Code API dependency
Neo4j graph to show API dependencies
Application developers rely on public apis for their code to function. This model is to show how updates of public apis can be flagged as impacting code. With these relationships defined between custom client in-house code and the api methods they rely on, you can look quickly and see which api changes could impact existing code.
Sample Data Loaded
// Create code clients
CREATE (Email:Client {id:'1', description:'email client', repo:'localgit:emailClient'})
CREATE (Text:Client {id:'2', description:'sms client', repo:'localgit:textClient'})
CREATE (Invoice:Client {id:'3', description:'produce invoice client', repo:'localgit:invoiceClient'})
// Create Public Api methods
CREATE (MailCh:Vendor {id:'11', name:'mailCh', apiDoc:''})
CREATE (Twil:Vendor {id:'12', name:'twil', apiDoc:''})
CREATE (Invoiceapi:Vendor {id:'13', name:'mailCh', apiDoc:''})
// Create consumes relationship
CREATE (Email)-[:CONSUMES {method:'getServer', version:'1.7', status:'Changed'}]->(MailCh)
CREATE (Text)-[:CONSUMES {method:'getSmsCarrier', version:'3.2', status:'Removed'}]->(Twil)
CREATE (Email)-[:CONSUMES {method:'getEmailServer', version:'1.7', status:'Removed'}]->(MailCh)
CREATE (Invoice)-[:CONSUMES {method:'getInvoiceNumer', version:'2.3', status:'Same'}]->(Invoiceapi)
Identify Dependencies
We collect all of our dependencies
MATCH (client:Client)-[r:CONSUMES]->(vendor)
RETURN client.description AS `Client Description`, client.repo AS `Code Location`, r.method AS `API Method`, r.status AS `Details`
Identify Changes for Removal
Look for api changes that require code changes. Api methods being removed that you depend on would require your attention to fix.
MATCH (client:Client)-[r:CONSUMES]->(vendor)
WHERE r.status = "Removed"
RETURN client.description AS `Client Description`, client.repo AS `Code Location To Update`, r.method AS `API Method`, r.status AS `Details`, r.version AS `VERSION`
Identify Changes to Test
Look for api changes that should flag testing. Changes in existing methods could cause slient issues→code might function but might not be the same results as before.
MATCH (client:Client)-[r:CONSUMES]->(vendor)
WHERE r.status = "Changed"
RETURN client.description AS `Client Description`, client.repo AS `Code Location`, r.method AS `API Method`, r.status AS `Details`, r.version AS `VERSION`
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