Initial configuration
The Aura CLI makes heavy use of console commands containing the keyword |
Obtain an Aura API Key
You must have payment information in your account to access this functionality. This also applies to Aura Free. |
Aura Console
Log in to the Neo4j Aura Console. Navigate to the top right where your account name is displayed and use the down arrow to access the account menu.
Use Create from API Keys in the menu to create a new key.
In the pop-up window, enter a name for the client and then Create.
Make sure to securely save the generated client ID and client secret as they are required to use the Aura CLI and they are not shown again.
Aura Console classic
Log in to the Neo4j Aura Console.
Navigate to the top right where your account name is displayed and use the down arrow to access the account menu.
Navigate to Account Details.
In the Account Details display, click Create under Aura API and Credentials.
In the pop-up window, enter a name for the client and then Create.
Make sure to securely save the generated client ID and client secret as they are required to use the Aura CLI.
Configure the Aura CLI with an Aura API key
Configure the Aura CLI with the Aura API client ID and client secret you obtained earlier. The Aura CLI refers to these as "credentials". You can have several sets of credentials and select which one to use.
At the command prompt, enter the following, using your own values:
aura-cli credential add --name YOUR\_LABEL --client-id YOUR\_CLIENT\_ID --client-secret YOUR\_CLIENT\_SECRET
To confirm the credentials are working, list your Aura instances:
aura-cli instance list --output table