Procedures & Functions
APOC will be split into APOC Core and APOC Extended in version 5. To view the new documentation for APOC Core, go to the APOC Core page. |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
---|---|---|[condition, query, condition, query, …], elseQuery:'', params:{}) yield value - given a list of conditional / read-only query pairs, executes the query associated with the first conditional evaluating to true (or the else query if none are true) with the given parameters |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Provides descriptions of available procedures. To narrow the results, supply a search string. To also search in the description text, append + to the end of the search string. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.when(condition, ifQuery, elseQuery:'', params:{}) yield value - based on the conditional, executes read-only ifQuery or elseQuery with the given parameters |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
RETURN apoc.version() | return the current APOC installed version |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.agg.first(value) - returns first value |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.agg.graph(path) - returns map of graph {nodes, relationships} of all distinct nodes and relationships |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.agg.last(value) - returns last value |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.agg.maxItems(item, value, groupLimit: -1) - returns a map {items:[], value:n} where |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.agg.median(number) - returns median for non-null numeric values |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.agg.minItems(item, value, groupLimit: -1) - returns a map {items:[], value:n} where |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.agg.nth(value,offset) - returns value of nth row (or -1 for last) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.agg.percentiles(value,[percentiles = 0.5,0.75,0.9,0.95,0.99]) - returns given percentiles for values |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.agg.product(number) - returns given product for non-null values |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.agg.slice(value, start, length) - returns subset of non-null values, start is 0 based and length can be -1 |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.agg.statistics(value,[percentiles = 0.5,0.75,0.9,0.95,0.99]) - returns numeric statistics (percentiles, min,minNonZero,max,total,mean,stdev) for values |
Function |
APOC Core |
Returns index of the |
Function |
APOC Full |
Returns index of the |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.algo.aStar(startNode, endNode, 'KNOWS|<WORKS_WITH|IS_MANAGER_OF>', 'distance','lat','lon') YIELD path, weight - run A* with relationship property name as cost function |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.algo.aStar(startNode, endNode, 'KNOWS|<WORKS_WITH|IS_MANAGER_OF>', {weight:'dist',default:10,x:'lon',y:'lat'}) YIELD path, weight - run A* with relationship property name as cost function |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.algo.allSimplePaths(startNode, endNode, 'KNOWS|<WORKS_WITH|IS_MANAGER_OF>', 5) YIELD path, weight - run allSimplePaths with relationships given and maxNodes |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.algo.cover(nodes) yield rel - returns all relationships between this set of nodes |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.algo.dijkstra(startNode, endNode, 'KNOWS|<WORKS_WITH|IS_MANAGER_OF>', 'distance', defaultValue, numberOfWantedResults) YIELD path, weight - run dijkstra with relationship property name as cost function |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.algo.dijkstraWithDefaultWeight(startNode, endNode, 'KNOWS|<WORKS_WITH|IS_MANAGER_OF>', 'distance', 10) YIELD path, weight - run dijkstra with relationship property name as cost function and a default weight if the property does not exist |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
returns properties for virtual and real, nodes, rels and maps |
Function |
APOC Core |
returns property for virtual and real, nodes, rels and maps |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.atomic.add(node/relatonship,propertyName,number) Sums the property’s value with the 'number' value |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.atomic.concat(node/relatonship,propertyName,string) Concats the property’s value with the 'string' value |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.atomic.insert(node/relatonship,propertyName,position,value) insert a value into the property’s array value at 'position' |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.atomic.remove(node/relatonship,propertyName,position) remove the element at position 'position' |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.atomic.subtract(node/relatonship,propertyName,number) Subtracts the 'number' value to the property’s value |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.atomic.update(node/relatonship,propertyName,updateOperation) update a property’s value with a cypher operation (ex. "n.prop1+n.prop2") |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.bitwise.op(60,'|',13) bitwise operations a & b, a | b, a ^ b, ~a, a >> b, a >>> b, a << b. returns the result of the bitwise operation |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.agg.multiStats(nodeOrRel, keys) - Return a multi-dimensional aggregation |
Procedure |
apoc.agg.rollup(<ANY>, [groupKeys], [aggKeys]) Emulate an Oracle/Mysql rollup command: `ROLLUP groupKeys, SUM(aggKey1), AVG(aggKey1), COUNT(aggKey1), SUM(aggKey2), AVG(aggKey2), … ` |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.bolt.execute(url-or-key, kernelTransaction, params, config) - access to other databases via bolt for reads and writes |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.bolt.load(url-or-key, kernelTransaction, params, config) - access to other databases via bolt for read |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.coll.elements(list,limit,offset) yield _1,_2,..,_10,_1s,_2i,_3f,_4m,_5l,_6n,_7r,_8p - deconstruct subset of mixed list into identifiers of the correct type |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.pairWithOffset(values, offset) - returns a list of pairs defined by the offset |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.partition(list,batchSize) |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.split(list,value) | splits collection on given values rows of lists, value itself will not be part of resulting lists |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.zipToRows(list1,list2) - creates pairs like zip but emits one row per pair |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.avg([0.5,1,2.3]) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.avgDuration([duration('P2DT3H'), duration('PT1H45S'), …]) - returns the average of a list of duration values |
Function |
APOC Full |
apoc.coll.combinations(coll, minSelect, maxSelect:minSelect) - Returns collection of all combinations of list elements of selection size between minSelect and maxSelect (default:minSelect), inclusive |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.contains(coll, value) optimized contains operation (using a HashSet) (returns single row or not) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.containsAll(coll, values) optimized contains-all operation (using a HashSet) (returns single row or not) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.containsAllSorted(coll, value) optimized contains-all on a sorted list operation (Collections.binarySearch) (returns single row or not) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.containsDuplicates(coll) - returns true if a collection contains duplicate elements |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.containsSorted(coll, value) optimized contains on a sorted list operation (Collections.binarySearch) (returns single row or not) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.different(values) - returns true if values are different |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.disjunction(first, second) - returns the disjunct set of the two lists |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.dropDuplicateNeighbors(list) - remove duplicate consecutive objects in a list |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.duplicates(coll) - returns a list of duplicate items in the collection |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.duplicatesWithCount(coll) - returns a list of duplicate items in the collection and their count, keyed by |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.fill(item, count) - returns a list with the given count of items |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.flatten(coll, [recursive]) - flattens list (nested if recursive is true) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.frequencies(coll) - returns a list of frequencies of the items in the collection, keyed by |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.frequenciesAsMap(coll) - return a map of frequencies of the items in the collection, key |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.indexOf(coll, value) | position of value in the list |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.insert(coll, index, value) | insert value at index |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.insertAll(coll, index, values) | insert values at index |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.intersection(first, second) - returns the unique intersection of the two lists |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.isEqualCollection(coll, values) return true if two collections contain the same elements with the same cardinality in any order (using a HashMap) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.max([0.5,1,2.3]) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.min([0.5,1,2.3]) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.occurrences(coll, item) - returns the count of the given item in the collection |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.pairWithOffset(values, offset) - returns a list of pairs defined by the offset |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.pairs([1,2,3]) returns [1,2],[2,3],[3,null] |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.pairsMin([1,2,3]) returns [1,2],[2,3] |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.partition(list,batchSize) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.randomItem(coll)- returns a random item from the list, or null on an empty or null list |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.randomItems(coll, itemCount, allowRepick: false) - returns a list of itemCount random items from the original list, optionally allowing picked elements to be picked again |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.remove(coll, index, [length=1]) | remove range of values from index to length |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.removeAll(first, second) - returns first list with all elements of second list removed |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.reverse(coll) - returns reversed list |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.runningTotal(list1) - returns an accumulative array. For example apoc.coll.runningTotal([1,2,3.5]) return [1,3,6.5] |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.set(coll, index, value) | set index to value |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.shuffle(coll) - returns the shuffled list |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.sort(coll) sort on Collections |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.sortMaps([maps], 'name') - sort maps by property |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.sortMulti(coll, ['^name','age'],[limit],[skip]) - sort list of maps by several sort fields (ascending with ^ prefix) and optionally applies limit and skip |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.sortNodes([nodes], 'name') sort nodes by property |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.sortText(coll) sort on string based collections |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.stdev(list, isBiasCorrected) - returns the sample or population standard deviation with isBiasCorrected true or false respectively. For example apoc.coll.stdev([10, 12, 23]) return 7 |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.subtract(first, second) - returns unique set of first list with all elements of second list removed |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.sum([0.5,1,2.3]) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.sumLongs([1,3,3]) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.toSet([list]) returns a unique list backed by a set |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.union(first, second) - creates the distinct union of the 2 lists |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.unionAll(first, second) - creates the full union with duplicates of the two lists |
Function |
APOC Core |[list1],[list2]) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.coll.avgDuration apoc.coll.avgDuration([duration('P2DT3H'), duration('PT1H45S'), …]) - returns the average of a list of duration values | Function | apoc.coll.fillObject apoc.coll.fillObject(item, count) - returns a list of equals items with the given size |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.config.list | Lists the Neo4j configuration as key,value table |
Procedure |
APOC Full | | Lists the Neo4j configuration as map |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.convert.setJsonProperty(node,key,complexValue) - sets value serialized to JSON as property with the given name on the node |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toTree([paths],[lowerCaseRels=true], [config]) creates a stream of nested documents representing the at least one root of these paths |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.fromJsonList('[1,2,3]'[,'json-path', 'path-options']) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.fromJsonMap('{"a":42,"b":"foo","c":[1,2,3]}'[,'json-path', 'path-options']) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.getJsonProperty(node,key[,'json-path', 'path-options']) - converts serialized JSON in property back to original object |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.getJsonPropertyMap(node,key[,'json-path', 'path-options']) - converts serialized JSON in property back to map |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toBoolean(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a boolean |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toBooleanList(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a list of booleans |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toFloat(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a float |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toIntList(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a list of integers |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toInteger(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to an integer |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toJson([1,2,3]) or toJson({a:42,b:"foo",c:[1,2,3]}) or toJson(NODE/REL/PATH) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toList(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a list |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toMap(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a map |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toNode(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a node |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toNodeList(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a list of nodes |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toRelationship(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a relationship |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toRelationshipList(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a list of relationships |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toSet(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a set |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toSortedJsonMap(node|map, ignoreCase:true) - returns a JSON map with keys sorted alphabetically, with optional case sensitivity |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toString(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a string |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.toStringList(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a list of strings |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.convert.fromYaml(value, $config) - Deserializes the YAML string to Neo4j value |
Function |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.couchbase.append(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, content) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - append a couchbase json document to an existing one. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.couchbase.exists(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId) yield value - check whether a couchbase json document with the given ID does exist. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.couchbase.get(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - retrieves a couchbase json document by its unique ID. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.couchbase.insert(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - insert a couchbase json document with its unique ID. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.couchbase.namedParamsQuery(hostkOrKey, bucket, statement, paramNames, paramValues) yield queryResult - executes a N1QL statement with named parameters. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.couchbase.posParamsQuery(hostOrKey, bucket, statement, params) yield queryResult - executes a N1QL statement with positional parameters. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.couchbase.prepend(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, content) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - prepend a couchbase json document to an existing one. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.couchbase.query(hostOrKey, bucket, statement) yield queryResult - executes a plain un-parameterized N1QL statement. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.couchbase.remove(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - remove the couchbase json document identified by its unique ID. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.couchbase.replace(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - replace the content of the couchbase json document identified by its unique ID. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.couchbase.upsert(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - insert or overwrite a couchbase json document with its unique ID. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.create.addLabels( [node,id,ids,nodes], ['Label',…]) - adds the given labels to the node or nodes |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.node(['Label'], {key:value,…}) - create node with dynamic labels |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.nodes(['Label'], [{key:value,…}]) create multiple nodes with dynamic labels |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.relationship(person1,'KNOWS',{key:value,…}, person2) create relationship with dynamic rel-type |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.removeLabels( [node,id,ids,nodes], ['Label',…]) - removes the given labels from the node or nodes |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.removeProperties( [node,id,ids,nodes], [keys]) - removes the given properties from the nodes(s) |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.removeRelProperties( [rel,id,ids,rels], [keys]) - removes the given properties from the relationship(s) |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.setLabels( [node,id,ids,nodes], ['Label',…]) - sets the given labels, non matching labels are removed on the node or nodes |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.setProperties( [node,id,ids,nodes], [keys], [values]) - sets the given properties on the nodes(s) |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.setProperty( [node,id,ids,nodes], key, value) - sets the given property on the node(s) |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.setRelProperties( [rel,id,ids,rels], [keys], [values]) - sets the given properties on the relationship(s) |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.setRelProperty( [rel,id,ids,rels], key, value) - sets the given property on the relationship(s) |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.uuids(count) yield uuid - creates 'count' UUIDs |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.vNode(['Label'], {key:value,…}) returns a virtual node |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.vNodes(['Label'], [{key:value,…}]) returns virtual nodes |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.clonePathToVirtual |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.clonePathsToVirtual |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.vPattern({_labels:['LabelA'],key:value},'KNOWS',{key:value,…}, {_labels:['LabelB'],key:value}) returns a virtual pattern |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.vPatternFull(['LabelA'],{key:value},'KNOWS',{key:value,…},['LabelB'],{key:value}) returns a virtual pattern |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.vRelationship(nodeFrom,'KNOWS',{key:value,…}, nodeTo) returns a virtual relationship |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.virtualPath(['LabelA'],{key:value},'KNOWS',{key:value,…},['LabelB'],{key:value}) returns a virtual path of nodes joined by a relationship and the associated properties |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.uuid() - creates an UUID |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.vNode(['Label'], {key:value,…}) returns a virtual node |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.vRelationship(nodeFrom,'KNOWS',{key:value,…}, nodeTo) returns a virtual relationship |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.create.virtual.fromNode(node, [propertyNames]) returns a virtual node built from an existing node with only the requested properties |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.custom.asFunction(name, statement, outputs, inputs, forceSingle, description) - register a custom cypher function |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.custom.asProcedure(name, statement, mode, outputs, inputs, description) - register a custom cypher procedure |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.custom.declareFunction(signature, statement, forceSingle, description) - register a custom cypher function |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.custom.declareProcedure(signature, statement, mode, description) - register a custom cypher procedure |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.custom.list() - provide a list of custom procedures/function registered |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.custom.removeFunction(name, type) - remove the targeted custom function |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.custom.removeProcedure(name) - remove the targeted custom procedure |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.cypher.doIt(fragment, params) yield value - executes writing fragment with the given parameters |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.cypher.mapParallel(fragment, params, list-to-parallelize) yield value - executes fragment in parallel batches with the list segments being assigned to _ |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.cypher.mapParallel2(fragment, params, list-to-parallelize) yield value - executes fragment in parallel batches with the list segments being assigned to _ |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.cypher.parallel(fragment, |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.cypher.parallel2(fragment, |
Procedure |
APOC Full |, params) yield value - executes reading fragment with the given parameters - currently no schema operations |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.cypher.runFile(file or url,[{statistics:true,timeout:10,parameters:{}}]) - runs each statement in the file, all semicolon separated - currently no schema operations |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.cypher.runFiles([files or urls],[{statistics:true,timeout:10,parameters:{}}])) - runs each statement in the files, all semicolon separated |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.cypher.runFileReadOnly(file or url,[{timeout:10,parameters:{}}]) - runs each |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.cypher.runFilesReadOnly([files or urls],[{timeout:10,parameters:{}}])) - runs each |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.cypher.runMany('cypher;\nstatements;', $params, [{statistics:true,timeout:10}]) - runs each semicolon separated statement and returns summary - currently no schema operations |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.cypher.runManyReadOnly('cypher;\nstatements;', $params, [{statistics:true,timeout:10}]) - runs each semicolon separated, read-only statement and returns summary - currently no schema operations |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.cypher.runSchema(statement, params) yield value - executes query schema statement with the given parameters |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.cypher.runSchemaFile(file or url,[{statistics:true,timeout:10}]) - allows only schema operations, runs each schema statement in the file, all semicolon separated |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.cypher.runSchemaFiles([files or urls],{statistics:true,timeout:10}) - allows only schema operations, runs each schema statement in the files, all semicolon separated |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.cypher.runTimeboxed('cypherStatement',{params}, timeout) - abort kernelTransaction after timeout ms if not finished |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.cypher.runWrite(statement, params) yield value - alias for apoc.cypher.doIt |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
use either apoc.cypher.runFirstColumnMany for a list return or apoc.cypher.runFirstColumnSingle for returning the first row of the first column |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.cypher.runFirstColumnMany(statement, params) - executes statement with given parameters, returns first column only collected into a list, params are available as identifiers |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.cypher.runFirstColumnSingle(statement, params) - executes statement with given parameters, returns first element of the first column only, params are available as identifiers |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
---|---|---|'url_or_email_address') YIELD domain - extract the domain name from a url or an email address. If nothing was found, yield null. |
Function |
APOC Core |'email_address') as {personal,user,domain} - extract the personal name, user and domain as a map |
Function |
APOC Full |'url') as {protocol,host,port,path,query,file,anchor,user} | turn URL into map structure |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
CALL,time,'time-unit') - expire node at specified time by setting :TTL label and |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
CALL,time,'time-unit') - expire node after specified length of time time by setting :TTL label and |
Procedure |
APOC Full |, 'ms', -365, 'd') - given a timestamp in one time unit, adds a value of the specified time unit |
Function |
APOC Core |, 'ms', 'd') - convert a timestamp in one time unit into one of a different time unit |
Function |
APOC Core |'Tue, 14 May 2019 14:52:06 -0400', 'rfc_1123_date_time', 'iso_date_time') - convert a String of one date format into a String of another date format. |
Function |
APOC Core | - returns System.currentTimeMillis() at the time it was called. The value is current throughout transaction execution, and is different from Cypher’s timestamp() function, which does not update within a transaction. |
Function |
APOC Core |,('ms|s|m|h|d|month|year'),('TZ') |
Function |
APOC Core |'2012-12-23',('yyyy-MM-dd')) - return columns and a map representation of date parsed with the given format with entries for years,months,weekdays,days,hours,minutes,seconds,zoneid |
Function |
APOC Core |,('ms|s|m|h|d'),('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz'),('TZ')) - get string representation of time value optionally using the specified unit (default ms) using specified format (default ISO) and specified time zone (default current TZ) |
Function |
APOC Core |'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ') - return number representation of time in EPOCH format |
Function |
APOC Core |'2012-12-23','ms|s|m|h|d','yyyy-MM-dd') - parse date string using the specified format into the specified time unit |
Function |
APOC Core |'2012-12-23 23:59:59','yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', 'UTC-hour-offset') - parse date string using the specified format to specified timezone |
Function |
APOC Core | - returns the system timezone display name |
Function |
APOC Core |,('ms|s|m|h|d') - return string representation of time in ISO8601 format |
Function |
APOC Core |
toYears(timestamp) or toYears(date[,format]) - converts timestamp into floating point years |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
Function |
APOC Core |
Returns a Map detailing the property differences between the two given relationships |
Function |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
---|---|---|[condition, query, condition, query, …], elseQuery:'', params:{}) yield value - given a list of conditional / writing query pairs, executes the query associated with the first conditional evaluating to true (or the else query if none are true) with the given parameters |
Procedure |
APOC Core |, ifQuery, elseQuery:'', params:{}) yield value - based on the conditional, executes writing ifQuery or elseQuery with the given parameters |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
Add a virtualized resource configuration |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
List all virtualized resource configs |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Remove a virtualized resource config by name |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Query a virtualized resource by name and return virtual nodes |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Query a virtualized resource by name and return virtual nodes linked using virtual rels to the node passed as first param |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
---|---|---|,index-or-null,type-or-null,id-or-null,query-or-null,payload-or-null,$config) yield value - perform a GET operation on elastic search |
Procedure |
APOC Full |,path,payload-or-null,$config) yield value - perform a raw GET operation on elastic search |
Procedure |
APOC Full |,index-or-null,type-or-null,query-or-null,payload-or-null,$config) yield value - perform a POST operation on elastic search |
Procedure |
APOC Full |,path,payload-or-null,$config) yield value - perform a raw POST operation on elastic search |
Procedure |
APOC Full |,index-or-null,type-or-null,id-or-null,query-or-null,payload-or-null,$config) yield value - perform a PUT operation on elastic search |
Procedure |
APOC Full |,index-or-null,type-or-null,query-or-null,payload-or-null,$config) yield value - perform a SEARCH operation on elastic search |
Procedure |
APOC Full |,$config) - elastic search statistics |
Procedure |,index-or-null,type-or-null,id-or-null,query-or-null,$config) yield value - perform a DELETE operation on elastic search |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.example.movies() | Creates the sample movies graph |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.export.csv.all(file,config) - exports whole database as csv to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |,rels,file,config) - exports given nodes and relationships as csv to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.csv.graph(graph,file,config) - exports given graph object as csv to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.csv.query(query,file,{config,…,params:{params}}) - exports results from the cypher statement as csv to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.cypher.all(file,config) - exports whole database incl. indexes as cypher statements to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |,rels,file,config) - exports given nodes and relationships incl. indexes as cypher statements to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.cypher.graph(graph,file,config) - exports given graph object incl. indexes as cypher statements to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.cypher.query(query,file,config) - exports nodes and relationships from the cypher statement incl. indexes as cypher statements to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.cypher.schema(file,config) - exports all schema indexes and constraints to cypher |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.cypherAll(file,config) - exports whole database incl. indexes as cypher statements to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.cypherData(nodes,rels,file,config) - exports given nodes and relationships incl. indexes as cypher statements to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.cypherGraph(graph,file,config) - exports given graph object incl. indexes as cypher statements to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.cypherQuery(query,file,config) - exports nodes and relationships from the cypher kernelTransaction incl. indexes as cypher statements to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.graphml.all(file,config) - exports whole database as graphml to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |,rels,file,config) - exports given nodes and relationships as graphml to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.graphml.graph(graph,file,config) - exports given graph object as graphml to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.graphml.query(query,file,config) - exports nodes and relationships from the cypher statement as graphml to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.json.all(file,config) - exports whole database as json to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |,rels,file,config) - exports given nodes and relationships as json to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.json.graph(graph,file,config) - exports given graph object as json to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.json.query(query,file,{config,…,params:{params}}) - exports results from the cypher statement as json to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.export.xls.all(file,config) - exports whole database as xls to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Full |,rels,file,config) - exports given nodes and relationships as xls to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.export.xls.graph(graph,file,config) - exports given graph object as xls to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.export.xls.query(query,file,{config,…,params:{params}}) - exports results from the cypher statement as xls to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
---|---|---|, edgesPerNode, label, type) - generates a random graph according to the Barabasi-Albert model |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.generate.complete(noNodes, label, type) - generates a random complete graph |
Procedure |
APOC Full |, noEdges, label, type) - generates a random graph according to the Erdos-Renyi model |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.generate.simple(degrees, label, type) - generates a simple random graph according to the given degree distribution |
Procedure |
APOC Full |, degree, beta, label, type) - generates a random graph according to the Watts-Strogatz model |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.gephi.add(url-or-key, workspace, data, weightproperty, ['exportproperty']) | streams passed in data to Gephi |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.get.nodes(node|id|[ids]) - quickly returns all nodes with these id’s |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.get.rels(rel|id|[ids]) - quickly returns all relationships with these id’s |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.graph.from(data,'name',{properties}) | creates a virtual graph object for later processing it tries its best to extract the graph information from the data you pass in |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.graph.fromCypher('kernelTransaction',{params},'name',{properties}) - creates a virtual graph object for later processing |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.graph.fromDB('name',{properties}) - creates a virtual graph object for later processing |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.graph.fromData([nodes],[relationships],'name',{properties}) | creates a virtual graph object for later processing |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.graph.fromDocument({json}, {config}) yield graph - transform JSON documents into graph structures |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.graph.fromPath(path,'name',{properties}) - creates a virtual graph object for later processing |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.graph.fromPaths([paths],'name',{properties}) - creates a virtual graph object for later processing |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.graph.validateDocument({json}, {config}) yield row - validates the json, return the result of the validation |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
calculate a checksum (md5) over a node or a relationship. This deals gracefully with array properties. Two identical entities do share the same hash. Unsuitable for cryptographic use-cases. |
Function |
APOC Core |
calculate a checksum (md5) over a the full graph. Be aware that this function does use in-memomry datastructures depending on the size of your graph. Unsuitable for cryptographic use-cases. |
Function |
APOC Core |
calculate a checksum (md5) over a node or a relationship. This deals gracefully with array properties. Two identical entities do share the same hash. Unsuitable for cryptographic use-cases. |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.import.csv(nodes, relationships, config) - imports nodes and relationships from the provided CSV files with given labels and types |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.import.graphml(urlOrBinaryFile,config) - imports graphml file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.import.json(urlOrBinaryFile,config) - imports the json list to the provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.import.xml(file,config) - imports graph from provided file |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.json.validate('{json}' [,'json-path' , 'path-options']) - to check if the json is correct (returning an empty result) or not |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.json.path('{json}' [,'json-path' , 'path-options']) |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.label.exists(element, label) - returns true or false related to label existance |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.import.arrow(input, $config) - Imports arrow from the provided arrow file or byte array |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.load.csv('urlOrBinary',{config}) YIELD lineNo, list, map - load CSV from URL as stream of values, config contains any of: {skip:1,limit:5,header:false,sep:'TAB',ignore:['tmp'],nullValues:['na'],arraySep:';',mapping:{years:{type:'int',arraySep:'-',array:false,name:'age',ignore:false}} |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.load.csvParams('urlOrBinary', {httpHeader: value}, payload, {config}) YIELD lineNo, list, map - load from CSV URL (e.g. web-api) while sending headers / payload to load CSV from URL as stream of values, config contains any of: {skip:1,limit:5,header:false,sep:'TAB',ignore:['tmp'],nullValues:['na'],arraySep:';',mapping:{years:{type:'int',arraySep:'-',array:false,name:'age',ignore:false}} |
Procedure |
APOC Full |'pattern', 'urlDir', {config}) YIELD value - Loads list of all files in the folder specified by the parameter urlDir satisfying the given pattern. If the parameter urlDir is not specified or empty, the files of the import folder are loaded instead. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |, cypher, pattern, urlDir, {}) YIELD name, status, pattern, cypher, urlDir, config, error - Adds or replaces a folder listener with a specific name, which is triggered for all files with the given pattern and executes the specified Cypher query when triggered. Returns a list of all listeners. It is possible to specify the event type in the config parameter. |
Procedure |
APOC Full | YIELD name, status, pattern, cypher, urlDir, config, error - lists all folder listeners |
Procedure |
APOC Full | YIELD name, status, pattern, cypher, urlDir, config, error - Removes a folder listener by name and returns all remaining listeners, if any |
Procedure |
APOC Full | - Removes all folder listeners |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.load.driver('org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver') register JDBC driver of source database |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.load.html('url',{name: jquery, name2: jquery}, config) YIELD value - Load Html page and return the result as a Map |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.load.htmlPlainText('urlOrHtml',{name: jquery, name2: jquery}, config) YIELD value - Load Html page and return the result as a Map |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.load.jdbc('key or url','table or statement', params, config) YIELD row - load from relational database, from a full table or a sql statement |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
deprecated - please use: apoc.load.jdbc('key or url','',[params]) YIELD row - load from relational database, from a sql statement with parameters |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.load.jdbcUpdate('key or url','statement',[params],config) YIELD row - update relational database, from a SQL statement with optional parameters |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.load.json('urlOrKeyOrBinary',path, config) YIELD value - import JSON as stream of values if the JSON was an array or a single value if it was a map |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.load.jsonArray('url') YIELD value - load array from JSON URL (e.g. web-api) to import JSON as stream of values |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.load.jsonParams('urlOrKeyOrBinary',{header:value},payload, config) YIELD value - load from JSON URL (e.g. web-api) while sending headers / payload to import JSON as stream of values if the JSON was an array or a single value if it was a map |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.load.ldap("key" or {connectionMap},{searchMap}) Load entries from an ldap source (yield entry) |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.load.xls('url','selector',{config}) YIELD lineNo, list, map - load XLS fom URL as stream of row values, config contains any of: {skip:1,limit:5,header:false,ignore:['tmp'],arraySep:';',mapping:{years:{type:'int',arraySep:'-',array:false,name:'age',ignore:false, dateFormat:'iso_date', dateParse:['dd-MM-yyyy']}} |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.load.xml('', 'xPath',config, false) YIELD value as doc CREATE (p:Person) SET = - load from XML URL (e.g. web-api) to import XML as single nested map with attributes and _type, _text and _childrenx fields. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.lock.all([nodes],[relationships]) acquires a write lock on the given nodes and relationships |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.lock.nodes([nodes]) acquires a write lock on the given nodes |
Procedure |
APOC Core |[nodes]) acquires a read lock on the given nodes |
Procedure |
APOC Core |[relationships]) acquires a read lock on the given relationship |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.lock.rels([relationships]) acquires a write lock on the given relationship |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.log.debug(message, params) - logs debug message |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.log.error(message, params) - logs error message |
Procedure |
APOC Full |, params) - logs info message |
Procedure |
APOC Full |'neo4j.log', { last: n }) - retrieve log file contents, optionally return only the last n lines |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.log.warn(message, params) - logs warn message |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
---|---|---|,[skip,keys],[skip,values]) yield map filters the keys and values contained in those lists, good for data cleaning from CSV/JSON |
Function |
APOC Core |, delimiter:'.') yield map - flattens nested items in map using dot notation |
Function |
APOC Core |[keys],[values]) |
Function |
APOC Core |, property) |
Function |
APOC Core |[[key,value],[key2,value2],…]) |
Function |
APOC Core |[key1,value1,key2,value2,…]) |
Function |
APOC Core |,key,[default],[fail=true]) - returns value for key or throws exception if key doesn’t exist and no default given |
Function |
APOC Core |[maps/nodes/relationships],'key') yield value - creates a map of the list keyed by the given property, with single values |
Function |
APOC Core |[maps/nodes/relationships],'key') yield value - creates a map of the list keyed by the given property, with list values |
Function |
APOC Core |,second) - merges two maps |
Function |
APOC Core |[{maps}]) yield value - merges all maps in the list into one |
Function |
APOC Core |,key,[defaults],[fail=true]) - returns list of values for keys or throws exception if one of the key doesn’t exist and no default value given at that position |
Function |
APOC Core |,key,{recursive:true/false}) - remove the key from the map (recursively if recursive is true) |
Function |
APOC Core |,[keys],{recursive:true/false}) - remove the keys from the map (recursively if recursive is true) |
Function |
APOC Core |,key,value) |
Function |
APOC Core |,key,value) |
Function |
APOC Core |,[keys],[values]) |
Function |
APOC Core |,[[key1,value1],[key2,value2]) |
Function |
APOC Core |,[key1,value1,key2,value2]) |
Function |
APOC Core |, ignoreCase:true) - returns a list of key/value list pairs, with pairs sorted by keys alphabetically, with optional case sensitivity |
Function |
APOC Core |,keys,[defaults],[fail=true]) - returns submap for keys or throws exception if one of the key doesn’t exist and no default value given at that position |
Function |
APOC Core |, delimiter:'.') yield map - unflat from items separated by delimiter string to nested items (reverse of function) |
Function |
APOC Core |
Function |
APOC Core |
|, [key1,key2,key3,…],[addNullsForMissing]) returns list of values indicated by the keys |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.math.regr(label, propertyY, propertyX) - It calculates the coefficient of determination (R-squared) for the values of propertyY and propertyX in the provided label |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.cosh(val) | returns the hyperbolic cosin |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.coth(val) | returns the hyperbolic cotangent |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.csch(val) | returns the hyperbolic cosecant |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.maxByte() | return the maximum value an byte can have |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.maxDouble() | return the largest positive finite value of type double |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.maxInt() | return the maximum value an int can have |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.maxLong() | return the maximum value a long can have |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.minByte() | return the minimum value an byte can have |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.minDouble() | return the smallest positive nonzero value of type double |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.minInt() | return the minimum value an int can have |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.minLong() | return the minimum value a long can have |
Function |
APOC Core |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.sech(val) | returns the hyperbolic secant |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.sigmoid(val) | returns the sigmoid value |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.sigmoidPrime(val) | returns the sigmoid prime [ sigmoid(val) * (1 - sigmoid(val)) ] |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.sinh(val) | returns the hyperbolic sin |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.math.tanh(val) | returns the hyperbolic tangent |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
"apoc.merge.node.eager(['Label'], identProps:{key:value, …}, onCreateProps:{key:value,…}, onMatchProps:{key:value,…}}) - merge nodes with dynamic labels, with support for setting properties ON CREATE or ON MATCH |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.merge.node.eager(['Label'], identProps:{key:value, …}, onCreateProps:{key:value,…}, onMatchProps:{key:value,…}}) - merge nodes eagerly, with dynamic labels, with support for setting properties ON CREATE or ON MATCH |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.merge.relationship(startNode, relType, identProps:{key:value, …}, onCreateProps:{key:value, …}, endNode, onMatchProps:{key:value, …}) - merge relationship with dynamic type, with support for setting properties ON CREATE or ON MATCH |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.merge.relationship(startNode, relType, identProps:{key:value, …}, onCreateProps:{key:value, …}, endNode, onMatchProps:{key:value, …}) - merge relationship with dynamic type, with support for setting properties ON CREATE or ON MATCH |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
---|---|---|{config}) - examines a subset of the graph to provide a tabular meta information |
Procedure |
APOC Core |{graph}, {config}) - examines a subset of the graph to provide a tabular meta information |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.meta.graph - examines the full graph to create the meta-graph |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.meta.graph.of({graph}, {config}) - examines a subset of the graph to provide a graph meta information |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.meta.graphSample() - examines the database statistics to build the meta graph, very fast, might report extra relationships |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.meta.nodeTypeProperties() |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.meta.relTypeProperties() |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.meta.schema({config}) - examines a subset of the graph to provide a map-like meta information |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.meta.stats yield labelCount, relTypeCount, propertyKeyCount, nodeCount, relCount, labels, relTypes, stats | returns the information stored in the transactional database statistics |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.meta.subGraph({labels:[labels],rels:[rel-types], excludes:[labels,rel-types]}) - examines a sample sub graph to create the meta-graph |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Function |
APOC Core |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.meta.cypher.types(node-relationship-map) - returns a map of keys to types |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.meta.isType(value,type) - returns a row if type name matches none if not (INTEGER,FLOAT,STRING,BOOLEAN,RELATIONSHIP,NODE,PATH,NULL,UNKNOWN,MAP,LIST) |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.meta.nodes.count([labels], $config) - Returns the sum of the nodes with a label present in the list. |
Function |
APOC Core |
Function |
APOC Core |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.meta.types(node-relationship-map) - returns a map of keys to types |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type |
Rename the given key(s) in the |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.metrics.get(metricName, {}) - retrieve a system metric by its metric name. Additional configuration options may be passed matching the options available for apoc.load.csv. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.metrics.list() - get a list of available metrics |
Procedure |
APOC Full | - retrieve storage metrics about the devices Neo4j uses for data storage. directorySetting may be any valid neo4j directory setting name, such as ''. If null is provided as a directorySetting, you will get back all available directory settings. For a list of available directory settings, see the Neo4j operations manual reference on configuration settings. Directory settings are not paths, they are a neo4j.conf setting key name |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.model.jdbc('key or url', {schema:'<schema>', write: <true/false>, filters: { tables:[], views: [], columns: []}) YIELD nodes, relationships - load schema from relational database |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.mongo.aggregate(uri, pipeline, $config) yield value - perform an aggregate operation on mongodb collection |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.mongo.count(uri, query, $config) yield value - perform a count operation on mongodb collection |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.mongo.delete(uri, query, $config) - delete the given documents from the mongodb collection and returns the number of affected documents |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.mongo.find(uri, query, $config) yield value - perform a find operation on mongodb collection |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.mongo.insert(uri, documents, $config) yield value - inserts the given documents into the mongodb collection |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.mongo.update(uri, query, update, $config) - updates the given documents from the mongodb collection and returns the number of affected documents |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.mongodb.count(host-or-key,db,collection,query) yield value - perform a find operation on mongodb collection |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.mongodb.delete(host-or-key,db,collection,query) - delete the given documents from the mongodb collection and returns the number of affected documents |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.mongodb.find(host-or-key,db,collection,query,projection,sort,[compatibleValues=false|true],skip-or-null,limit-or-null,[extractReferences=false|true],[objectIdAsMap=true|false]) yield value - perform a find,project,sort operation on mongodb collection |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.mongodb.first(host-or-key,db,collection,query,[compatibleValues=false|true],[extractReferences=false|true],[objectIdAsMap=true|false]) yield value - perform a first operation on mongodb collection |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.mongodb.get(host-or-key,db,collection,query,[compatibleValues=false|true],skip-or-null,limit-or-null,[extractReferences=false|true],[objectIdAsMap=true|false]) yield value - perform a find operation on mongodb collection |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.mongodb.get.byObjectId(hostOrKey, db, collection, objectIdValue, config(default:{})) - get the document by Object id value |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.mongodb.insert(host-or-key,db,collection,documents) - inserts the given documents into the mongodb collection |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.mongodb.update(host-or-key,db,collection,query,update) - updates the given documents from the mongodb collection and returns the number of affected documents |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.monitor.ids() returns the object ids in use for this neo4j instance |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.monitor.kernel() returns informations about the neo4j kernel |
Procedure |
APOC Full | returns informations about the sizes of the different parts of the neo4j graph store |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.monitor.tx() returns informations about the neo4j transaction manager |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.neighbors.athop(node, rel-direction-pattern, distance) - returns distinct nodes of the given relationships in the pattern at a distance, can use '>' or '<' for all outgoing or incoming relationships |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.neighbors.athop.count(node, rel-direction-pattern, distance) - returns distinct nodes of the given relationships in the pattern at a distance, can use '>' or '<' for all outgoing or incoming relationships |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.neighbors.byhop(node, rel-direction-pattern, distance) - returns distinct nodes of the given relationships in the pattern at each distance, can use '>' or '<' for all outgoing or incoming relationships |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.neighbors.byhop.count(node, rel-direction-pattern, distance) - returns distinct nodes of the given relationships in the pattern at each distance, can use '>' or '<' for all outgoing or incoming relationships |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.neighbors.tohop(node, rel-direction-pattern, distance) - returns distinct nodes of the given relationships in the pattern up to a certain distance, can use '>' or '<' for all outgoing or incoming relationships |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.neighbors.tohop.count(node, rel-direction-pattern, distance) - returns distinct count of nodes of the given relationships in the pattern up to a certain distance, can use '>' or '<' for all outgoing or incoming relationships |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
Creates a (virtual) entity graph for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Returns a stream of entities for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Creates a (virtual) key phrases graph for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Returns a stream of key phrases for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Creates a (virtual) sentiment graph for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Returns stream of sentiment for items in provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Creates a (virtual) entity graph for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Provides a entity analysis for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Creates a (virtual) key phrase graph for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Provides a entity analysis for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Creates a (virtual) sentiment graph for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Provides a sentiment analysis for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Classifies a document into categories. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Classifies a document into categories. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Creates a (virtual) entity graph for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Returns a stream of entities for provided text |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
---|---|---|, rel-direction-pattern) - returns total degrees of the given relationships in the pattern, can use '>' or '<' for all outgoing or incoming relationships |
Function |
APOC Core |, relationshipName) - returns total number number of incoming relationships |
Function |
APOC Core |, relationshipName) - returns total number number of outgoing relationships |
Function |
APOC Core |
returns id for (virtual) nodes |
Function |
APOC Core |
returns labels for (virtual) nodes |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.node.relationship.exists(node, rel-direction-pattern) - returns true when the node has the relationships of the pattern |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.node.relationship.types(node, rel-direction-pattern) - returns a list of distinct relationship types |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.node.relationships.exist(node, rel-direction-pattern) - returns a map with rel-pattern, boolean for the given relationship patterns |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.nodes.collapse([nodes…],[{properties:'overwrite' or 'discard' or 'combine'}]) yield from, rel, to merge nodes onto first in list |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
CALL apoc.nodes.cycles([nodes], $config) - Detect all path cycles from node list |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.nodes.delete(node|nodes|id|[ids]) - quickly delete all nodes with these ids |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.nodes.get(node|nodes|id|[ids]) - quickly returns all nodes with these ids |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
|[nodes],'REL_TYPE', conf) - creates a linked list of nodes from first to last |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.get.rels(rel|id|[ids]) - quickly returns all relationships with these ids |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.nodes.connected(start, end, rel-direction-pattern) - returns true when the node is connected to the other node, optimized for dense nodes |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.nodes.isDense(node) - returns true if it is a dense node |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.nodes.relationship.types(node|nodes|id|[ids], rel-direction-pattern) - returns a list of maps where each one has two fields: |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.nodes.relationships.exist(node|nodes|id|[ids], rel-direction-pattern) - returns a list of maps where each one has two fields: |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.number.arabicToRoman(number) | convert arabic numbers to roman |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.number.exact.add(stringA,stringB) - return the sum’s result of two large numbers |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.number.exact.div(stringA,stringB,[prec],[roundingModel]) - return the division’s result of two large numbers |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.number.exact.mul(stringA,stringB,[prec],[roundingModel]) - return the multiplication’s result of two large numbers |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.number.exact.sub(stringA,stringB) - return the substraction’s of two large numbers |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.number.exact.toExact(number) - return the exact value |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.number.exact.toFloat(string,[prec],[roundingMode]) - return the Float value of a large number |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.number.exact.toInteger(string,[prec],[roundingMode]) - return the Integer value of a large number |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.number.format(number) | format a long or double using the default system pattern and language to produce a string |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.number.parseFloat(text) | parse a text using the default system pattern and language to produce a double |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.number.parseInt(text) | parse a text using the default system pattern and language to produce a long |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.number.romanToArabic(romanNumber) | convert roman numbers to arabic |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.path.expand(startNode <id>|Node|list, 'TYPE|TYPE_OUT>|<TYPE_IN', '+YesLabel|-NoLabel', minLevel, maxLevel ) yield path - expand from start node following the given relationships from min to max-level adhering to the label filters |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.path.expandConfig(startNode <id>|Node|list, {minLevel,maxLevel,uniqueness,relationshipFilter,labelFilter,uniqueness:'RELATIONSHIP_PATH',bfs:true, filterStartNode:false, limit:-1, optional:false, endNodes:[], terminatorNodes:[], sequence, beginSequenceAtStart:true}) yield path - expand from start node following the given relationships from min to max-level adhering to the label filters. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.path.spanningTree(startNode <id>|Node|list, {maxLevel,relationshipFilter,labelFilter,bfs:true, filterStartNode:false, limit:-1, optional:false, endNodes:[], terminatorNodes:[], sequence, beginSequenceAtStart:true}) yield path - expand a spanning tree reachable from start node following relationships to max-level adhering to the label filters |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.path.subgraphAll(startNode <id>|Node|list, {maxLevel,relationshipFilter,labelFilter,bfs:true, filterStartNode:false, limit:-1, endNodes:[], terminatorNodes:[], sequence, beginSequenceAtStart:true}) yield nodes, relationships - expand the subgraph reachable from start node following relationships to max-level adhering to the label filters, and also return all relationships within the subgraph |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.path.subgraphNodes(startNode <id>|Node|list, {maxLevel,relationshipFilter,labelFilter,bfs:true, filterStartNode:false, limit:-1, optional:false, endNodes:[], terminatorNodes:[], sequence, beginSequenceAtStart:true}) yield node - expand the subgraph nodes reachable from start node following relationships to max-level adhering to the label filters |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.path.combine(path1, path2) - combines the paths into one if the connecting node matches |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.path.create(startNode,[rels]) - creates a path instance of the given elements |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.path.elements(path) - returns a list of node-relationship-node-… |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.path.slice(path, [offset], [length]) - creates a sub-path with the given offset and length |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.periodic.cancel(name) - cancel job with the given name |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.periodic.commit(statement,params) - runs the given statement in separate transactions until it returns 0 |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.periodic.countdown('name',statement,repeat-rate-in-seconds) creates a background job that will repeatedly execute the given Cypher statement until it returns 0. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.periodic.iterate('statement returning items', 'statement per item', {batchSize:1000,iterateList:true,parallel:false,params:{},concurrency:50,retries:0}) YIELD batches, total - run the second statement for each item returned by the first statement. Returns number of batches and total processed rows |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.periodic.list - list all jobs |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.periodic.repeat('name',statement,repeat-rate-in-seconds, config) submit a repeatedly-called background query. The parameter 'config' is optional and can contain a 'params' entry usable in nested Cypher statement. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.periodic.rock_n_roll('some cypher for iteration', 'some cypher as action on each iteration', 10000) YIELD batches, total - run the action statement in batches over the iterator statement’s results in a separate thread. Returns number of batches and total processed rows |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.periodic.rock_n_roll_while('some cypher for knowing when to stop', 'some cypher for iteration', 'some cypher as action on each iteration', 10000) YIELD batches, total - run the action statement in batches over the iterator statement’s results in a separate thread. Returns number of batches and total processed rows |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.periodic.submit('name',statement,params) - creates a background job which executes a Cypher statement once. The parameter 'params' is optional and can contain query parameters for the Cypher statement |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.periodic.truncate({config}) - removes all entities (and optionally indexes and constraints) from db using the apoc.periodic.iterate under the hood |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.redis.append(uri, key, value, {config}) | Execute the 'APPEND key value' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.configGet(uri, parameter, {config}) | Execute the 'CONFIG GET parameter' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.configSet(uri, parameter, {config}) | Execute the 'CONFIG SET parameter value' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.copy(uri, source, destination, {config}) | Execute the 'COPY source destination' command and returns true if source was copied and false otherwise |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.eval(uri, script, outputType, keys, values, {config}) | Execute the 'EVAL script' command. In the parameters provided to the procedure, keys are bound to the KEYS[n] like special array of the Lua script and values are bound to the ARGV[n] like special array of the Lua script. |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.exists(uri, keys, {config}) | Execute the 'EXISTS keys' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.get(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'GET key' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.hdel(uri, key, fields, {config}) | Execute the 'HDEL key fields' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.hexists(uri, key, field, {config}) | Execute the 'HEXISTS key field' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.hget(uri, key, field, {config}) | Execute the 'HGET key field' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.hgetall(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'HGETALL key' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.hincrby(uri, key, field, amount, {config}) | Execute the 'HINCRBY key field amount' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.hset(uri, key, field, value, {config}) | Execute the 'HSET key field value' command and returns true if it is a new field in the hash or false if the field already exists |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.incrby(uri, key, amount, {config}) | Execute the 'INCRBY key increment' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |, {config}) | Execute the 'INFO' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.lrange(uri, key, start, stop, {config}) | Execute the 'LRANGE key start stop' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.persist(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'PERSIST key' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.pexpire(uri, key, time, isExpireAt {config}) | Execute the 'PEXPIRE key time' command, or the 'PEPXPIREAT' if isExpireAt=true |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.pop(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'LPOP key' command, or the 'RPOP' if config right=true (default) |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.pttl(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'PTTL key' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.push(uri, key, values, {config}) | Execute the 'LPUSH key field values' command, or the 'RPUSH' if config right=true (default) |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.sadd(uri, key, members, {config}) | Execute the 'SADD key members' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.scard(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'SCARD key' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.getSet(uri, key, value, {config}) | Execute the 'SET key value' command and return old value stored (or null if did not exists) |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.smembers(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'SMEMBERS key' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.spop(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'SPOP key' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.sunion(uri, keys, {config}) | Execute the 'SUNION keys' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.zadd(uri, keys, scoresAndMembers, {config}) | Execute the 'ZADD key scoresAndMembers' command, where scoresAndMembers is a list of score,member,score,member,… |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.zcard(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'ZCARD key' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.zrangebyscore(uri, key, min, max, {config}) | Execute the 'ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.redis.zrem(uri, key, members, {config}) | Execute the 'ZREM key members' command |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.refactor.categorize(sourceKey, type, outgoing, label, targetKey, copiedKeys, batchSize) turn each unique propertyKey into a category node and connect to it |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.cloneNodes([node1,node2,…]) clone nodes with their labels and properties |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.cloneNodesWithRelationships([node1,node2,…]) clone nodes with their labels, properties and relationships |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.cloneSubgraph([node1,node2,…], [rel1,rel2,…]:[], {standinNodes:[], skipProperties:[]}) YIELD input, output, error | clone nodes with their labels and properties (optionally skipping any properties in the skipProperties list via the config map), and clone the given relationships (will exist between cloned nodes only). If no relationships are provided, all relationships between the given nodes will be cloned. Relationships can be optionally redirected according to standinNodes node pairings (this is a list of list-pairs of nodes), so given a node in the original subgraph (first of the pair), an existing node (second of the pair) can act as a standin for it within the cloned subgraph. Cloned relationships will be redirected to the standin. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.cloneSubgraphFromPaths([path1, path2, …], {standinNodes:[], skipProperties:[]}) YIELD input, output, error | from the subgraph formed from the given paths, clone nodes with their labels and properties (optionally skipping any properties in the skipProperties list via the config map), and clone the relationships (will exist between cloned nodes only). Relationships can be optionally redirected according to standinNodes node pairings (this is a list of list-pairs of nodes), so given a node in the original subgraph (first of the pair), an existing node (second of the pair) can act as a standin for it within the cloned subgraph. Cloned relationships will be redirected to the standin. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.collapseNode([node1,node2],'TYPE') collapse node to relationship, node with one rel becomes self-relationship |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.deleteAndReconnect([pathLinkedList], [nodesToRemove], {config}) - Removes some nodes from a linked list |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.extractNode([rel1,rel2,…], [labels],'OUT','IN') extract node from relationships |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.from(rel, startNode) redirect relationship to use new start-node |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.invert(rel) inverts relationship direction |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.mergeNodes([node1,node2],[{properties:'overwrite' or 'discard' or 'combine'}]) merge nodes onto first in list |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.mergeRelationships([rel1,rel2]) merge relationships onto first in list |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.normalizeAsBoolean(entity, propertyKey, true_values, false_values) normalize/convert a property to be boolean |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.rename.label(oldLabel, newLabel, [nodes]) | rename a label from 'oldLabel' to 'newLabel' for all nodes. If 'nodes' is provided renaming is applied to this set only |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.rename.nodeProperty(oldName, newName, [nodes], {config}) | rename all node’s property from 'oldName' to 'newName'. If 'nodes' is provided renaming is applied to this set only |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.rename.type(oldType, newType, [rels], {config}) | rename all relationships with type 'oldType' to 'newType'. If 'rels' is provided renaming is applied to this set only |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.rename.typeProperty(oldName, newName, [rels], {config}) | rename all relationship’s property from 'oldName' to 'newName'. If 'rels' is provided renaming is applied to this set only |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.refactor.setType(rel, 'NEW-TYPE') change relationship-type |
Procedure |
APOC Core |, endNode) redirect relationship to use new end-node |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
returns endNode for (virtual) relationships |
Function |
APOC Core |
returns id for (virtual) relationships |
Function |
APOC Core |
returns startNode for (virtual) relationships |
Function |
APOC Core |
returns type for (virtual) relationships |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.scoring.existence(5, true) returns the provided score if true, 0 if false |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.scoring.pareto(10, 20, 100, 11) applies a Pareto scoring function over the inputs |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
Do a parallel search over multiple indexes returning a reduced representation of the nodes found: node id, labels and the searched properties. map of label and properties which will be searched upon, operator: EXACT | CONTAINS | STARTS WITH | ENDS WITH, searchValue ). Multiple search results for the same node are merged into one record. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Do a parallel search over multiple indexes returning nodes. usage map of label and properties which will be searched upon, operator: EXACT | CONTAINS | STARTS WITH | ENDS WITH, searchValue ) returns all the DISTINCT Nodes found in the different searches. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Do a parallel search over multiple indexes returning nodes. usage map of label and properties which will be searched upon, operator: EXACT | CONTAINS | STARTS WITH | ENDS WITH, searchValue ) returns all the Nodes found in the different searches. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Do a parallel search over multiple indexes returning a reduced representation of the nodes found: node id, labels and the searched property. map of label and properties which will be searched upon, operator: EXACT / CONTAINS / STARTS WITH | ENDS WITH / = / <> / < / > …, value ). All 'hits' are returned. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Do a parallel search over multiple indexes returning a reduced representation of the nodes found: node id, labels and the searched properties. map of label and properties which will be searched upon, operator: EXACT | CONTAINS | STARTS WITH | ENDS WITH, searchValue ). Multiple search results for the same node are merged into one record. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.spatial.geocode('address', maxResults, quotaException, $config) YIELD location, latitude, longitude, description, osmData - look up geographic location of address from a geocoding service (the default one is OpenStreetMap) |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.spatial.geocodeOnce('address', $config) YIELD location, latitude, longitude, description, osmData - look up geographic location of address from a geocoding service (the default one is OpenStreetMap) |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.spatial.reverseGeocode(latitude,longitude, quotaException, $config) YIELD location, latitude, longitude, description - look up address from latitude and longitude from a geocoding service (the default one is OpenStreetMap) |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.spatial.sortByDistance(List<Path>) sort the given paths based on the geo informations (lat/long) in ascending order |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.static.get(name) - returns statically stored value from config (apoc.static.<key>) or server lifetime storage |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.static.list(prefix) - returns statically stored values from config (apoc.static.<prefix>.*) or server lifetime storage |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.static.set(name, value) - stores value under key for server lifetime storage, returns previously stored or configured value |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
apoc.static.get(name) - returns statically stored value from config (apoc.static.<key>) or server lifetime storage |
Function |
APOC Full |
apoc.static.getAll(prefix) - returns statically stored values from config (apoc.static.<prefix>.*) or server lifetime storage |
Function |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.temporal.format(input, format) | Format a temporal value |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.temporal.formatDuration(input, format) | Format a Duration |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.temporal.toZonedTemporal('2012-12-23 23:59:59','yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', 'UTC-hour-offset') parse date string using the specified format to specified timezone |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.text.doubleMetaphone(value) yield value - Compute the Double Metaphone phonetic encoding of all words of the text value which can be a single string or a list of strings |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.phonetic(value) yield value - Compute the US_ENGLISH phonetic soundex encoding of all words of the text value which can be a single string or a list of strings |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.phoneticDelta(text1, text2) yield phonetic1, phonetic2, delta - Compute the US_ENGLISH soundex character difference between two given strings |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.base64Decode(text) YIELD value - Decode Base64 encoded string |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.base64Encode(text) YIELD value - Encode a string with Base64 |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.base64UrlDecode(url) YIELD value - Decode Base64 encoded url |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.base64UrlEncode(text) YIELD value - Encode a url with Base64 |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.byteCount(text,[charset]) - return size of text in bytes |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.bytes(text,[charset]) - return bytes of the text |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.camelCase(text) YIELD value - Convert a string to camelCase |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.capitalize(text) YIELD value - capitalise the first letter of the word |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.capitalizeAll(text) YIELD value - capitalise the first letter of every word in the text |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.charAt(text, index) - the decimal value of the character at the given index |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.clean(text) - strip the given string of everything except alpha numeric characters and convert it to lower case. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.code(codepoint) - Returns the unicode character of the given codepoint |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.compareCleaned(text1, text2) - compare the given strings stripped of everything except alpha numeric characters converted to lower case. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.decapitalize(text) YIELD value - decapitalize the first letter of the word |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.decapitalizeAll(text) YIELD value - decapitalize the first letter of all words |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.distance(text1, text2) - compare the given strings with the Levenshtein distance algorithm. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.doubleMetaphone(value) yield value - Compute the Double Metaphone phonetic encoding of all words of the text value |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.format(text,[params],language) - sprintf format the string with the params given |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.fuzzyMatch(text1, text2) - check if 2 words can be matched in a fuzzy way. Depending on the length of the String it will allow more characters that needs to be edited to match the second String. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.hammingDistance(text1, text2) - compare the given strings with the Hamming distance algorithm. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.hexCharAt(text, index) - the hex value string of the character at the given index |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.hexValue(value) - the hex value string of the given number |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.indexOf(text, lookup, from=0, to=-1==len) - find the first occurence of the lookup string in the text, from inclusive, to exclusive, -1 if not found, null if text is null. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.indexesOf(text, lookup, from=0, to=-1==len) - finds all occurences of the lookup string in the text, return list, from inclusive, to exclusive, empty list if not found, null if text is null. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.jaroWinklerDistance(text1, text2) - compare the given strings with the Jaro-Winkler distance algorithm. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.join(['text1','text2',…], delimiter) - join the given strings with the given delimiter. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.levenshteinDistance(text1, text2) - compare the given strings with the Levenshtein distance algorithm. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.levenshteinSimilarity(text1, text2) - calculate the similarity (a value within 0 and 1) between two texts. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.lpad(text,count,delim) YIELD value - left pad the string to the given width |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.phonetic(text) yield value - Compute the US_ENGLISH phonetic soundex encoding of all words of the text |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.random(length, valid) YIELD value - generate a random string |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.regexGroups(text, regex) - return all matching groups of the regex on the given text. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.regreplace(text, regex, replacement) - replace each substring of the given string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.repeat(item, count) - string multiplication |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.replace(text, regex, replacement) - replace each substring of the given string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.rpad(text,count,delim) YIELD value - right pad the string to the given width |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.slug(text, delim) - slug the text with the given delimiter |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.snakeCase(text) YIELD value - Convert a string to snake-case |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.sorensenDiceSimilarityWithLanguage(text1, text2, languageTag) - compare the given strings with the Sørensen–Dice coefficient formula, with the provided IETF language tag |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.split(text, regex, limit) - splits the given text around matches of the given regex. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.swapCase(text) YIELD value - Swap the case of a string |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.toCypher(value, {skipKeys,keepKeys,skipValues,keepValues,skipNull,node,relationship,start,end}) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a cypher-property-string |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.toUpperCase(text) YIELD value - Convert a string to UPPER_CASE |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.upperCamelCase(text) YIELD value - Convert a string to camelCase |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.urldecode(text) - return the urldecoded text |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.text.urlencode(text) - return the urlencoded text |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
CALL apoc.trigger.install(databaseName, name, statement, selector, config) | eventually adds a trigger for a given database which is invoked when a successful transaction occurs. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
CALL apoc.trigger.drop(databaseName, name) | eventually removes an existing trigger, returns the trigger’s information |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
CALL apoc.trigger.dropAll(databaseName) | eventually removes all previously added trigger, returns triggers' information |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
CALL apoc.trigger.start(databaseName, name) | eventually unpauses the paused trigger |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
CALL apoc.trigger.stop(databaseName, name) | eventually pauses the trigger |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
CALL | it lists all eventually installed triggers for a database |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
CALL apoc.trigger.list() | it lists all currently installed triggers for the session database |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Function |
APOC Full |
Function |
APOC Full |
Function |
APOC Full |
Function |
APOC Full |
Deprecated Procedures
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
add a trigger kernelTransaction under a name, in the kernelTransaction you can use {createdNodes}, {deletedNodes} etc., the selector is {phase:'before/after/rollback/afterAsync'} returns previous and new trigger information. Takes in an optional configuration. |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
remove previously added trigger, returns trigger information |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
removes all previously added trigger, returns trigger information |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
CALL apoc.trigger.pause(name) | it pauses the trigger |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
CALL apoc.trigger.resume(name) | it resumes the paused trigger |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
CALL apoc.ttl.expire(node,time,'time-unit') - expire node at specified time by setting :TTL label and |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
CALL apoc.ttl.expireIn(node,timeDelta,'time-unit') - expire node after specified length of time time by setting :TTL label and |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Function |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
apoc.util.sleep(<duration>) | sleeps for <duration> millis, transaction termination is honored |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.util.validate(predicate, message, params) | if the predicate yields to true raise an exception |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
apoc.util.compress(string, {config}) | return a compressed byte[] in various format from a string |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.util.decompress(compressed, {config}) | return a string from a compressed byte[] in various format |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.util.md5([values]) | computes the md5 of the concatenation of all string values of the list. Unsuitable for cryptographic use-cases. |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.util.sha1([values]) | computes the sha1 of the concatenation of all string values of the list |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.util.sha256([values]) | computes the sha256 of the concatenation of all string values of the list |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.util.sha384([values]) | computes the sha384 of the concatenation of all string values of the list |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.util.sha512([values]) | computes the sha512 of the concatenation of all string values of the list |
Function |
APOC Core |
apoc.util.validatePredicate(predicate, message, params) | if the predicate yields to true raise an exception else returns true, for use inside WHERE subclauses |
Function |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.util.hashCode(value) - Returns the java.lang.Object#hashCode() of the value |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
CALL apoc.uuid.drop(label, databaseName) yield label, installed, properties | eventually removes previously added UUID handler and returns uuid information |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
CALL apoc.uuid.dropAll(databaseName) yield label, installed, properties | eventually removes all previously added UUID handlers and returns uuids' information |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
CALL apoc.uuid.install(label, {addToExistingNodes: true/false, uuidProperty: 'uuid'}) yield label, installed, properties, batchComputationResult | it will add the uuid transaction handler
for the provided |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
CALL apoc.uuid.list() yield label, installed, properties | provides a list of all the uuid handlers installed with the related configuration |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
CALL apoc.uuid.remove(label) yield label, installed, properties | remove previously added uuid handler and returns uuid information. All the existing uuid properties are left as-is |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
CALL apoc.uuid.removeAll() yield label, installed, properties | it removes all previously added uuid handlers and returns uuids information. All the existing uuid properties are left as-is |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
CALL apoc.uuid.setup(label, databaseName, $config) | eventually adds the uuid transaction handler for the provided |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
CALL | it lists all eventually installed UUID handler for a database |
Procedure |
APOC Full |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
---|---|---|,loadDynamicProperties=false,loadIndexes=false) - quickly loads all nodes and rels into memory by skipping one page at a time |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
Deprecated by apoc.import.xml |
Procedure |
APOC Core |
RETURN apoc.xml.parse(<xml string>, <xPath string>, config, false) AS value |
Function |
APOC Core |