Invert relationships
The APOC library contains a procedure that can be used to invert the direction of relationships.
Procedure for inverting the direction of relationships
Qualified Name | Type |
Procedure |
The below example will further explain this procedure.
The following creates a graph containing two nodes connected by a relationship:
CREATE path=(c:Car {make:"Volvo"})-[rel:DRIVES {year:2001}]->(p:Person {name:"Dan"}) RETURN path

The following inverts the direction of the relationship:
MATCH (c:Car)-[rel:DRIVES]->(p:Person)
CALL apoc.refactor.invert(rel, { failOnErrors = true })
yield input, output
RETURN input, output
input | output |
2 |
{"identity":3,"start":9,"end":8,"type":"DRIVES","properties":{"year":2001}} |
The relationship has now been inverted
MATCH path=(c:Car {make:"Volvo"})-[rel:DRIVES {year:2001}]-(p:Person {name:"Dan"}) RETURN path