

A graph based application to be able to check the health of the GNOME games built using python and neo4j.

Check which gnome modules builds are failing/passing/timing out/missing from gnome-continuous builds Find out their dependencies Run queries on a graph to find out what possibly broke a module. For example: Find out which dependencies are used exclusively by the failing modules as an indication that the dependency is broken.


Building the Model with Cypher

// Create all the game nodes
CREATE (chess:Game {name: 'Chess'})
CREATE (sudoku:Game {name: 'Sudoku'})
CREATE (taquin:Game {name: 'Taquin'})
CREATE (klotski:Game {name: 'Klotski'})

// Add dependency information used by each game
MERGE (gio:Dependency {name:'gio-2.0'})-[:USED_BY]->(taquin)
MERGE (glib:Dependency {name:'glib-2.0'})-[:USED_BY]->(taquin)
MERGE (gmod:Dependency {name:'gmod'})-[:USED_BY]->(taquin)
MERGE (gtk:Dependency {name:'gtk+-3.0'})-[:USED_BY]->(taquin)

MERGE (gio)-[:USED_BY]->(klotski)
MERGE (glib)-[:USED_BY]->(klotski)
MERGE (gmodule1:Dependency {name:'gmodule-1.0'})-[:USED_BY]->(klotski)
MERGE (gtk)-[:USED_BY]->(klotski)

MERGE (gio)-[:USED_BY]->(chess)
MERGE (glib)-[:USED_BY]->(chess)
MERGE (gmodule:Dependency {name:'gmodule-2.0'})-[:USED_BY]->(chess)
MERGE (gtk)-[:USED_BY]->(chess)
MERGE (librsvg:Dependency {name:'librsvg-2.0'})-[:USED_BY]->(chess)

MERGE (gio)-[:USED_BY]->(sudoku)
MERGE (glib)-[:USED_BY]->(sudoku)
MERGE (gtk)-[:USED_BY]->(sudoku)
MERGE (gee:Dependency {name:'gee-0.8'})-[:USED_BY]->(sudoku)
MERGE (qqwing:Dependency {name:'qqwing-1.0'})-[:USED_BY]->(sudoku)

// Create possible build result nodes
CREATE (passed_build:BuildPassed {name: 'Build Passed'})
CREATE (failed_build:BuildFailed {name: 'Build Failed'})
CREATE (timeout_build:BuildTimeout {name: 'Build Timeout'})
CREATE (info_missing:BuildInfoMissing {name: 'Build Info Missing'})

// Add build status information
MERGE (taquin)-[:BUILD_IS]->(info_missing)
MERGE (klotski)-[:BUILD_IS]->(passed_build)
MERGE (chess)-[:BUILD_IS]->(passed_build)
MERGE (sudoku)-[:BUILD_IS]->(failed_build)

Querying the Graph

// Sudoku's build is failing which needs to be looked into
// Two potential problems:
// 1. A bad commit pushed into Sudoku
// 2. A bad commit pushed into a dependency
//    - Incase a dependency is broken, filter out dependencies used exclusively by Sudoku

// A query to find out which games build is failing and display exclusively used dependencies
// Now from the resulting graph the exploration space of "what broke the build" is highly reduced!
MATCH (dep:Dependency)-->(game:Game)-->(missing:BuildFailed)
WHERE NOT (dep)-->(:Game)-->(:BuildPassed)
RETURN dep, game, missing

Now its easy to find out what possibly broke a module using some simple queries on a graph instead of:

  • going to the gnome-common webpage

  • looking for the modules that you maintain one by one

  • going to their source on GitHub(incase a module is broken)

  • finding out the dependencies and commits

  • coming back to the gnome-common webpage to see how the build was a day before and so on.

Though I’m using this for just the GNOME-games, it can be easily extended to all the GNOME applications.

Full source code with automated graph creation and build status/dependency extraction: