
The known limitations and implications of Neo4j’s role-based access control security are described in this section.

Security and indexes

As described in Cypher Manual → Indexes for search performance, Neo4j 2025.02 supports the creation and use of indexes to improve the performance of Cypher queries.

Note that the Neo4j security model impacts the results of queries, regardless if the indexes are used or not. When using non full-text Neo4j indexes, a Cypher query will always return the same results it would have if no index existed. This means that, if the security model causes fewer results to be returned due to restricted read access in Graph and sub-graph access control, the index will also return the same fewer results.

However, this rule is not fully obeyed by Cypher Manual → Indexes for full-text search. These specific indexes are backed by Lucene internally. It is therefore not possible to know for certain whether a security violation has affected each specific entry returned from the index. In face of this, Neo4j will return zero results from full-text indexes in case it is determined that any result might be violating the security privileges active for that query.

Since full-text indexes are not automatically used by Cypher, they do not lead to the case where the same Cypher query would return different results simply because such an index was created. Users need to explicitly call procedures to use these indexes. The problem is only that, if this behavior is not known by the user, they might expect the full-text index to return the same results that a different, but semantically similar, Cypher query does.

Example with denied properties

Consider the following example. The database has nodes with labels :User and :Person, and they have properties name and surname. There are indexes on both properties:

CREATE INDEX singleProp FOR (n:User) ON (;
CREATE INDEX composite  FOR (n:User) ON (, n.surname);
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX userNames FOR (n:User|Person) ON EACH [, n.surname];

Full-text indexes support multiple labels. See Cypher Manual → Indexes for full-text search for more details on creating and using full-text indexes.

After creating these indexes, it would appear that the latter two indexes accomplish the same thing. However, this is not completely accurate. The composite and full-text indexes behave in different ways and are focused on different use cases. A key difference is that full-text indexes are backed by Lucene, and will use the Lucene syntax for querying.

This has consequences for users restricted on the labels or properties involved in the indexes. Ideally, if the labels and properties in the index are denied, they can correctly return zero results from both native indexes and full-text indexes. However, there are borderline cases where this is not as simple.

Imagine the following nodes were added to the database:

CREATE (:User {name: 'Sandy'});
CREATE (:User {name: 'Mark', surname: 'Andy'});
CREATE (:User {name: 'Andy', surname: 'Anderson'});
CREATE (:User:Person {name: 'Mandy', surname: 'Smith'});
CREATE (:User:Person {name: 'Joe', surname: 'Andy'});

Consider denying the label :Person:


If the user runs a query that uses the native single property index on name:


This query performs several checks:

  • Scans the index to create a stream of results of nodes with the name property, which leads to five results.

  • Filters the results to include only nodes where CONTAINS 'ndy', filtering out Mark and Joe, which leads to three results.

  • Filters the results to exclude nodes that also have the denied label :Person, filtering out Mandy, which leads to two results.

Two results will be returned from this dataset and only one of them has the surname property.

In order to use the native composite index on name and surname, the query needs to include a predicate on the surname property as well:

MATCH (n:User)

This query performs several checks, which are almost identical to the single property index query:

  • Scans the index to create a stream of results of nodes with the name and surname property, which leads to four results.

  • Filters the results to include only nodes where CONTAINS 'ndy', filtering out Mark and Joe, which leads to two results.

  • Filters the results to exclude nodes that also have the denied label :Person, filtering out Mandy, which leads to only one result.

Only one result was returned from the above dataset. What if this query with the full-text index was used instead:

CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("userNames", "ndy") YIELD node, score

The problem now is that it is not certain whether the results provided by the index were achieved due to a match to the name or the surname property. The steps taken by the query engine would be:

  • Run a Lucene query on the full-text index to produce results containing ndy in either property, leading to five results.

  • Filter the results to exclude nodes that also have the label :Person, filtering out Mandy and Joe, leading to three results.

This difference in results is caused by the OR relationship between the two properties in the index creation.

Denying properties

Now consider denying access on properties, like the surname property:

DENY READ {surname} ON GRAPH * TO users

For that, run the same queries again:

MATCH (n:User)

This query operates exactly as before, returning the same two results, because nothing in it relates to the denied property.

However, this is not the same for the query targeting the composite index:

MATCH (n:User)

Since the surname property is denied, it will appear to always be null and the composite index empty. Therefore, the query returns no result.

Now consider the full-text index query:

CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("userNames", "ndy") YIELD node, score

The problem remains, since it is not certain whether the results provided by the index were returned due to a match on the name or the surname property. Results from the surname property now need to be excluded by the security rules, because they require that the user is unable to see any surname properties. However, the security model is not able to introspect the Lucene query in order to know what it will actually do, whether it works only on the allowed name property, or also on the disallowed surname property. What is known is that the earlier query returned a match for Joe Andy which should now be filtered out. Therefore, in order to never return results the user should not be able to see, all results need to be blocked. The steps taken by the query engine would be:

  • Determine if the full-text index includes denied properties.

  • If yes, return an empty results stream. Otherwise, it will process as described before.

In this case, the query will return zero results rather than simply returning the results Andy and Sandy, which might have been expected.

Security and labels

Traversing the graph with multi-labeled nodes

The general influence of access control privileges on graph traversal is described in detail in Graph and sub-graph access control. The following section will only focus on nodes due to their ability to have multiple labels. Relationships can only have one type of label and thus they do not exhibit the behavior this section aims to clarify. While this section will not mention relationships further, the general function of the traverse privilege also applies to them.

For any node that is traversable, due to GRANT TRAVERSE or GRANT MATCH, the user can get information about the attached labels by calling the built-in labels() function. In the case of nodes with multiple labels, they can be returned to users that weren’t directly granted access to.

To give an illustrative example, imagine a graph with three nodes: one labeled :A, another labeled :B and one with the labels :A and :B. In this case, there is a user with the role custom defined by:


If that user were to execute

RETURN n, labels(n)

They would get a result with two nodes: the node that was labeled with :A and the node with labels :A :B.

In contrast, executing

RETURN n, labels(n)

This will return only the one node that has both labels: :A and :B. Even though :B did not have access to traversals, there is one node with that label accessible in the dataset due to the allow-listed label :A that is attached to the same node.

If a user is denied to traverse on a label they will never get results from any node that has this label attached to it. Thus, the label name will never show up for them. As an example, this can be done by executing:


The query

RETURN n, labels(n)

will now return the node only labeled with :A, while the query

RETURN n, labels(n)

will now return no nodes.

The db.labels() procedure

In contrast to the normal graph traversal described in the previous section, the built-in db.labels() procedure is not processing the data graph itself, but the security rules defined on the system graph. That means:

  • If a label is explicitly whitelisted (granted), it will be returned by this procedure.

  • If a label is denied or isn’t explicitly allowed, it will not be returned by this procedure.

Reusing the previous example, imagine a graph with three nodes: one labeled :A, another labeled :B and one with the labels :A and :B. In this case, there is a user with the role custom defined by:


This means that only label :A is explicitly allow-listed. Thus, executing

CALL db.labels()

will only return label :A, because that is the only label for which traversal was granted.

Privileges for non-existing labels, relationship types, and property names

Privileges for non-existent labels, relationship types, and property names have an effect only once the latter are created. In other words, when authorizing a user, only privileges for existing labels, relationship types, and property names are applied. This is because the graph elements must be resolved internally to be able to check against the privileges when users try to use them later. If a label, relationship type, or property name does not yet exist, it will not resolve, and therefore, the privileges will not apply.

A way around this is to create the label, relationship type, or property name using the db.createLabel(), db.createRelationshipType(), and db.createProperty() procedures on the relevant database when creating the privileges.

Labels, relationship types, and property names are considered non-existent in a database if:

  • There has never been a node with that label, a relationship with that relationship type, or a property with that name.

  • There has been no attempt to add a node with that label, a relationship with that relationship type, or a property with that name.
    The attempted creation adds it to the known labels, relationship types, and property names even if the creation itself fails (unless it fails on missing or denied privileges to create new labels, relationship types, or property names).

  • They have not been created using any of the db.createLabel(), db.createRelationshipType(), or db.createProperty() procedures.

There is currently no way to remove a label, relationship type, or property name from the database. Once existent in the database, they cannot return to non-existent.

For example, let’s assume that you have a new, freshly-created empty database, called testing, and a user named Alice with a custom role.

The example focuses only on nodes and their labels, though the same principle applies to relationships and their relationship type, and properties (on both nodes and relationships) and their names.

Using the following command, you define some privileges to the custom role:

GRANT MATCH {*} ON GRAPH testing NODES * TO custom
GRANT SET LABEL `A` ON GRAPH testing TO custom

This means that when Alice executes:


She will get the following exception even though she is allowed to create new labels:

Create node with labels 'A' on database 'testing' is not allowed for user 'Alice' with roles [PUBLIC, custom].

However, rerunning the same query will create the node. This is because the failed creation still creates the label, making it no longer non-existent when the query is run a second time.

To ensure success on the first attempt, when setting up the privileges for the custom role, the administrator should run the db.createLabel() procedure on the affected databases for all non-existing labels that get assigned privileges. In this example, when creating the custom role, connect to testing and run CALL db.createLabel('A') to ensure Alice creates the node successfully on her first attempt.

Security and performance

The rules of a security model may impact the performance of some database operations. This is because extra security checks are necessary, and they require additional data access. For example, count store operations, which are usually fast lookups, may experience notable differences in performance.

The following example shows how the database behaves when adding security rules to roles restricted and unrestricted:

DENY TRAVERSE ON GRAPH * NODES Customer TO restricted;

Now, let’s look at what the database needs to do in order to execute the following query:

MATCH (n:Person)
RETURN count(n)

For both roles, the execution plan looks like this:

| Operator                 |
| +ProduceResults          |
| |                        +
| +NodeCountFromCountStore |

Internally, however, very different operations need to be executed. The following table illustrates the difference:

User with unrestricted role User with restricted role

The database can access the count store and retrieve the total number of nodes with the label :Person.

This is a very quick operation.

The database cannot access the count store because it must make sure that only traversable nodes with the desired label :Person are counted. Due to this, each node with the :Person label needs to be accessed and examined to make sure that they do not have a deny-listed label, such as :Customer.

So due to the additional data access required by the security checks, this operation will be slower compared to executing the query as an unrestricted user.

Property-based access control limitations

Extra node-level security checks are necessary when adding security rules based on property rules, and these can have a significant performance impact. The following example shows how the database behaves when adding security rules to roles restricted and unrestricted:

GRANT TRAVERSE ON GRAPH * FOR (n:Customer) WHERE n.secret <> true TO restricted;

When executing query:

MATCH (n:Customer)

For both roles, the execution plan looks like this:

| Operator                 |
| +ProduceResults          |
| |                        +
| +AllNodesScan             |

Internally, however, very different operations need to be executed. The following table illustrates the difference:

User with unrestricted role User with restricted role

The database will scan all nodes and quickly identify accessible nodes based solely on the presence of the :Customer label. This is a relatively quick operation.

The database will scan all nodes, identify potentially accessible nodes based on the presence of the specified label, and then also access the properties of each of those nodes and inspect their values to ensure the property rule criteria are met (i.e., that secret is not set to true in this case). So due to the additional data access required by the security checks, this operation will be slower compared to executing the query as an unrestricted user.