
Status description

error: procedure exception - no such seeder. The specified seeding server with id { $server } was not found. Verify that the spelling is correct.



Freeform description of an action.


An alias name.


Allocator name.


Allocation type.


Auth provider name.


Bolt message length limit.


Bolt server state.


Freeform description of what caused the error.


Configuration setting key, for example, server.https.enabled.


A clause, for example, USE.


Cypher administrative command, for example, DROP DATABASE.


Component name.


Constraint name.


Constraint descriptor or name.


Freeform description of a context.


Coordinate value.




Desired number of servers to use.


Number of seeding servers.


Coordinate reference system, for example, WGS84.


Database name, for example, myDb.


Number representing index dimenionality.


Freeform edition description.


One of start, end.


ID of a node or a relationship.


A node or a relationship.


Cypher expression, for example, 1 + n.prop.


Freeform expression type.


Freeform feature description.


Input field, for example, for a procedure or deserialization.


Duration format.


Function name.


User defined function implementation class name.


The name of a graph, for example, myGraph.


Graph type dependencency for constraint.


Freeform description of a "hint".


Comma-separated list of free form descriptions of hints.


Generic identifier.


Index name.


Index descriptor.


Index descriptor or name.


Index or constraint name


Index or constraint pattern


Index type, for example, text, vector, etc.


Piece of input.


Comma-separated list of inputs.


Freeform description of an item.


Cypher keyword, for example, MERGE.


Label name, for example, Person.


Label expression, for example, Person&Human.


Comma-separated list of label names, for example, Person, Actor.


Lower bound.


Map key.


Comma-separated list of keys.


GPM match mode.


Maximum token length.


Freeform message, for example, "Howdy, Partner!".


Freeform message title.




Comma-separated list of namespaces.


Operation, for example, a function.


Option name


Comma-separated list of option names.


Parameter name


Parameter list


Pattern, for example, (:Person).


Port name


Comma-separated list of port names.


A position, for example, in a sequence.


A predicate, for example, 'x = 3'.


Comma-separated list of predicates, for example, 'x = 3', 'y > 4'.


Piece of preparser input.


Procedure name, for example, lauchRocket.


Procedure implementation class name.


Procedure execution mode


Procedure implementation class field name, for example, someField.


Procedure implmenetation class field type.


Procedure or function name or ID.


Procedure implmenetation class method name.


Procedure parameter name.


Freeform procedure parameter format.


Property key name, for example, name.


Comma-separated list of property key names.


Query string extract, for example, MATCH (n) WHERE n.prop…​.


Comma-separated list of reasons of the failure.


Relationship type name, for example, KNOWS.




Role name, for example, admin.


Routing policy name.


Cypher runtime name.


Schema descriptor.


Type of schema descriptor.


GPM path selector.


Selector type.


Server name or ID, for example, 25a7efc7-d063-44b8-bdee-f23357f89f01.


Comma-separated list of server names or IDs, for example, 'server-1', 'server-2'.


Server type.


Procedure or function signature.


Freeform syntax or keyword.


Temporal value.


Integral amount of time unit.


Common time unit name.


Token name.


Token ID.


Token type.


The transaction ID of a running query.


An upper bound.


A URL, for example, https://example.com.


A user name, for example, neo4j.


Some value.


Comma-separated list of values.


Value type.


Comma-separated list of value types.


Variable name, for example, n.


Comma-separated list of variable names, for example, a, b, c.