Migration on Confluent Cloud

This page includes instructions on the usage of a third-party platform, which may be subject to changes beyond our control. In case of doubt, refer to the third-party platform documentation.

Complete the following steps in full for each connector (source or sink) currently registered.

This guide follows the connector Quickstart for Confluent Cloud execution method.

  1. Access the Confluent Cloud cluster associated with the relevant connectors.

  2. Open the Connectors section and find the relevant source or sink connector for upgrading.

  3. Open the Settings section and select Pause to pause the connector.

  4. Open the Logs section and search for a log message starting with The migrated settings for 5.1 version of Neo4j.

    confluent cloud config log
  5. Copy the configuration shown in the log into a local file.

  6. Validate that the new configuration contains all the relevant keys compared with the previous version of the connector configuration.

    1. See Source Configuration Settings and Sink Configuration Settings for descriptions and examples of the new configuration options.

    2. If migrating the Source component, make note of the neo4j.start-from.value that has been set to the last checked offset.

    3. Replace the sensitive values.

      Sensitive values in the original configuration are not printed in the migrated configuration. These keys need to be filled in with the appropriate values. The affected configuration keys are neo4j.authentication.basic.password and neo4j.authentication.kerberos.ticket.
  7. Follow the Quickstart for Confluent Cloud to upload the new 5.1 Connector plugin.

  8. Create a Source or Sink instance.

  9. Copy the migrated configuration from the local file into the Custom Configuration JSON section, and check that it is correct.

  10. Continue with the steps in the Quickstart guide.

  11. Once the connector is up and running, validate it is successfully running.