Function Apoc Extended
apoc.trigger.toRelationship(rel :: RELATIONSHIP, removedRelationshipProperties :: MAP) :: RELATIONSHIP
Usage Examples
This function is intended to be used within an apoc.trigger.install
Cypher statement.
If we want to create a 'before' or 'after' trigger query using $deletedRelationships
, and retrieve entity information such as the type and/or properties, we cannot use the classic Cypher functions type() and properties().
Instead, we have to leverage virtual relationships through the function apoc.trigger.toRelationship(rel, $removedRelationshipProperties)
For example, to create a new Report
node with a list of deleted relationship IDs and the type retrieved for each deleted relationship, we can execute:
CALL apoc.trigger.install(
'neo4j', 'myTrigger',
"UNWIND $deletedRelationships as deletedRel
WITH apoc.trigger.toRelationship(deletedRel, $removedRelationshipProperties) AS deletedRel
CALL apoc.merge.node(
{type: apoc.rel.type(deletedRel)},
{created: datetime()},
{updated: datetime()}
) YIELD node AS report
WITH report, deletedRel
SET report.deletedIds = coalesce(report.deletedIds, [])+[id(deletedRel)]" ,
Now, let’s create and delete a IN_GENRE
relationship between a Movie
node and a Genre
MERGE (movie:Movie {title: "The White Tiger"})
MERGE (genre:Genre {name: "Triller"})
MERGE (movie)-[IN_GENRE]->(genre);
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: "The White Tiger"})-[r:IN_GENRE]->(genre:Genre {name: "Triller"}) DELETE r;
Finally, let’s check the Report
MATCH (report:Report {labels: ['IN_GENRE']})
RETURN report;
report |
(:Report {"created": "2024-12-12T08:33:27.188000000Z", "deletedIds": [12], "type": "IN_GENRE"}) |