
Tomorrow I am presenting at the NextBuild conference in Eindhoven - you can see more info over here. Of course I am going to be talking a lot about Neo4j and just for fun, I decided to put the conference schedule in this graph.

A Google Sheet as the main repository

I had to of course start from the schedule on the NextBuild website, and convert that into a google sheet with all the data. Once I had that, I could add the data pretty easily.

nextbuild final vector

Let’s load that data into this graphgist.

Let’s take a look at what we have now:

Ok - so that looks like a big fat hairball. Not very useful. So let’s try to zoom in a bit, and run a simple query over our graph: let’s find a couple of sessions in Day 1:

match (t:Time)<--(s:Session)--(connections)
return t,s,connections
limit 50

and here’s a sample of the graph:

Let’s do another query:

match path = allshortestpaths( (p1:Person)-[*]-(p2:Person) )
where contains "Rik"
and contains "Bas"
return path

and display the result

Last one for fun: let’s look at the sessions that have more than one speaker:

match (s:Session)-[r:SPEAKS_IN]-(p:Person)
with s, collect(p) as person, count(p) as count
where count > 1
return s,person

and display it:

Just a start…​

I hope this gist was interesting for you, and that we will see each other soon.

This gist was created by Rik Van Bruggen