Neo4j Browser

Neo4j Browser

Neo4j Browser is a developer-focused tool that allows you to execute Cypher queries and visualize the results. It is the default developer interface for both Enterprise and Community editions of Neo4j. It comes out-of-the-box with all of Neo4j’s graph database offerings, including Neo4j Server (Community and Enterprise editions), Neo4j AuraDB (Neo4j’s Database as a Service), and Neo4j Desktop (all OS versions).

Neo4j Browser is suitable for running ad-hoc graph queries, with the appropriate ability to prototype a Neo4j-based application.

Neo4j Browser is a tool for developers to interact with the graph, with the main focus on:

  • Writing and running graph queries with Cypher.

  • Exportable, tabular results of any query result.

  • Used for graph visualization of query results containing nodes and relationships.

Contents of this manual

The following areas of Neo4j Browser are covered in this manual:

Who should read this?

This manual is written for developers, database administrators, quality engineers, data scientists, and data architects, who may or may not be familiar with Neo4j.

To learn more about Cypher, take the Cypher Fundamentals course on GraphAcademy.