": "Frankfurt", "lon": 8.68333, "lat": 50.1167, "coords": point({srid:4326, x:8.68333, y:50.1167}) } } }, { "start": { "identity": 1520007, "labels": [ "City" ], "properties": { "name": "Frankfurt", "lon": 8.68333, "lat": 50.1167, "coords": point({srid:4326, x:8.68333, y:50.1167}) } }, "relationship": { "identity": 4, "start": 1520007, "end": 1520008, "type": "DIRECT", "properties": { "dist": 393150.0 } }, "end": { "identity": 1520008, "labels": [ "City" ], "properties": { "name": "Hamburg", "lon": 9.994583, "lat": 53.554423, "coords": point({srid:4326, x:9.994583, y:53.554423}) } } } ], "length": 2.0 } ---- |
or equivalently, with the same result, leveraging on 'coords' node property, which is a Point, with the same other configs. Note that in case of a 3d-coordinate, the procedure will pick only the x and y or the longitude and latitude values.
MATCH (from:City {name:'München'}), (to:City {name:'Hamburg'})
CALL apoc.algo.aStarConfig(from, to, 'DIRECT', {pointPropName:'coords', weight:'dist', default:100})
YIELD weight, path
RETURN weight, path