Community Detection

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This Jupyter notebook is hosted here in the Neo4j Graph Data Science Client Github repository.

The notebook shows the usage of the graphdatascience library for community detection on the Reddit Hyperlink Network dataset that can be downloaded here. We will use the soc-redditHyperlinks-body.tsv file.

The tasks we cover here include performing initial graph preprocessing using Weakly Connected Components and then performing community detection on the largest component using the Louvain algorithm.

1. Setup

We start by importing our dependencies and setting up our GDS client connection to the database.

# Install necessary dependencies
%pip install graphdatascience pandas
import os

import pandas as pd

from graphdatascience import GraphDataScience
NEO4J_URI = os.environ.get("NEO4J_URI", "bolt://localhost:7687")
if os.environ.get("NEO4J_USER") and os.environ.get("NEO4J_PASSWORD"):
    NEO4J_AUTH = (

gds = GraphDataScience(NEO4J_URI, auth=NEO4J_AUTH)
from graphdatascience import ServerVersion

assert gds.server_version() >= ServerVersion(2, 5, 0)

2. Importing the dataset

We import the dataset as a pandas dataframe first. We work with only a subset of the dataset. The sampled data is only till 1st March 2014.

df = pd.read_csv("", sep="\t")
df = df[df["TIMESTAMP"] < "2014-03-01 02:51:13"]

The LINK_SENTIMENT column tells if there is a positive (+1) or negative (-1) relationship from the source subreddit to destination subreddit. We filter out the negative sentiment relationships as they won’t add to any meaningful communities. We also drop duplicate relationships.

relationship_df = df[df["LINK_SENTIMENT"] == 1]
relationship_df = relationship_df[columns]
relationship_df = relationship_df.drop_duplicates()

Next, we get a list of all the distinct nodes (source or destination) and load them as a dataframe.

# Get unique nodes for each column
source_nodes = pd.Series(df["SOURCE_SUBREDDIT"])
target_nodes = pd.Series(df["TARGET_SUBREDDIT"])
# Get unique nodes for both columns
all_nodes = pd.Series(pd.concat([df["SOURCE_SUBREDDIT"], df["TARGET_SUBREDDIT"]])).unique()

# Create new dataframe with distinct nodes
nodes_df = pd.DataFrame({"SUBREDDIT": all_nodes})

Finally, we load this data (nodes and edges) into a Graph Database and a GDS graph.

    "UNWIND $nodes AS node CREATE (n:Subreddit {name: node.SUBREDDIT})",
    params={"nodes": nodes_df.to_dict("records")},

    UNWIND $rels AS rel
    MATCH (source:Subreddit {name: rel.SOURCE_SUBREDDIT}), (target:Subreddit {name: rel.TARGET_SUBREDDIT})
    CREATE (source)-[:HYPERLINKED_TO]->(target)
    params={"rels": relationship_df.to_dict("records")},
G, result = gds.graph.project("reddit", "Subreddit", "HYPERLINKED_TO")

print(f"The projection took {result['projectMillis']} ms")

# We can use convenience methods on `G` to check if the projection looks correct
print(f"Graph '{}' node count: {G.node_count()}")
print(f"Graph '{}' node labels: {G.node_labels()}")

3. Weakly Connected Components

A graph dataset need not always be connected. That is, there may not exist a path from every node to every other node in the graph dataset (subgraphs in it may not be connected to each other at all). Hence, we need to find the total number of nodes in each subgraph to see if it is big enough for further graph analysis. Smaller subgraphs or lone nodes will not contribute to the community detection task and should be eliminated. Weakly Connected Components is often used as one of the early steps of graph preprocessing.

We use the Weakly Connected Components algorithm to find sets of connected nodes and assign each set a component ID.

result = gds.wcc.mutate(G, mutateProperty="componentId")

print(f"Components found: {result.componentCount}")
# We can verify that the componentId was mutated

Next, we will see the size of each connected component and depending on that, we can pick the subgraph that needs further analysis.

We use run_cypher here instead of the direct GDS client call since we want to see the size of the connected components.

query = """
    CALL'reddit', 'componentId')
    YIELD nodeId, propertyValue
    WITH gds.util.asNode(nodeId).name AS node, propertyValue AS componentId
    WITH componentId, collect(node) AS subreddits
    WITH componentId, subreddits, size(subreddits) AS componentSize
    RETURN componentId, componentSize, subreddits
    ORDER BY componentSize DESC

components = gds.run_cypher(query)
largest_component = components["componentId"][0]

print(f"The largest component has the id {largest_component} with {components['componentSize'][0]} subreddits.")

For our further analysis we will work only with that subgraph.

largest_component_graph, _ = gds.graph.filter(
    "largest_connected_components", G, f"n.componentId={largest_component}", "*"

4. Community Detection using Louvain

We use the Louvain algorithm to detect communities in our subgraph and assign a louvainCommunityId to each community.

gds.louvain.mutate(largest_component_graph, mutateProperty="louvainCommunityId")

We get a modularity score of 0.5898 for our community detection algorithm.

gds.graph.nodeProperties.write(largest_component_graph, ["louvainCommunityId"])

We can also check that the property was written by the below command.

    MATCH (n) WHERE 'louvainCommunityId' IN keys(n)
    RETURN, n.louvainCommunityId LIMIT 10

Now we want to inspect the communities produced by Louvain.

query = """
    CALL'largest_connected_components', 'louvainCommunityId')
    YIELD nodeId, propertyValue
    WITH gds.util.asNode(nodeId).name AS node, propertyValue AS communityId
    WITH communityId, collect(node) AS subreddits
    WITH communityId, subreddits, size(subreddits) AS communitySize
    RETURN communityId, communitySize, subreddits
    ORDER BY communitySize DESC

communities = gds.run_cypher(query)

5. Further ideas

  • Inspect the produced communities using Bloom. You can use rule-based styling based on the community property.

  • Try to tune more parameters of Louvain and see how the communities differ.

  • Try to use other community detection algorithms listed in the GDS docs.

6. Cleanup

Before finishing we can clean up the example data from both the GDS in-memory state and the database.

# Cleanup GDS
# Cleanup database
gds.run_cypher("MATCH (n:Subreddit) DETACH DELETE n")

7. References

Srijan Kumar, William L. Hamilton, Jure Leskovec, and Dan Jurafsky. 2018. Community Interaction and Conflict on the Web. In Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference (WWW ’18). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, Republic and Canton of Geneva, CHE, 933–943.