Neo4j Connector for Kafka

The Neo4j Connector for Kafka streams data between Neo4j or Aura databases and platforms based on Apache Kafka® using the Kafka Connect framework.

The connector is distributed in two versions:

  1. The Neo4j Connector for Confluent is available for Confluent Platform® and Confluent Cloud®.

  2. The Neo4j Connector for Apache Kafka is available for platforms built on the open-source software (OSS) Apache Kafka®, including Amazon MSK®.



The sink component consumes messages from Apache Kafka topics and applies configured changes into a Neo4j or Aura database.


The source component listens for changes occurring in a Neo4j or Aura database and publishes messages into Apache Kafka topics. It can be configured to read changes using either the Change Data Capture feature or a provided custom query.

Change Data Capture is a new feature introduced with Neo4j 5.13.0 and Aura 5, and the Source connector with CDC support requires at least these versions of Neo4j and Aura.


Neo4j compatibility

The connector supports Neo4j 5.x and 4.4, whether run as a managed service in Neo4j Aura, as a single instance, or as a cluster. It supports both the Community and the Enterprise Edition.

Some features, such as constraints and CDC, are only available with Neo4j Enterprise Edition or AuraDB Enterprise, and will not be available in Neo4j Community Edition, or Free and Professional Tiers of AuraDB.

Kafka Connect compatibility

The connector is designed to be compatible with versions of Apache Kafka Connect 3 and later, including Confluent Platform, Confluent Cloud, and Amazon MSK.

Java compatibility

The connector is built using Java 11, and is compatible to run with Java 11 and LTS versions of Java, i.e. 17 and 21.


The source code is provided under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. You are free to download, modify, and redistribute the connector; however, Neo4j support applies only to official builds provided by Neo4j.


For Neo4j Enterprise and Neo4j AuraDB customers, official releases of this connector deployed to Confluent Platform, Confluent Cloud, Apache Kafka, and Amazon MSK are supported under the terms of your existing Neo4j support agreement. This support extends only to regular releases and excludes alpha, beta, and pre-releases. If you have any questions about the support policy, get in touch with Neo4j.

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