Draft state and connection changes

Draft state

A dashboard enters draft state when you make changes and remains in draft state until you save them.

Such changes can be:

  • adding or modifying reports,

  • changing the dashboard layout,

  • updating the dashboard settings,

  • adding or removing pages,

  • modifying dashboard parameters.

When in draft state, attempting to switch between dashboards under the same connection prompts you either to save your changes or to discard them. This ensures that no changes are lost while navigating dashboards.

The draft state is preserved locally in the browser cache and maintains data integrity across different connection sessions.

Switching database instances

When switching between Neo4j instances in the same browser, different workflows can occur depending on your current state and what you want to do. Consider the scenarios in the following sections. Switching database instances is compatible with both standard authentication and SSO.

Discarding a dashboard in draft

When working with a dashboard in draft state, click Discard to:

  • remove all unsaved changes made in the current session,

  • revert the dashboard to its last saved state,

  • clear the draft status of the dashboard.

This action cannot be undone, so make sure you do want to discard your changes.

Changing connections with unsaved changes

When switching to a different database instance with unsaved changes (dashboard in draft state), you are prompted with options during the login to the new instance. This happens regardless of your authentication method (native or SSO), and presents you with two choices:

  1. Click Yes to keep the draft when prompted. The dashboard of the previous connection is maintained in draft mode in the new connection. Access to the current instance’s stored dashboards is preserved.

  2. Click No to discard the draft when prompted. The previous cached dashboard is cleared. The most recent dashboard of the current instance is loaded.

Standard connection change

If all dashboard changes are saved before switching to a different database instance, the transition happens seamlessly. No prompts or decisions are necessary. The system connects to the new instance and loads its most recent dashboard automatically.

Dashboard timestamps ensure the correct ordering for restoration.