Deploy Neo4j using the Neo4j RPM package
Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora
For distros like Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, and Amazon Linux the steps are as follows:
Use the following as
to add the repository:rpm --import cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/neo4j.repo [neo4j] name=Neo4j RPM Repository baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 EOF
Install Neo4j.
To install Neo4j Community Edition as
:yum install neo4j-3.5.35
To install Neo4j Enterprise Edition as
:yum install neo4j-enterprise-3.5.35
Run the following to return the version and edition of Neo4j that has been installed:
rpm -qa | grep neo
Neo4j supports Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux), by default. |
Offline installation
If you cannot reach
to install Neo4j using RPM, perhaps due to a firewall, you will need to obtain Neo4j via an alternative machine which has the relevant access, and then move the RPM package manually.
It is important to note that using this method will mean that the offline machine will not receive the dependencies that are that are normally downloaded and installed automatically when using RPM for installing Neo4j; Cypher Shell and Java (if not installed already):
Run the following to obtain the required RPM package:
Neo4j Enterprise Edition:
curl -O
Neo4j Community Edition:
curl -O
Manually move the downloaded RPM package to the offline machine.
Run the following on the offline machine to install Neo4j:
rpm -i <rpm file name>
SUSE is not certified for production use. These instructions are provided for convenience for those wishing to use Neo4j in non-production environments. |
For SUSE-based distributions the steps are as follows:
Use the following as
to add the repository:zypper addrepo --refresh neo4j-repository
Install Neo4j.
To install Neo4j Community Edition as
:zypper install neo4j-3.5.35
To install Neo4j Enterprise Edition as
:zypper install neo4j-enterprise-3.5.35
Non-interactive installation of Neo4j Enterprise Edition
When installing Neo4j Enterprise Edition, you will be required to accept the license agreement before installation is allowed to complete.
This is an interactive prompt.
If you require non-interactive installation of Neo4j Enterprise Edition, you can indicate that you have read and accepted the license agreement by setting the environment variable NEO4J_ACCEPT_LICENSE_AGREEMENT
to yes
NEO4J_ACCEPT_LICENSE_AGREEMENT=yes yum install neo4j-enterprise-3.5.35
For upgrade of any 3.x version of Neo4j to Neo4j 3.5.35, follow instructions in Upgrade.