Release notes

Version 3.0.2

Breaking Changes

  • Migration from Webpack to Vite for the build system, improving build times and performance. Make sure to refresh your browser to load the changes.

  • Upgraded sharing feature, requiring users to re-share their dashboards to ensure compatibility with the new sharing system.

  • Removed user credentials from sharing to ensure security.

New Features

  • Report settings: enabled support for writing and reading common report settings, enhancing report consistency and management.

  • Sharing dashboards: simplified the user experience and removing the first modal to confirm the connection.

  • Draft reconciliation: added draft reconciliation to ensure that drafts are not lost when switching between connections. When changing connections, the user is prompted to save the draft before switching.

  • Database aliases selection: Added the ability to select database aliases for each card inside the dashboard.

  • Table export: added the ability to export tables to CSV and XLSX format.

Bug Fixes

  • Docker health check: fixed the Docker health check to ensure proper container health monitoring.

Version 3.0.1

Breaking Changes

  • Changed the default connection protocol to neo4j+s to enhance security.

  • Modified CSV export separator for list values from comma (,) to semicolon (;) to improve data handling.

New Features and improvements

  • Enhanced the bar chart customization: you can now hide the y-axis and grid lines for cleaner visualizations.

  • Rule-based styling: added table-wide coloring based on custom rules.

  • Reduced the Docker package size from 300MB to 170MB to improve performance.

Bug Fixes

  • User Management: resolved a critical issue where users were inadvertently deleted during updates.

  • Tables:

    • Fixed Markdown table rendering issues.

    • Improved array handling in table wrapping.

    • Implemented null cell value handling for click and double-click actions and copy operations.

  • Rule-based styling: implemented cell coloring feature for tables.

  • Single sign-on (SSO): fixed URL parameter behavior issues with SSO integration.

  • Parameter handling

    • Fixed boolean handling in parameter select functionality.

    • Disabled form buttons until all required parameters are provided.

  • Graph visualization: fixed node size adjustment functionality in graph reports.

  • Data export: enhanced Neo4j integer handling in CSV exports.

  • Dashboard sharing: fixed the dashboard sharing feature which wasn’t working.