Installation and usage

You can install the library with the following:

npm install @neo4j-nvl/base

Once installed, you can use the base library for a basic graph by first importing the NVL class:

import { NVL } from '@neo4j-nvl/base'

You can then generate a graph:

const nodes = [{ id: '1' }, { id: '2' }]
const relationships = [{ id: '12', from: '1', to: '2' }]

const nvl = new NVL(document.getElementById('container'), nodes, relationships)

Ensure that the container used to render the graph has a height attribute. If the container is missing this attribute, the container’s height is set to 0 and the graph is not visible.

If you want to add common interactivity to the graph, you can install the NVL interaction handlers. See Interaction handlers for more information. If you are using React, you can make use of the React wrappers.