
Function Apoc Extended

apoc.agg.rollup(<ANY>, [groupKeys], [aggKeys])

Emulate an Oracle/Mysql ROLLUP command: ROLLUP groupKeys, SUM(aggKey1), AVG(aggKey1), COUNT(aggKey1), SUM(aggKey2), AVG(aggKey2), …​.

Note that the [NULL] values (see the Interpreting "[NULL]" Values in Results section here) are returned by the procedure as [NULL].


apoc.agg.rollup(value :: ANY | RELATIONSHIP, groupKeys :: LIST OF STRING, aggKeys :: LIST OF STRING) :: (MAP?)

Config parameters

The procedure support the following properties in the APOC configuration file (apoc.conf):

Table 1. Config parameters
name type default description




to emulate the CUBE clause, instead of the ROLLUP one.

Usage Examples

Given this dataset:

CREATE (:Product {SupplierID: 1, CategoryID: 1, anotherID: 1, Price: 18, otherNum: 0.3}),
    (:Product {SupplierID: 11, CategoryID: 3, anotherID: 1, Price: 14.0, otherNum: 0.1}),
    (:Product {SupplierID: 11, CategoryID: 3, anotherID: 0, Price: 31.0, otherNum: 2}),
    (:Product {SupplierID: 11, CategoryID: 4, anotherID: 0, Price: 44, otherNum: 0.7}),
    (:Product {SupplierID: 1, CategoryID: null, anotherID: 1, Price: 18, otherNum: 0.7}),
    (:Product {SupplierID: null, CategoryID: null, anotherID: 0, Price: 18, otherNum: 0.6}),
    (:Product {SupplierID: null, CategoryID: 2, anotherID: 0, Price: 199, otherNum: 0.8});

We can emulate a ROLLUP clause like this:

SELECT SupplierID, CategoryID, anotherID,
   SUM(Price), AVG(Price), COUNT(Price), SUM(otherNum), AVG(otherNum), COUNT(otherNum)
   GROUP BY ROLLUP(SupplierID, CategoryID, anotherID)

by executing:

MATCH (p:Product)
RETURN apoc.agg.rollup(p,
    ["SupplierID", "CategoryID", "anotherID"],
    ["Price", "otherNum"]
) as data
Table 2. Results

Note that the [NULL] values (see the Interpreting "[NULL]" Values in Results section here) are returned by the procedure as [NULL].

or a ROLLUP clause like:

SELECT CategoryID, SupplierID, anotherID,
   SUM(Price), AVG(Price), COUNT(Price), SUM(otherNum), AVG(otherNum), COUNT(otherNum)
   GROUP BY ROLLUP(CategoryID, SupplierID, anotherID)

with this query:

MATCH (p:Product)
RETURN apoc.agg.rollup(p,
    ["CategoryID", "SupplierID", "anotherID"],
    ["Price", "otherNum"]
) as data
Table 3. Results
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.3, "CategoryID": 1, "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.3, "SupplierID": 1, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.3, "CategoryID": 1, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.3, "SupplierID": 1, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.3, "CategoryID": 1, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.3, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.8, "CategoryID": 2, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 199, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 199.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.8, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.8, "CategoryID": 2, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 199, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 199.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.8, "SupplierID": null, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.8, "CategoryID": 2, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 199, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 199.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.8, "SupplierID": null, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 2.0, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 31.0, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 31.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 2, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.1, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 14.0, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 14.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.1, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 1.05, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 45.0, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 22.5, "SUM(otherNum)": 2.1, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 1.05, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 45.0, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 22.5, "SUM(otherNum)": 2.1, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": 4, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 44, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 44.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": 4, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 44, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 44.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": 4, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 44, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 44.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7428571428571428, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 342.0, "COUNT(Price)": 7, "AVG(Price)": 48.857142857142854, "SUM(otherNum)": 5.199999999999999, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 7},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": null, "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": 1, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": null, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": 1, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.6499999999999999, "CategoryID": null, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 36, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 1.2999999999999998, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.6, "CategoryID": null, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.6, "SupplierID": null, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.6, "CategoryID": null, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.6, "SupplierID": null, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1}

We can also emulate a CUBE clause like this:

SELECT SupplierID, CategoryID, anotherID,
   SUM(Price), AVG(Price), COUNT(Price), SUM(otherNum), AVG(otherNum), COUNT(otherNum)
   GROUP BY CUBE(SupplierID, CategoryID, anotherID)


MATCH (p:Product)
RETURN apoc.agg.rollup(p,
    ["SupplierID", "CategoryID", "anotherID"],
    ["Price", "otherNum"],
    {cube: true}
) as data
Table 4. Results
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.3, "CategoryID": 1, "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.3, "SupplierID": 1, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.3, "CategoryID": 1, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.3, "SupplierID": 1, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.5666666666666667, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 54, "COUNT(Price)": 3, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 1.7, "SupplierID": 1, "COUNT(otherNum)": 3},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.5666666666666667, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 54, "COUNT(Price)": 3, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 1.7, "SupplierID": 1, "COUNT(otherNum)": 3},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 2.0, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 31.0, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 31.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 2, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.1, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 14.0, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 14.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.1, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 1.05, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 45.0, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 22.5, "SUM(otherNum)": 2.1, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": 4, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 44, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 44.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": 4, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 44, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 44.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 1.35, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 75.0, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 37.5, "SUM(otherNum)": 2.7, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.1, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 14.0, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 14.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.1, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.9333333333333332, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 89.0, "COUNT(Price)": 3, "AVG(Price)": 29.666666666666668, "SUM(otherNum)": 2.8, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 3},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.3, "CategoryID": 1, "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.3, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.3, "CategoryID": 1, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.3, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.8, "CategoryID": 2, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 398, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 199.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 1.6, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.8, "CategoryID": 2, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 398, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 199.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 1.6, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 2.0, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 31.0, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 31.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 2, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.1, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 14.0, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 14.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.1, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 1.05, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 45.0, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 22.5, "SUM(otherNum)": 2.1, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": 4, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 44, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 44.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": 4, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 44, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 44.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.8374999999999999, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 545.0, "COUNT(Price)": 8, "AVG(Price)": 68.125, "SUM(otherNum)": 6.699999999999999, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 8},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.45, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 68.0, "COUNT(Price)": 4, "AVG(Price)": 17.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 1.8, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 4},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7083333333333331, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 613.0, "COUNT(Price)": 12, "AVG(Price)": 51.083333333333336, "SUM(otherNum)": 8.499999999999998, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 12}

or a CUBE clause like:

SELECT CategoryID, SupplierID, anotherID,
    SUM(Price), AVG(Price), COUNT(Price), SUM(otherNum), AVG(otherNum), COUNT(otherNum)
    GROUP BY CUBE(CategoryID, SupplierID, anotherID)

with this query:

MATCH (p:Product)
RETURN apoc.agg.rollup(p,
    ["CategoryID", "SupplierID", "anotherID"],
    ["Price", "otherNum"],
    {cube: true}
) as data
Table 5. Results
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.3, "CategoryID": 1, "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.3, "SupplierID": 1, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.3, "CategoryID": 1, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.3, "SupplierID": 1, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.3, "CategoryID": 1, "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.3, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.3, "CategoryID": 1, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 18, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.3, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.8, "CategoryID": 2, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 398, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 199.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 1.6, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.8, "CategoryID": 2, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 398, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 199.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 1.6, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 2.0, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 31.0, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 31.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 2, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.1, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 14.0, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 14.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.1, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 1.05, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 45.0, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 22.5, "SUM(otherNum)": 2.1, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 2.0, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 31.0, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 31.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 2, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.1, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 14.0, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 14.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.1, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 1.05, "CategoryID": 3, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 45.0, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 22.5, "SUM(otherNum)": 2.1, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": 4, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 44, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 44.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": 4, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 44, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 44.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": 4, "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 44, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 44.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7, "CategoryID": 4, "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 44, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 44.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.7, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.5666666666666667, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 54, "COUNT(Price)": 3, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 1.7, "SupplierID": 1, "COUNT(otherNum)": 3},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.5666666666666667, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 54, "COUNT(Price)": 3, "AVG(Price)": 18.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 1.7, "SupplierID": 1, "COUNT(otherNum)": 3},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 1.35, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 75.0, "COUNT(Price)": 2, "AVG(Price)": 37.5, "SUM(otherNum)": 2.7, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 2},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.1, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 14.0, "COUNT(Price)": 1, "AVG(Price)": 14.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 0.1, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 1},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.9333333333333332, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 89.0, "COUNT(Price)": 3, "AVG(Price)": 29.666666666666668, "SUM(otherNum)": 2.8, "SupplierID": 11, "COUNT(otherNum)": 3},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.8374999999999999, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": 0, "SUM(Price)": 545.0, "COUNT(Price)": 8, "AVG(Price)": 68.125, "SUM(otherNum)": 6.699999999999999, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 8},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.45, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": 1, "SUM(Price)": 68.0, "COUNT(Price)": 4, "AVG(Price)": 17.0, "SUM(otherNum)": 1.8, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 4},
    { "AVG(otherNum)": 0.7083333333333331, "CategoryID": "[NULL]", "anotherID": "[NULL]", "SUM(Price)": 613.0, "COUNT(Price)": 12, "AVG(Price)": 51.083333333333336, "SUM(otherNum)": 8.499999999999998, "SupplierID": "[NULL]", "COUNT(otherNum)": 12}