List of GQLSTATUS error codes
The following page provides an overview of all GQLSTATUS server error codes in Neo4j.
All errors in Neo4j have severity level ERROR
Please note that while GQLSTATUS codes remain stable (any changes to them will be breaking), changes to status descriptions associated with these codes are not breaking and may happen at any time. For this reason, parsing the status descriptions or incorporating them into scripts is not recommended. |
Connection exceptions
Connection exceptions occur when the client (e.g. Browser/Bloom/Cypher Shell) is unable to connect to the server for various reasons such as network issues, server-side routing being disabled, or the database being unavailable, etc.
- Status description
error: connection exception
- Status description
error: connection exception - transaction resolution unknown
- Status description
error: connection exception - unable to connect to database. Unable to connect to database
{ $db }
. Unable to get bolt address of the leader. Check the status of the database. Retrying your request at a later time may succeed.
- Status description
error: connection exception - unable to write to database. Unable to write to database
{ $db }
on this server. Server-side routing is disabled. Either connect to the database leader directly or enable server-side routing by setting{ $cfgSetting }=true
- Status description
error: connection exception - unable to connect to database. Unable to connect to database
{ $db }
. Server-side routing is disabled. Either connect to{ $db }
directly, or enable server-side routing by setting{ $cfgSetting }=true
- Status description
error: connection exception - failed to write to graph. Failed to write to graph
{ $graph }
. Check the defined access mode in both driver and database.
- Status description
error: unable to route use clause. Routing with
{ $clause }
is not supported in embedded sessions. Connect to the database directly or try running the query using a Neo4j driver or the HTTP API.
- Status description
error: connection exception - unable to route administration command. Routing administration commands is not supported in embedded sessions. Connect to the system database directly or try running the query using a Neo4j driver or the HTTP API.
- Status description
error: connection exception - protocol error. General network protocol error.
- Status description
error: connection exception - not the leader. This member is not the leader.
- Status description
error: connection exception - database is read only. This database is read only on this server.
- Status description
error: connection exception - database unavailable. The database
{ $db }
is currently unavailable. Check the database status. Retry your request at a later time.
- Status description
error: connection exception - invalid server state. Message
{ $msg }
cannot be handled by session in the{ $boltServerState }
- Status description
error: connection exception - request error. The request is invalid and could not be processed by the server. See cause for further details.
- Status description
error: connection exception - failed to parse bookmark. Failed to parse the supplied bookmark. Verify it is correct or check the debug log for more information.
- Status description
error: connection exception - database not up to requested bookmark. The database
{ $db }
is not up to the requested bookmark{ $transactionId1 }
. The latest transaction ID is{ $transactionId2 }
- Status description
error: connection exception - alias chains are not permitted. Unable to provide a routing table for the database identifed by the alias
{ $alias1 }
because the request comes from another alias{ $alias2 }
and alias chains are not permitted.
- Status description
error: connection exception - no such routing policy. Policy definition of the routing policy
{ $routingPolicy }
could not be found. Verify that the spelling is correct.
- Status description
error: connection exception - general driver client error. Remote execution failed with message
{ $msg }
Data exceptions
Database exceptions occur when a client request contains the wrong format, types, or other unsupported input. Some examples are data and constraint creation, which conflicts with existing constraints, properties of non-storable type, and spatial and temporal values with invalid components.
- Status description
error: data exception
- Status description
error: data exception - numeric value out of range. The numeric value
{ $value }
is outside the required range.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid date, time, or datetime format
- Status description
error: data exception - interval field overflow
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid value type
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid date, time, or datetime function field name
- Status description
error: data exception - unsupported value. The provided value is unsupported and cannot be processed.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid type. Expected the value
{ $value }
to be of type{ $valueTypeList }
, but was of type{ $valueType }
- Status description
error: data exception - specified numeric value out of range. Expected
{ $component }
to be of type{ $valueType }
and in the range{ $lower }
to{ $upper }
but found{ $value }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid input value. Invalid input
{ $input }
for{ $context }
. Expected{ $inputList }
- Status description
error: data exception - empty input string. Invalid input.
{ $option }
needs to be specified.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid pre-parser option key. Invalid pre-parser option(s):
{ $optionList }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid pre-parser combination. Invalid pre-parser option, cannot combine
{ $option1 }
with{ $option2 }
- Status description
error: data exception - conflicting pre-parser combination. Invalid pre-parser option, cannot specify multiple conflicting values for
{ $option }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid pre-parser option value. Invalid pre-parser option, specified
{ $input }
is not valid for option{ $option }
. Valid options are:{ $optionList }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid argument. Invalid argument: cannot process
{ $input }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid date, time, or datetime format. Invalid argument: cannot process
{ $input }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid time zone. Specified time zones must include a date component.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid temporal value combination. Cannot select both
{ $temporal1 }
and{ $temporal2 }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid temporal component. Cannot read the specified
{ $component }
component from{ $temporal }
- Status description
error: data exception - incomplete spatial value. A
{ $crs }
POINT must contain{ $mapKeyList }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid spatial value. A
must contain either 'x' and 'y', or 'latitude' and 'longitude'.
- Status description
error: data exception - unsupported coordinate reference system. Unsupported coordinate reference system (CRS):
{ $crs }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid spatial value combination. Cannot specify both coordinate reference system (CRS) and spatial reference identifier (SRID).
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid latitude value. Cannot create WGS84 POINT with invalid coordinate:
{ $coordinates }
. The valid range for the latitude coordinate is [-90, 90].
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid coordinate arguments. Cannot construct a
{ $valueType }
from{ $coordinates }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid temporal arguments. Cannot construct a
{ $valueType }
from{ $temporal }
- Status description
error: data exception - unsupported rounding mode. Unknown rounding mode. Valid values are:
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid entity type. Invalid input
{ $input }
for{ $context }
. Expected to be{ $valueTypeList }
- Status description
error: data exception - overflow error. The result of the operation
{ $operation }
has caused an overflow.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid properties in merge pattern. 'MERGE' cannot be used with graph element property values that are null or NaN.
- Status description
error: data exception - non-deterministic sort expression. 'ORDER BY' expressions must be deterministic.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid shortest path expression. Shortest path expressions must contain start and end nodes. Cannot find:
{ $variable }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid date format. Cannot parse
{ $input }
as a DATE. Calendar dates need to be specified using the format 'YYYY-MM', while ordinal dates need to be specified using the format 'YYYY-DDD'.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid temporal format. Cannot parse
{ $input }
as a{ $valueType }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid coercion. Cannot coerce
{ $value }
to{ $valueType }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid function argument. Invalid argument to the function
{ $fun }
- Status description
error: data exception - unsupported property value type. Value
{ $value }
cannot be stored in properties.
- Status description
error: data exception - merge node uniqueness constraint violation. The 'MERGE' clause did not find a matching node
{ $variable }
and cannot create a new node due to conflicts with existing uniqueness constraints.
- Status description
error: data exception - merge relationship uniqueness constraint violation. The 'MERGE' clause did not find a matching relationship
{ $variable }
and cannot create a new relationship due to conflicts with existing uniqueness constraints.
- Status description
error: data exception - unable to load external resource. Could not load external resource from
{ $url }
- Status description
error: data exception - parallel runtime disabled. Parallel runtime has been disabled, enable it or upgrade to a bigger Aura instance.
- Status description
error: data exception - unsupported use of parallel runtime. Parallel runtime does not support updating queries or a change in the state of transactions. Use another runtime.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid parallel runtime configuration. No workers are configured for the parallel runtime. Set 'server.cypher.parallel.worker_limit' to a larger value.
- Status description
error: data exception - CSV buffer size overflow. Cannot read a CSV field larger than the set buffer size. Ensure the field does not have an unterminated quote, or increase the buffer size via 'dbms.import.csv.buffer_size'.
- Status description
error: data exception - database or alias does not exist. A [composite] database or alias with the name
{ $db }
does not exist. Verify that the spelling is correct.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid combination of PROFILE and EXPLAIN. 'PROFILE' and 'EXPLAIN' cannot be combined.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid use of PROFILE. Cannot 'PROFILE' query before results are materialized.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid map. Multiple conflicting entries specified for
{ $mapKey }
- Status description
error: data exception - protocol message length limit overflow. Protocol message length limit exceeded (limit:
{ $boltMsgLenLimit }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid spatial component. Cannot read the specified
{ $component }
component from{ $value }
- Status description
error: data exception - token does not exist. The
{ $tokenType }
token with id{ $tokenId }
does not exist.
- Status description
error: data exception - relationship type does not exist. The relationship type
{ $relType }
does not exist.
- Status description
error: data exception - property key does not exist. The property key
{ $propKey }
does not exist.
- Status description
error: data exception - constraint does not exist. The constraint
{ $constrDescrOrName }
does not exist.
- Status description
error: data exception - equivalent constraint already exists. An equivalent constraint already exists:
{ $constrDescrOrName }
- Status description
error: data exception - conflicting constraint already exists. A conflicting constraint already exists:
{ $constrDescrOrName }
- Status description
error: data exception - duplicated constraint name. A constraint with the same name already exists:
{ $constr }
- Status description
error: data exception - dependent constraint managed individually. Dependent constraints cannot be managed individually and must be managed together with its graph type.
- Status description
error: data exception - index does not exist. The index specified by
{ $idxDescrOrName }
does not exist.
- Status description
error: data exception - equivalent index already exists. An equivalent index already exists:
{ $idxDescrOrName }
- Status description
error: data exception - index with the same name already exists. An index with the same name already exists:
{ $idx }
- Status description
error: data exception - constraint conflicts with existing index. Constraint conflicts with already existing index
{ $idxDescrOrName }
- Status description
error: data exception - index conflicts with existing constraint. An index that belongs to the constraint
{ $constr }
contains a conflicting index.
- Status description
error: data exception - constraint contains duplicated tokens. The constraint specified by
{ $constrDescrOrName }
includes a label, relationship type, or property key with name{ $token }
more than once.
- Status description
error: data exception - index contains duplicated tokens. The index specified by
{ $idxDescrOrName }
includes a label, relationship type, or property key with name{ $token }
more than once.
- Status description
error: data exception - property presence verification failed.
{ $entityType }
({ $entityId }
) with{ $tokenType }
{ $token }
must have the following properties:{ $propKeyList }
- Status description
error: data exception - property type verification failed.
{ $entityType }
({ $entityId }
) with{ $tokenType }
{ $token }
must have the property{ $propKey }
with value type{ $valueType }
- Status description
error: data exception - property uniqueness constraint violated. Property uniqueness constraint violated:
{ $reasonList }
- Status description
error: data exception - index entry conflict. Index entry conflict:
{ $value }
- Status description
error: data exception - string too long. Expected the string to be no more than
{ $upper }
characters long.
- Status description
error: data exception - string too short. Expected the string to be at least
{ $lower }
characters long.
- Status description
error: data exception - numeric range 0 disallowed. Expected a nonzero number.
- Status description
error: data exception - not a valid CIDR IP.
{ $input }
is not a valid CIDR IP.
- Status description
error: data exception - new password cannot be the same as the old password. Expected the new password to be different from the old password.
- Status description
error: data exception - property type unsupported in constraint.
{ $item }
is not supported in property type constraints.
- Status description
error: data exception - cannot convert alias local to remote or remote to local. Failed to alter the specified database alias
{ $alias }
. Altering remote alias to a local alias or vice versa is not supported. Drop and recreate the alias instead.
- Status description
error: data exception - missing RETURN. This query requires a RETURN clause.
- Status description
error: data exception - missing YIELD. A required YIELD clause is missing.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid YIELD *. 'YIELD *' is not supported in this context. Explicitly specify which columns to yield.
- Status description
error: data exception - parsing JSON exception. Invalid JSON input. Please check the format.
- Status description
error: data exception - mapping JSON exception. Unable to map the JSON input. Please verify the structure.
- Status description
error: data exception - unexpected struct tag. Unexpected struct tag:
{ $value }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid property based access control rule. Failed to administer property rule.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid property based access control rule involving non-commutative expressions. The property
{ $propKey }
must appear on the left hand side of the{ $operation }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid property based access control rule involving multiple properties. The expression:
{ $expr }
is not supported. Property rules can only contain one property.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid property based access control rule involving comparison with NULL. The property value access rule pattern
{ $pred }
always evaluates to 'NULL'.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid property based access control rule involving IS NULL. The property value access rule pattern
{ $pred }
always evaluates to 'NULL'. Use `IS NULL' instead.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid property based access control rule involving IS NOT NULL. The property value access rule pattern
{ $pred }
always evaluates to 'NULL'. Use 'IS NOT NULL' instead.
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid property based access control rule involving nontrivial predicates. The expression:
{ $expr }
is not supported. Only single, literal-based predicate expressions are allowed for property-based access control.
- Status description
error: data exception - parsing JSON failure. Underlying error:
{ $cause }
- Status description
error: data exception - invalid property based access control rule involving WHERE and IS NULL. The property value access rule pattern
{ $pred }
always evaluates to 'NULL'. UseWHERE
syntax in combination withIS NULL
- Status description
error: data exception - type mismatch. Type mismatch: expected to be
{ $valueTypeList }
but was{ $input }
- Status description
error: data exception - incompatible graph type dependence. Graph type
{ $graphTypeDependence1 }
constraint{ $constrDescrOrName1 }
is incompatible with graph type{ $graphTypeDependence2 }
constraint{ $constrDescrOrName2 }
because they have different graph type dependence.
- Status description
error: data exception - token presence verification failed.
{ $entityType }
({ $entityId }
) with{ $tokenType1 }
{ $token1 }
must have the{ $tokenType2 }
{ $token2 }
- Status description
error: data exception - endpoint label presence verification failed. Relationship (
{ $entityId1 }
) with type{ $relType }
requires its{ $endpointType }
node ({ $entityId2 }
) to have the label{ $label }
Invalid transaction state
Invalid transaction state errors occur when the transaction is in an invalid state, such as when the transaction is terminated or closed, or when there is a conflict between the transaction state and applied updates.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction state - catalog and data statement mixing not supported
- Status description
error: invalid transaction state - invalid combination of statement types. Failed to execute the query
{ $query }
due to conflicting statement types (read query, write query, schema modification, or administration command). To execute queries in the same transaction, they must be either of the same type, or be a combination of schema modifications and read commands.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction state - unable to complete transaction. Unable to complete transaction. See debug log for details.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction state - concurrent access violation. Transaction is being used concurrently by another request.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction state - specified transaction does not exist. Transaction
{ $transactionId }
does not exist.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction state - transaction terminated or closed. The transaction has been terminated or closed.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction state - transaction start failed. Failed to start transaction. See debug log for details.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction state - invalid transaction lease. The lease for the transaction is no longer valid.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction state - internal transaction failure. The transaction failed due to an internal error.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction state - conflicting transaction state. There was a conflict detected between the transaction state and applied updates. Please retry the transaction.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction state - index was dropped. Index
{ $idx }
was dropped in this transaction and cannot be used.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction state - cannot access entity after removal. A
{ $entityType }
was accessed after being deleted in this transaction. Verify the transaction statements.
Invalid transaction termination
Invalid transaction termination errors occur when the transaction termination fails, such as when the transaction or constituent transaction fails to commit, or when the transaction termination fails to apply or append the transaction.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction termination - commit failed. Failed to commit transaction. See debug log for details.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction termination - constituent commit failed. Failed to commit constituent transaction. See debug log for details.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction termination - transaction termination failed. Failed to terminate transaction. See debug log for details.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction termination - constituent transaction termination failed. Failed to terminate constituent transaction. See debug log for details.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction termination - failed to apply transaction. There was an error on applying the transaction. See logs for more information.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction termination - failed to append transaction. There was an error on appending the transaction. See logs for more information.
- Status description
error: invalid transaction termination - inner transactions still open. Unable to commit transaction because it still have non-closed inner transactions.
Transaction rollback
Transaction rollback errors occur when there is a failure in a transaction or a constituent transaction rollback.
- Status description
error: transaction rollback
- Status description
error: transaction rollback - statement completion unknown
- Status description
error: transaction rollback - rollback failed. Failed to rollback transaction. See debug log for details.
- Status description
error: transaction rollback - constituent rollback failed. Failed to rollback constituent transaction. See debug log for details.
Syntax error or access rule violation
Syntax error or access rule violation errors occur when a Cypher query contains invalid syntax or when a client request violates the access rules, such as when a query tries to access a database without enough privileges, etc.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid syntax
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid reference
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - number of edge labels below supported minimum
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - number of edge labels exceeds supported maximum
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - number of edge properties exceeds supported maximum
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - number of node labels below supported minimum
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - number of node labels exceeds supported maximum
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - number of node properties exceeds supported maximum
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - number of node type key labels below supported minimum
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - number of node type key labels exceeds supported maximum
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - number of edge type key labels below supported minimum
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - number of edge type key labels exceeds supported maximum
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid case expression. 'CASE' expressions must have the same number of 'WHEN' and 'THEN' operands.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid
. Invalid use of{ $clause }
inside 'FOREACH'.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid comment. Failed to parse comment. A comment starting with '/*' must also have a closing '*/'.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid FIELDTERMINATOR. The FIELDTERMINATOR specified for LOAD CSV can only be one character wide.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid input. Invalid input
{ $input }
, expected:{ $valueList }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid lower bound. The lower bound of the variable length relationship used in the
{ $fun }
function must be 0 or 1.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid name. A
{ $tokenType }
name cannot be empty or contain any null-bytes:{ $input }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid nesting of quantified path patterns. Quantified path patterns cannot be nested.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid number of procedure or function arguments. The procedure or function call does not provide the required number of arguments; expected
{ $count1 }
but got{ $count2 }
. The procedure or function{ $procFun }
has the signature:{ $sig }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid quantifier. A quantifier must not have a lower bound greater than the upper bound.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid reference to implicitly grouped expressions. The aggregation column contains implicit grouping expressions referenced by the variables
{ $variableList }
. Implicit grouping expressions are variables not explicitly declared as grouping keys.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid string literal. Failed to parse string literal. The query must contain an even number of non-escaped quotes.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid symbol in expression. Label expressions and relationship type expressions cannot contain
{ $input }
. To express a label disjunction use{ $labelExpr }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid quantified path pattern in shortest path. The
{ $fun }
function cannot contain a quantified path pattern.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of
. 'CALL { … } IN TRANSACTIONS' is not supported after a write clause.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid
. 'DELETE …' does not support removing labels from a node. Use 'REMOVE …' instead.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of
. TheIS
keyword cannot be used together with multiple labels in{ $input }
. Rewrite the expression as{ $replacement }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of
. 'MATCH …' cannot directly follow an 'OPTIONAL MATCH …'. Use aWITH
clause between them.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of NOT NULL. Closed Dynamic Union types cannot be appended with 'NOT NULL', specify 'NOT NULL' on inner types instead.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of pattern expression. A pattern expression can only be used to test the existence of a pattern. Use a pattern comprehension instead.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of
. 'REPORT STATUS' can only be used when specifying 'ON ERROR CONTINUE' or 'ON ERROR BREAK'.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of
. 'RETURN *' is not allowed when there are no variables in scope.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of
. 'RETURN …' can only be used at the end of a query or subquery.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of shortest path function. Mixing the
{ $fun }
function with path selectors or explicit match modes is not allowed.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of
cannot be combined.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of variable length relationship. Variable length relationships cannot be used in
{ $value }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of YIELD. Cannot use YIELD on a call to a void procedure.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of multiple path patterns. Multiple path patterns cannot be used in the same clause in combination with a selective path selector.
{ $action }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of a node pattern pair. Node pattern pairs are only supported for quantified path patterns.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - parser error. Parser Error:
{ $msg }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of a subquery in MERGE. Subqueries are not allowed in a MERGE clause.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid inequality operator. Unknown inequality operator '!='. The operator for inequality in Cypher is '<>'.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - token name too long. Invalid input
{ $input }..
. A{ $tokenType }
name cannot be longer than{ $value }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - no longer valid syntax.
{ $msg }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - no such database. The database
{ $db }
was not found. Verify that the spelling is correct.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - writing in read access mode. Writing in read access mode not allowed.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - writing to multiple graphs. Writing to multiple graphs in the same transaction is not allowed. Use
or create separate transactions in your application.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unsupported access of composite database. Failed to access database identified by
{ $db1 }
while connected to session database{ $db2 }
. Connect to{ $db3 }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unsupported access of standard database. Failed to access database identified by
{ $db1 }
while connected to composite session database{ $db2 }
. Connect to{ $db3 }
directly or create an alias in the composite database.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unsupported action on composite database.
{ $action }
is not supported on composite databases.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - variable shadowing. The variable
{ $variable }
is shadowing a variable with the same name from the outer scope and needs to be renamed.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - no such procedure or function. The procedure or function
{ $procFun }
was not registered for this database instance. Verify that the spelling is correct.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - no such user. A user with the name
{ $user }
was not found. Verify that the spelling is correct.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - no such role. A role with the name
{ $role }
was not found. Verify that the spelling is correct.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - database or alias already exists. A
database or alias with the name{ $db }
already exists.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - user already exists. A user with the name
{ $user }
already exists.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - role already exists. A role with the name
{ $role }
already exists.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of reserved keyword.
{ $syntax }
is a reserved keyword and cannot be used in this place.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unsupported index or constraint. Only single property
{ $idxType }
are supported.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unsupported request.
{ $input }
is not allowed on the system database.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - read-only database. The database is in read-only mode.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - duplicate clause. Duplicate
{ $syntax }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - empty list range operator. The list range operator '[ ]' cannot be empty.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unaliased return item. Expression in
{ $clause }
must be aliased (use AS).
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - single return column required. A
subquery must end with a single return column.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - missing
clause is required between{ $input1 }
and{ $input2 }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - multiple join hints on same variable. Multiple join hints for the same variable
{ $variable }
are not supported.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - patterns or variables not statically inferrable. Only statically inferrable patterns and variables are allowed in
{ $input }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unbound variables in pattern expression. Pattern expressions are not allowed to introduce new variables:
{ $variable }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - specified number out of range. Expected
{ $component }
to be{ $valueType }
in the range{ $lower }
to{ $upper }
but found{ $value }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of parameter map. Parameter maps cannot be used in
{ $keyword }
patterns. Use a literal map instead.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - path bound in quantified path pattern. Path cannot be bound in a quantified path pattern.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unsupported path selector in path pattern. The path selector
{ $selector }
is not supported within quantified or parenthesized path patterns.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - procedure call without parentheses. Procedure call is missing parentheses.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of relationship pattern predicates in variable length relationships. Relationship pattern predicates cannot be use in variable length relationships.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - duplicate return item name. Return items must have unique names.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - incompatible return columns. All subqueries in a
clause must have the same return column names.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - single relationship pattern required. The
{ $fun }
function must contain one relationship pattern.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unsupported sub-path binding. Sub-path assignment is not supported.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unexpected end of input. Unexpected end of input, expected 'CYPHER', 'EXPLAIN', 'PROFILE' or a query.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of
. 'CALL { … } IN TRANSACTIONS' is not supported in '… UNION …'.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unsupported normal form. Unknown Normal Form:
{ $input }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid parameter. Invalid parameter
{ $param }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unsafe usage of repeatable elements. The quantified path pattern may yield an infinite number of rows under match mode
. Add an upper bound to the quantified path pattern.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unsupported use of properties. Properties are not supported in the
{ $fun }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of data-modifications in expressions.
{ $expr }
cannot contain any updating clauses.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - variable already defined. Variable
{ $variable }
already declared.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - variable not defined. Variable
{ $variable }
not defined.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - inner type with different nullability. All inner types in a Closed Dynamic Union must be nullable, or be appended with 'NOT NULL'.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - at least one node or relationship required. A quantified or parenthesized path pattern must have at least one node or relationship pattern.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - node variable not bound. The
{ $fun }
function requires bound node variables when it is not part of a 'MATCH …'.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - relationship variable already bound. Bound relationships are not allowed in calls to the
{ $fun }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - function without required WHERE clause. The function
{ $fun }
requires a WHERE clause.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - incomplete query. A query must conclude with a
clause, aFINISH
clause, an update clause, a unit subquery call, or a procedure call without aYIELD
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid placement of USE clause. The USE clause must be the first clause of a query or an operand to '… UNION …' . In a CALL sub-query, it can also be the second clause if the first clause is an importing WITH.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid nested USE clause. Failed to access
{ $db1 }
and{ $db2 }
. Child USE clauses must target the same graph as their parent query. Run in separate (sub)queries instead.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid use of graph function. A call to the graph function
{ $fun }
is only allowed as the top-level argument of aUSE
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - unfulfillable hints. The hint(s)
{ $hintList }
cannot be fulfilled.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - missing hint predicate. The hint
{ $hint }
cannot be fulfilled. The query does not contain a compatible predicate for{ $entityType }
on{ $variable }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - missing request parameter. Expected
{ $param }
, but got{ $paramList }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - impersonation disallowed while password change required. Cannot impersonate a user while password change required.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation -
clause withoutYIELD
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - cannot specify both allowed and denied databases. Allowed and denied database options are mutually exclusive.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - wildcard in parameter.
{ $syntax }
failed. Parameterized database and graph names do not support wildcards.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - cannot grant privilege. Permission cannot be granted for 'REMOVE IMMUTABLE PRIVILEGE'.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid driver settings map. Failed evaluating the given driver settings.
{ $cause }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - cannot alter immutable composite database. Composite databases cannot be altered (database:
{ $db }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - cannot modify own user. Cannot modify the user record of the current user.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - cannot delete own user. Cannot delete the user record of the current user.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - accessing multiple graphs only supported on composite databases. Accessing multiple graphs in the same query is only supported on composite databases. Connect to a composite database with the desired constituents.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid alias target. Aliases are not allowed to target composite databases.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - referenced database not found. No database is corresponding to
{ $db }
. Verify that the elementId is correct.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - invalid reference in command. Invalid reference in command
{ $cmd }
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - system database procedure rules. The system database supports a restricted set of Cypher clauses. The supported clause structure for procedure calls is: 'CALL', 'YIELD', 'RETURN'. 'YIELD' and 'RETURN' clauses are optional. The order of the clauses is fixed and each can only occur once.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - credentials expired. Permission denied. The credentials you provided were valid, but must be changed before you can use this instance.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - auth info expired. Authentication and/or authorization info expired.
- Status description
error: syntax error or access rule violation - permission/access denied. Access denied, see the security logs for details.
General processing exceptions
General processing exceptions occur when there is a general processing error, such as an internal error, deadlock, execution failure, invalid server state transition, constraint creation or drop failure, etc.
- Status description
error: general processing exception - deadlock detected. Deadlock detected while trying to acquire locks. See log for more details.
- Status description
error: general processing exception - remote execution client error. Remote execution failed. See cause for more details.
- Status description
error: general processing exception - execution failed. Execution failed. See cause and debug log for details.
- Status description
error: general processing exception - invalid server state transition. The server transitioned into a server state that is not valid in the current context:
{ $boltServerState }
- Status description
error: general processing exception - index drop failed. Unable to drop
{ $idxDescrOrName }
- Status description
error: general processing exception - constraint creation failed. Unable to create
{ $constrDescrOrName }
- Status description
error: general processing exception - constraint drop failed. Unable to drop
{ $constrDescrOrName }
- Status description
error: general processing exception - constraint validation error. Unable to validate constraint
{ $constrDescrOrName }
- Status description
error: general processing exception - constraint violation. A constraint imposed by the database was violated.
- Status description
error: general processing exception - unsupported index operation. The system attemped to execute an unsupported operation on index
{ $idx }
. See debug.log for more information.
- Status description
error: general processing exception - remote execution transient error. Remote execution failed. See cause for more details.
- Status description
error: general processing exception - remote execution database error. Remote execution failed. See cause for more details.
- Status description
error: general processing exception - no such schema descriptor. The
{ $schemaDescrType }
was not found for{ $schemaDescr }
. Verify that the spelling is correct.
- Status description
error: general processing exception - unexpected error. Unexpected error has occurred. See debug log for details.
System configuration or operation exceptions
System configuration or operation exception errors occur when there is an error in the system configuration or operation, such as procedure registration failure, a missing class field annotation, an unsupported injectable component type, duplicate field names, invalid map key type, etc.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - procedure registration error. Failed to register procedure/function.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - class field annotation should be public, non-final, and non-static. The field
{ $procField }
in the class{ $procClass }
is annotated as a '@Context' field, but it is declared as static. '@Context' fields must be public, non-final and non-static.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - unsupported injectable component type. Unable to set up injection for procedure
{ $procClass }
. The field{ $procField }
has type{ $procFieldType }
which is not a supported injectable component.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - unable to access field. Unable to set up injection for
{ $procClass }
, failed to access field{ $procField }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - missing class field annotation. The field
{ $procField }
on{ $procClass }
must be annotated as a '@Context' field in order to store its state.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - class field should be public and non-final. The field
{ $procField }
on{ $procClass }
must be declared non-final and public.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - missing argument name. The argument at position
{ $pos }
in{ $procMethod }
requires a '@Name' annotation and a non-empty name.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - invalid ordering of default arguments. The
{ $procFun }
contains a non-default argument after a default argument. Non-default arguments are not allowed to be positioned after default arguments.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - exactly one @UserAggregationResult method and one @UserAggregationUpdate method required. The class
{ $procClass }
must contain exactly one '@UserAggregationResult' method and exactly one '@UserAggregationUpdate' method.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - @UserAggregationUpdate method must be public and void. The '@UserAggregationUpdate' method
{ $procMethod }
of{ $procClass }
must be public and have the return type 'void'.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - aggregation method not public. The method
{ $procMethod }
of{ $procClass }
must be public.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - class not public. The class
{ $procClass }
must be public.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - class not void. The procedure
{ $proc }
has zero output fields and must be defined as void.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - procedure or function name already in use. Unable to register the procedure or function
{ $procFun }
because the name is already in use.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - duplicate field name. The procedure
{ $proc }
has a duplicate{ $procFieldType }
field,{ $procField }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - invalid map key type. Type mismatch for map key. Required 'STRING', but found
{ $valueType }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - invalid default value type. Type mismatch for the default value. Required
{ $valueType }
, but found{ $input }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - invalid procedure or function name. Procedures and functions cannot be defined in the root namespace, or use a reserved namespace. Use the package name instead (e.g.,
{ $procFun }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - invalid method return type. The method
{ $procMethod }
has an invalid return type. Procedures must return a stream of records, where each record is of a defined concrete class.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cannot inject field. The field
{ $procField }
is not injectable. Ensure the field is marked as public and non-final.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - procedure registry is busy. The procedure registration failed because the procedure registry was busy. Try again.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - exhaustive shortest path search disabled. Finding the shortest path for the given pattern requires an exhaustive search. To enable exhaustive searches, set 'cypher.forbid_exhaustive_shortestpath' to false.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cyclic shortest path search disabled. Cannot find the shortest path when the start and end nodes are the same. To enable this behavior, set 'dbms.cypher.forbid_shortestpath_common_nodes' to false.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - insufficient resources for plan search. Could not find a query plan within given time and space limits.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - database is busy. Cannot compile query due to excessive updates to indexes and constraints.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - not supported in this edition.
{ $component }
is not supported in{ $edition }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - not supported by this database. This Cypher command must be executed against the database
{ $db }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - not supported by this server. The command
{ $cmd }
must be executed on the current 'LEADER' server.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - server panic. Server is in panic.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - replication error. This member failed to replicate transaction, try again.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - write transaction failed due to leader change. Failed to write to the database due to a cluster leader change. Retrying your request at a later time may succeed.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - database location changed. The location of
{ $db }
has changed while the transaction was running.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - out of memory. There is not enough memory to perform the current task.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - stack overflow. There is not enough stack size to perform the current task.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - failed to acquire execution thread. There are insufficient threads available for executing the current task.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - raft log corrupted. Expected set of files not found on disk. Please restore from backup.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - unable to start database. Database
{ $db }
failed to start. Try restarting it.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - admin operation failed. Server or database admin operation not possible.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cannot deallocate servers. Cannot deallocate server(s)
{ $serverList }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cannot drop server. Cannot drop server
{ $server }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cannot cordon server. Cannot cordon server
{ $server }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cannot alter server. Cannot alter server
{ $server }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cannot rename server. Cannot rename server
{ $server }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cannot enable server. Cannot enable server
{ $server }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cannot alter database. Cannot alter database
{ $db }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cannot recreate database. Cannot recreate database
{ $db }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cannot create database. Cannot create database
{ $db }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cannot reallocate. Failed to calculate reallocation for databases.
{ $msg }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - cannot create additional database. Failed to create the database
{ $db }
. The limit of databases is reached. Either increase the limit using the config setting{ $cfgSetting }
or drop a database.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - topology out of range. The number of
{ $serverType }
seeding servers{ $count1 }
is larger than the desired number of{ $allocType }
allocations{ $count2 }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - generic topology modification error. Unexpected error while picking allocations.
{ $msg }
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - internal resource exhaustion. The DBMS is unable to handle the request, please retry later or contact the system operator. More information is present in the logs.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - unable to check enterprise license acceptance. The DBMS is unable to determine the enterprise license acceptance status.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - index population failed. Index
{ $idx }
population failed.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - index is in a failed state. Unable to use index
{ $idx }
because it is in a failed state. See logs for more information.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - index is still populating. Index is not ready yet. Wait until it finishes populating and retry the transaction.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - index dropped while sampling. The index dropped while sampling.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - resource exhaustion. Insufficient resources to complete the request.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - CDC is disabled for this database. Change Data Capture is not currently enabled for this database.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - system database is immutable. It is not possible to perform
{ $operation }
on the system database.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - bolt is not enabled. Cannot get routing table for
{ $db }
because Bolt is not enabled. Please update your configuration such that 'server.bolt.enabled' is set to true.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - unsupported operation of a sharded database. Feature:
{ $feat }
is not available in a sharded database.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - memory pool out of memory. Failed to allocate memory in a memory pool. See
{ $cfgSetting }
in the neo4j.conf file.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - transaction memory limit reached. The transaction uses more memory than is allowed. The maximum allowed size for a transaction can be configured with
{ $cfgSetting }
in the neo4j.conf file.
- Status description
error: system configuration or operation exception - maximum number of transactions reached. Failed to start a new transaction. The limit of concurrent transactions is reached. Increase the number of concurrent transactions using
{ $cfgSetting }
in the neo4j.conf file.
Procedure exceptions
Procedure exceptions occur when there is an error in executing a procedure, such as when the procedure execution fails due to a client error, when the procedure cannot be invoked on a primary, when the number of arguments to checkConnectivity is invalid, etc.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - procedure execution timeout. Execution of the procedure
{ $proc }
timed out after{ $timeAmount }
{ $timeUnit }
- Status description
error: procedure exception - procedure execution client error. Execution of the procedure
{ $proc }
failed due to a client error.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - invalid procedure execution mode. Execution of the procedure
{ $proc }
failed due to an invalid specified execution mode{ $procExeMode }
- Status description
error: procedure exception - must invoke procedure on secondary. Cannot invoke procedure on this member because it is not a secondary for the database
{ $db }
- Status description
error: procedure exception - invalid number of arguments to checkConnectivity. Unexpected number of arguments (expected 0-2 but received
{ $count }
- Status description
error: procedure exception - invalid server id argument to checkConnectivity. Unable to parse server id
{ $server }
- Status description
error: procedure exception - procedure execution database error. Execution of the procedure
{ $proc }
failed due to a database error.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - invalid address key. An address key is included in the query string provided to the GetRoutingTableProcedure, but its value could not be parsed.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - generic topology procedure error. An unexpected error has occurred. Please refer to the server’s debug log for more information.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - cannot change default database. The previous default database
{ $db }
is still running.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - new default database does not exist. New default database
{ $db }
does not exist.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - system cannot be default database. System database cannot be set as default.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - invalid procedure argument list. Invalid arguments to procedure.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - quarantine change failed. Setting/removing the quarantine marker failed.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - too many seeders. The number of seeding servers
{ $countSeeders }
is larger than the defined number of allocations{ $countAllocs }
- Status description
error: procedure exception - no such seeder. The specified seeding server with id
{ $server }
was not found. Verify that the spelling is correct.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - invalid procedure argument. Invalid argument
{ $field }
for{ $procParam }
on procedure{ $proc }
. The expected format of{ $procParam }
is{ $procParamFmt }
- Status description
error: procedure exception - non-reloadable namespace. The following namespaces are not reloadable:
{ $namespaceList }
- Status description
error: procedure exception - failed to reload procedures. Failed to reload procedures. See logs for more information.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - JMX error. JMX error while accessing
{ $param }
. See logs for more information.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - outdated change identifier. Given ChangeIdentifier describes a transaction that occurred before any enrichment records exist.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - future change identifier. Given ChangeIdentifier describes a transaction that hasn’t yet occurred.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - wrong database. Change identifier
{ $param }
does not belong to this database.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - invalid sequence number. Change identifier
{ $param1 }
has an invalid sequence number{ $param2 }
- Status description
error: procedure exception - procedure restricted.
{ $fun }
is restricted and accesses database internals. Procedure restriction is controlled by the setting. Only un-restrict procedures you can trust with access to database internals.
- Status description
error: procedure exception - procedure compilation failed. Failed to compile procedure defined in
{ $procClass }
:{ $msg }
- Status description
error: procedure exception - invalid procedure argument with API documentation hint. Invalid argument
{ $field }
for{ $procParam }
on procedure{ $proc }
. The expected format of{ $procParam }
is outlined in the{ $procParamFmt }
API documentation.
Function exceptions
- Status description
error: function exception - function restricted.
{ $fun }
is restricted and accesses database internals. User-defined function restriction is controlled by
setting. Only un-restrict user-defined functions you can trust with access to database internals.
Dependent object error
- Status description
error: dependent object error - edges still exist
- $action
Freeform description of an action.
- $alias
An alias name.
- $alloc
Allocator name.
- $allocType
Allocation type.
- $auth
Auth provider name.
- $boltMsgLenLimit
Bolt message length limit.
- $boltServerState
Bolt server state.
- $cause
Freeform description of what caused the error.
- $cfgSetting
Configuration setting key, for example,
. - $clause
A clause, for example,
. - $cmd
Cypher administrative command, for example,
. - $component
Component name.
- $constr
Constraint name.
- $constrDescrOrName
Constraint descriptor or name.
- $context
Freeform description of a context.
- $coordinates
Coordinate value.
- $count
- $countAllocs
Desired number of servers to use.
- $countSeeders
Number of seeding servers.
- $crs
Coordinate reference system, for example, WGS84.
- $db
Database name, for example,
. - $dim
Number representing index dimenionality.
- $edition
Freeform edition description.
- $endpointType
One of
. - $entityId
ID of a node or a relationship.
- $entityType
A node or a relationship.
- $expr
Cypher expression, for example,
1 + n.prop
. - $exprType
Freeform expression type.
- $feat
Freeform feature description.
- $field
Input field, for example, for a procedure or deserialization.
- $format
Duration format.
- $fun
Function name.
- $funClass
User defined function implementation class name.
- $graph
The name of a graph, for example,
. - $graphTypeDependence
Graph type dependencency for constraint.
- $hint
Freeform description of a "hint".
- $hintList
Comma-separated list of free form descriptions of hints.
- $ident
Generic identifier.
- $idx
Index name.
- $idxDescr
Index descriptor.
- $idxDescrOrName
Index descriptor or name.
- $idxOrConstr
Index or constraint name
- $idxOrConstrPat
Index or constraint pattern
- $idxType
Index type, for example, text, vector, etc.
- $input
Piece of input.
- $inputList
Comma-separated list of inputs.
- $item
Freeform description of an item.
- $keyword
Cypher keyword, for example,
. - $label
Label name, for example,
. - $labelExpr
Label expression, for example,
. - $labelList
Comma-separated list of label names, for example,
Person, Actor
. - $lower
Lower bound.
- $mapKey
Map key.
- $mapKeyList
Comma-separated list of keys.
- $matchMode
GPM match mode.
- $maxTokenLength
Maximum token length.
- $msg
Freeform message, for example, "Howdy, Partner!".
- $msgTitle
Freeform message title.
- $namespace
- $namespaceList
Comma-separated list of namespaces.
- $operation
Operation, for example, a function.
- $option
Option name
- $optionList
Comma-separated list of option names.
- $param
Parameter name
- $paramList
Parameter list
- $pat
Pattern, for example,
. - $port
Port name
- $portList
Comma-separated list of port names.
- $pos
A position, for example, in a sequence.
- $pred
A predicate, for example,
'x = 3'
. - $predList
Comma-separated list of predicates, for example,
'x = 3', 'y > 4'
. - $preparserInput
Piece of preparser input.
- $proc
Procedure name, for example,
. - $procClass
Procedure implementation class name.
- $procExeMode
Procedure execution mode
- $procField
Procedure implementation class field name, for example,
. - $procFieldType
Procedure implmenetation class field type.
- $procFun
Procedure or function name or ID.
- $procMethod
Procedure implmenetation class method name.
- $procParam
Procedure parameter name.
- $procParamFmt
Freeform procedure parameter format.
- $propKey
Property key name, for example, name.
- $propKeyList
Comma-separated list of property key names.
- $query
Query string extract, for example,
MATCH (n) WHERE n.prop…
. - $reasonList
Comma-separated list of reasons of the failure.
- $relType
Relationship type name, for example,
. - $replacement
- $role
Role name, for example,
. - $routingPolicy
Routing policy name.
- $runtime
Cypher runtime name.
- $schemaDescr
Schema descriptor.
- $schemaDescrType
Type of schema descriptor.
- $selector
GPM path selector.
- $selectorType
Selector type.
- $server
Server name or ID, for example,
. - $serverList
Comma-separated list of server names or IDs, for example,
'server-1', 'server-2'
. - $serverType
Server type.
- $sig
Procedure or function signature.
- $syntax
Freeform syntax or keyword.
- $temporal
Temporal value.
- $timeAmount
Integral amount of time unit.
- $timeUnit
Common time unit name.
- $token
Token name.
- $tokenId
Token ID.
- $tokenType
Token type.
- $transactionId
The transaction ID of a running query.
- $upper
An upper bound.
- $url
A URL, for example,
- $user
A user name, for example,
. - $value
Some value.
- $valueList
Comma-separated list of values.
- $valueType
Value type.
- $valueTypeList
Comma-separated list of value types.
- $variable
Variable name, for example,
. - $variableList
Comma-separated list of variable names, for example,
a, b, c