Configuration of Aura CLI

The Aura CLI makes heavy use of console commands containing the keyword tenant. To be consistent with that, all Aura CLI documentation pages use the term "tenant", which other parts of the documentation refer to as "project" instead, which is the topological evolution of "tenant".

Aura CLI has two commands for its own configuration:

  • credential - sets of client IDs and client secrets that are used to authenticate with the Aura API that the Aura CLI uses to perform its own operations.

  • config - addtional configuration options for the Aura CLI, such as turning Beta features on or off.



Adds a set of credentials, client ID and client secret, that were obtained from the Aura Console:

aura-cli credential add --name YOUR_LABEL --client-id YOUR_CLIENT_ID --client-secret YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET


Show all configured credentials that can be used by the Aura CLI:

aura-cli credential list


Remove a set of credentials:

aura-cli credential list --name NAME_TO_REMOVE


Set the default credentials for the Aura CLI to use:

aura-cli credential use --name NAME_TO_USE


There are various configuration settings that can be controlled by this command, for example, enabling beta features.


Show the current configuration settings:

aura-cli config list


Show the value of a selected setting:

aura-cli config set SETTING\_NAME


Set the value for a selected setting:

aura-cli config set SETTING_NAME SETTING_VALUE