Status description
error: invalid transaction state - specified transaction does not exist.
Transaction { $transactionId }
does not exist.
- $action
Freeform description of an action.
- $alias
An alias name.
- $alloc
Allocator name.
- $allocType
Allocation type.
- $auth
Auth provider name.
- $boltMsgLenLimit
Bolt message length limit.
- $boltServerState
Bolt server state.
- $cause
Freeform description of what caused the error.
- $cfgSetting
Configuration setting key, for example,
. - $clause
A clause, for example,
. - $cmd
Cypher administrative command, for example,
. - $component
Component name.
- $constr
Constraint name.
- $constrDescrOrName
Constraint descriptor or name.
- $context
Freeform description of a context.
- $coordinates
Coordinate value.
- $count
- $countAllocs
Desired number of servers to use.
- $countSeeders
Number of seeding servers.
- $crs
Coordinate reference system, for example, WGS84.
- $db
Database name, for example,
. - $dim
Number representing index dimenionality.
- $edition
Freeform edition description.
- $endpointType
One of
. - $entityId
ID of a node or a relationship.
- $entityType
A node or a relationship.
- $expr
Cypher expression, for example,
1 + n.prop
. - $exprType
Freeform expression type.
- $feat
Freeform feature description.
- $field
Input field, for example, for a procedure or deserialization.
- $format
Duration format.
- $fun
Function name.
- $funClass
User defined function implementation class name.
- $graph
The name of a graph, for example,
. - $graphTypeDependence
Graph type dependencency for constraint.
- $hint
Freeform description of a "hint".
- $hintList
Comma-separated list of free form descriptions of hints.
- $ident
Generic identifier.
- $idx
Index name.
- $idxDescr
Index descriptor.
- $idxDescrOrName
Index descriptor or name.
- $idxOrConstr
Index or constraint name
- $idxOrConstrPat
Index or constraint pattern
- $idxType
Index type, for example, text, vector, etc.
- $input
Piece of input.
- $inputList
Comma-separated list of inputs.
- $item
Freeform description of an item.
- $keyword
Cypher keyword, for example,
. - $label
Label name, for example,
. - $labelExpr
Label expression, for example,
. - $labelList
Comma-separated list of label names, for example,
Person, Actor
. - $lower
Lower bound.
- $mapKey
Map key.
- $mapKeyList
Comma-separated list of keys.
- $matchMode
GPM match mode.
- $maxTokenLength
Maximum token length.
- $msg
Freeform message, for example, "Howdy, Partner!".
- $msgTitle
Freeform message title.
- $namespace
- $namespaceList
Comma-separated list of namespaces.
- $operation
Operation, for example, a function.
- $option
Option name
- $optionList
Comma-separated list of option names.
- $param
Parameter name
- $paramList
Parameter list
- $pat
Pattern, for example,
. - $port
Port name
- $portList
Comma-separated list of port names.
- $pos
A position, for example, in a sequence.
- $pred
A predicate, for example,
'x = 3'
. - $predList
Comma-separated list of predicates, for example,
'x = 3', 'y > 4'
. - $preparserInput
Piece of preparser input.
- $proc
Procedure name, for example,
. - $procClass
Procedure implementation class name.
- $procExeMode
Procedure execution mode
- $procField
Procedure implementation class field name, for example,
. - $procFieldType
Procedure implmenetation class field type.
- $procFun
Procedure or function name or ID.
- $procMethod
Procedure implmenetation class method name.
- $procParam
Procedure parameter name.
- $procParamFmt
Freeform procedure parameter format.
- $propKey
Property key name, for example, name.
- $propKeyList
Comma-separated list of property key names.
- $query
Query string extract, for example,
MATCH (n) WHERE n.prop…
. - $reasonList
Comma-separated list of reasons of the failure.
- $relType
Relationship type name, for example,
. - $replacement
- $role
Role name, for example,
. - $routingPolicy
Routing policy name.
- $runtime
Cypher runtime name.
- $schemaDescr
Schema descriptor.
- $schemaDescrType
Type of schema descriptor.
- $selector
GPM path selector.
- $selectorType
Selector type.
- $server
Server name or ID, for example,
. - $serverList
Comma-separated list of server names or IDs, for example,
'server-1', 'server-2'
. - $serverType
Server type.
- $sig
Procedure or function signature.
- $syntax
Freeform syntax or keyword.
- $temporal
Temporal value.
- $timeAmount
Integral amount of time unit.
- $timeUnit
Common time unit name.
- $token
Token name.
- $tokenId
Token ID.
- $tokenType
Token type.
- $transactionId
The transaction ID of a running query.
- $upper
An upper bound.
- $url
A URL, for example, https://example.com.
- $user
A user name, for example,
. - $value
Some value.
- $valueList
Comma-separated list of values.
- $valueType
Value type.
- $valueTypeList
Comma-separated list of value types.
- $variable
Variable name, for example,
. - $variableList
Comma-separated list of variable names, for example,
a, b, c