Result frames

There are a variety of ways to view data in Neo4j Browser. All queries that you run in the Cypher editor populate a reusable result frame. Query results are rendered as:

  • Visual graph — graph result frame.

  • Table — table result frame.

  • Plain text table — plain text result frame.

  • Meta data — code result frame.

You can switch between those with the icons on the left side of the result frame.

If you cannot see the result, you might be in Graph mode but had your query return tabular/scalar data. To see the results, switch the mode to the Table view.

Graph result frame

The graph visualization functionality is designed to display a node-graph representation of the underlying data stored in the database in response to a given Cypher query. Nodes are represented as circles and relationships as lines and is especially useful for determining areas of interest or quickly assessing the current state and structure of the data.

graph result frame

A yellow squiggly line anywhere in your query indicates a warning. This is most commonly caused by a query attempting to match a pattern not present in the graph, but can be caused by a number of things (see List of all notification codes). Hover over the underlined segment to see the explanation.

Handy tips
  • Use the controls in the bottom right corner of the frame to zoom in and out of the visualization. Additionally, you can zoom using trackpad zoom gestures or a mouse wheel in combination with a modifier key. (If you are in full-screen view, the modifier key is not needed to zoom.) On Mac, use ⌘ + scroll and on Windows and Linux, use Ctrl + scroll to trigger zoom. You can also use the Fit to screen button to fit all query results into the view.

  • Click a node or a relationship to view its properties. The nodes already have sensible captions assigned by the Browser, which auto-selects a property from the property list to use as a caption. To change how your graph looks like, see Browser styling.

  • Click a node to get a halo, where you can:

    • Dismiss/hide a node by clicking the dismiss node icon.

    • Expand/collapse child relationships by clicking the icon expand collapse icon. Alternatively, you can double-click a node.

    • Unlock the node to re-layout it by clicking the unlock relayout icon. Alternatively, you can click the node and drag it around.

  • If you cannot see the whole graph or the results display too close together, you can adjust by moving the visual view and dragging nodes to rearrange them.

  • To move the view to see more parts of the graph, click an empty spot within the graph pane and drag it.

Table result frame

The Table result view displays the result in a table format. It also reports the query time, including the actual query execution time, latency, and deserialization costs.


Even if you feel that the relationship is not hard to find in the tabular format, imagine if you have a graph containing the entire filmography careers of these persons and hundreds of other actors, directors, and film crew members. The connections could easily be lost in a non-visual presentation.

Plain text result frame

The Text result view displays the result as a plain text table. It also reports the query time, including the actual query execution time, latency, and deserialization costs.


Code result frame

The Code result view displays the submitted request, the Neo4j Server version and address, and the response. It also reports the query time, including the actual query execution time, latency, and deserialization costs.
