
Client application code that is to use Kerberos for authentication must to authenticate against the KDC and acquire a service ticket for the Neo4j service (in our example: neo4j/neo4j.windomain.local@WINDOMAIN.LOCAL). The service ticket must use the Kerberos v5 (1.2.840.113554.1.2.2) mechanism either directly or wrapped in SPNEGO (

The service ticket should be provided to the Neo4j driver in an auth token with the following properties:

  • Principal: empty

  • Credentials: the Base64-encoded service ticket

  • Realm: add-on-Neo4j-Kerberos

Please note that the Kerberos Add-on does not currently work with the Neo4j Browser. It only works with applications using the Neo4j Drivers.

Example code

Example 1. Example using Java

This is an example implementation using the 5.18.0 Java driver.

public void connect() throws Exception
	AuthTokenManager tokenManager = new AuthTokenManager()
		public CompletionStage<AuthToken> getToken()
			return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> {
					byte[] serviceTicket = get( serviceDomainName );
					String encodedServiceTicket = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString( serviceTicket );
					return AuthTokens.kerberos( encodedServiceTicket );
				} catch ( Exception e ) {
					return null;

		public boolean handleSecurityException( AuthToken authToken, SecurityException exception )
			return false;

	try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt://" + serviceDomainName, tokenManager ) )
		// do interesting things

public byte[] get( String serviceDomainName ) throws LoginException, GSSException
	Map<String,String> options = Collections.singletonMap( "useTicketCache", "true" );
	Krb5Configuration loginContextConfiguration = new Krb5Configuration( options );
	LoginContext loginContext = new LoginContext(
	    null, // this is the subject
	    null, // no need for this

	return getServiceTicket( loginContext.getSubject(), "neo4j@" + serviceDomainName );
public static final Oid SPNEGO_OID = getOid( "" );
public byte[] getServiceTicket( Subject subject, String servicePrincipalName ) throws GSSException
	GSSManager manager = GSSManager.getInstance();
	GSSName serverName = manager.createName( servicePrincipalName, GSSName.NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE );
	final GSSContext context = manager.createContext(
					serverName, SPNEGO_OID, null, GSSContext.DEFAULT_LIFETIME );
	// The GSS context initiation has to be performed as a privileged action.
	return Subject.doAs( subject, new PrivilegedAction<byte[]>()
		public byte[] run()
				// This is a one pass context initialisation.
				context.requestMutualAuth( false );
				context.requestCredDeleg( false );
				return context.initSecContext( new byte[0], 0, 0 );
			catch ( GSSException e )
				return null;
	} );

private class Krb5Configuration extends Configuration
	private final AppConfigurationEntry[] configList;

	public Krb5Configuration( Map<String,String> options )
		this.configList = new AppConfigurationEntry[1];
		configList[0] =
		    new AppConfigurationEntry(

	public AppConfigurationEntry[] getAppConfigurationEntry( String name )
	    return configList;
Example 2. Example using C#

This is an example implementation using C# with the 1.3 .NET driver.

var token = AuthTokens.kerberos(getTicket("neo4j"));
	using (var driver = GraphDatabase.Driver("bolt://neo4j.windomain.local:7687", token))
			using (var session = driver.Session())
					var result = session.Run("MATCH () RETURN count(*) AS count");
					foreach (var record in result)
						Console.WriteLine($"Nodecount: {record["count"].As<string>()}");
		catch (Exception e)
			Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Message}");

 private static String getTicket(string serviceName)
	var domain = Domain.GetCurrentDomain().ToString();

	using (var domainContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, domain))
		string spn = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(domainContext, IdentityType.SamAccountName, serviceName).UserPrincipalName;
		Console.WriteLine("Service Principale name: " + spn);
		KerberosSecurityTokenProvider tokenProvider = new KerberosSecurityTokenProvider(spn);
		KerberosRequestorSecurityToken securityToken = tokenProvider.GetToken(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)) as KerberosRequestorSecurityToken;
		var token = securityToken.GetRequest();
		String ticket = Convert.ToBase64String(token);
		return ticket;